Technorati are monitoring thousands of blogs being churned out there on a daily basis!It therefore stands to reason no matter the quality of a blog without sufficient traffic the posts may just be buried under.For myself i rely on linkrefferal and Entrecard to get the almost assured number (actually over 100)of daily unique visits!
I do invite my fellow bloggers to consider signing up with Entre card and they will be pleasantly suprised at the online presence of their blogs.To aptly inform their users on signing up Entrecard is offering a free online E book at the following link free E PDF book. Further they have put up a new interface that enables one to "add a new blog" to their account in their newly revamped website.For good cause join Entrecard and get more internet web traffic.
And while you are at it please join me at
Nairobian Perspective thanks for your visit. I get lots of blogging tips from this end and thanks for that too. For some I've registered some are in the queue.
ReplyDeleteI see yours truly right there on your blog roll. Revenge is coming soonest.
NB question - this Blogrush, does it ever bring you any traffic at all? I feel mine is just hogging space and does not bring any traffic. I'm contemplating removing it.
Yer its hogging up space though the only benefit is the directory which is good for pagerank, otherwise you ccan do away with it!Theres also blogcatalog.I have opened a group
ReplyDeletespecifically for African bloggers to network,you are welcome to join!
Thanks. I'll check out the blog catalog.