The caucus brings together among other women groups the following Organisations: Maendeleo ya Wanawake, National Council of Women of Kenya, Coalition on Violence Against Women ,Women Political Leadership, Centre for Rights Education and Awareness, Tomorrow’s Child Initiative, Women in Law and Development, African Women and Child and Development through Media ,Young Women Leadership Institute and the Federation of Women Lawyers - Kenya (Fida).
The questions that remain to be asked is such a strategy viable in a Country where Gender Violence,discrimination, inequality, marital rape, abuse etc are rife? Will not this call endanger the lives of many women in abusive marital relationships ?Is it perhaps an elitist feminist agenda ment to gain popularity for a few and that will eventually receive little or no support from the grassroots?Futhermore such a move pushes to the fore 'the sex agenda" whereby women are viewed as only good for sex and as using sex to gain favors from men? Would such a view be advantageous to the Kenyan women?
I'm sure my worthy female readers will trump this post as a chauvinist sentiment but truth be told is that the current social scenario and environment may not favour such move in fact the negative consequences will be tenfold. Perhaps that's why the boycott is only seven days, at the same time there is threat of increased infidelity and a prostitution boom during such a period!
On the other hand a question rouses itself to the 'proffesed' christian wife whether she will obey the unconditional biblical appeal for her to continue subject to his husband just as the congregation was to Christ, is the call biblically/ religiously wise? While the organisers have a noble aim to compel the leaders to pursue peace and prosperity for the Country, but is this the only option in terms of lobbying the political leadership to pursue change? Kenyan public i provoke your comments in this article....your take?

This is just another blunder of kenya;s democratic wayt of putiing there message geard, first it was violence, now our women leadrs are calling for sex boycott? shane shame Godhelp kenya this is not a solution koinange will bebooming bussiness from tonight you women willbe double lossers..........Noor in Easleigh.
ReplyDeleteThe said women are paying twilight girls not to go to work. Kumbe all along there was a solution to prostitution.
ReplyDeleteNairobian I also have a post on the same although mine is in jest. Incidentally our office is quiet about it I wonder why.
Me thinks the call should be for Ida who has already declared 100% support, and that other one who I wont mention for fear of the unknown.
@Shiko the twilight girls will then make double, who says they can be trusted whereas the nature of their business precludes trust and or morals? i will be reading your post once its live !
ReplyDeleteNairobi I also ask myself the same questions "Futhermore such a move pushes to the fore 'the sex agenda" whereby women are viewed as only good for sex and as using sex to gain favors from men? Would such a view be advantageous to the Kenyan women?"
ReplyDeleteThe wierd thing is, how is my boyfie not having sex affecting what Baba Jimmy and Baba Fidel are doing?
It is a noble concept that has merit. Historically, men have been proven weak in the eyes of the “prize.” The execution of the concept to achieve the desired result is the problem.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, one week is not long enough. I’d suggest a month. Second, EVERY WOMAN should be on lockdown (including the prostitutes, like Shiko-Msa mentions), house girls, neighbor’s wives, everyone.
And as far as the suggestion that it is a western concept: it is a weapon that has been used from time immemorial by women across all social classes (which actually contributes to prostitution).
@ Mama Shujaa, in our cultural setup it will be a flop!it also teaches young ones that to get something instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue you should simply boycott! the antiquity of the technique notwithstanding , futhermore Kenyan leaders have often shown not to be moved by public acrimony, consider the mathira massacres....nohing has been done and those were murders what about sex? after seven days lets sit back and evaluate the cause!
ReplyDeleteIn a capitalist society for housewives to tell prostitutes to stop their trade for a week, that would be persuasion i wait to see happen!the strike is precursor for a prostitute boom!
@ Mama Shujaa, in our cultural setup it will be a flop!it also teaches young ones that to get something instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue you should simply boycott! the antiquity of the technique notwithstanding , futhermore Kenyan leaders have often shown not to be moved by public acrimony, consider the mathira massacres....nohing has been done and those were murders what about sex? after seven days lets sit back and evaluate the cause!
ReplyDeleteIn a capitalist society for housewives to tell prostitutes to stop their trade for a week, that would be persuasion i wait to see happen!the strike is precursor for a prostitute boom!
so, we Nigerians are definitely watching this sex ban with interest. There are many forms of peaceful political protest and the key is to learn not just how to use these forms, but enforce them efficiently, while punishing those who chose to renege.
ReplyDeleteMy only concern is that the top ranking officials that this ban is supposed to affect are probably not sleeping with their wives, anyway. I would seek out their mistresses. As we Africans know, the 'other woman' can be just as effective, if not more so.
This shameful news is sending a very wrong message to the children of these women, especially the leaders? Come to think of it, you are in elementary (primary) school and your mother is one of the leaders in the so called G-10 and she is anouncing on TV that she will slap your dad with a seven-day sex ban.How would you feel? No, no! This is not African. It is an abomination!