There's been much hype about Sofapaka football club in the media of late even an invitation to visit their website.So i engaged myself in the task to find out more about the club, its history ,sponsorship etc. I must say the name sofa paka also attracted my interest but i have been thoroughly disappointed and i blame the webmaster.
Truthfully the site is appealing but lacks an ABOUT page which would provide information about the club, etc. Whatever details on the site including its vision read like a Memorandum and Articles of association of a company incorporated in the early nineties!
Whether the club is sponsored by an organization, belonging to an individual ,or private organization is simply not stated.Its just too mystique and i believe such details should have been given prominence before the public were actually invited to visit the site!
However on a positive note the site is visually appealing, constantly updated and interactive! That's a good thing! On a more positive note the coach Robert Matano has really done good with the boys and this past Kenya Football Federation league winner team is set for impressive heights. Last year the club President Elly Kalekwa(his photos are prominent on the website ) announced a Kshs 20 million budget for this years Kenya Premier League. For local football that was quite an initiative and readily welcome. The team management is certainly behind the teams impressive performance and they have embraced technology (i.e the recent SMS driven public sponsorship promotion dubbed, "SCORE HAO NA SOFAPAKA", and fact that they accept Paypal payments is a good tell tale sign) .This blog wishes the local premier league football team all success ! Go sofapaka and upgrade your site!

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