Izea inc is counting down to the launch of their Twitter based advertising platform dubbed "SponsoredTweets".This will enable twitter users make money from their twitter accounts by posting specific advertisements.
Izea Inc is behind the blog advertising platforms, Payperpost(join) and Social Sparks(join) which allows bloggers to make money on paid sponsored posts. The new development is already attracting new users with over 1000, guys following the new site on Twitter. Izea will be giving 1000 dollars to the 10,000 follower on twitter to sign up and follow Sponsoredtweets. To follow the new site on Twitter just click on @Spontwts. From the Sponsored Tweets interface one can get to follow featured celebrity personalities at just a click .Users can also get to fix and determine the price of each advert they will post to twitter. Indeed social media advertising is taking a new turn with twitter in the market!
Africa News Search: What i like about this site is that you do not only get the latest News Headlines but a brief summary of what is happening in the Continent on regional basis .
AllAfrica.Com this is my favorite as it aggregates all the major newspapers and authoritative blogs n the continent. The site is constantly updated with the latest breaking news in Africa
Africa is now connected to the World fibre optically thanks to the Seacom Under Sea Fibre Optic Cable launch that took place on 23rd July, 2009 at Neotel’s South Africa's new head office and data centre facility in Midrand, Johannesburg. The fibre optic cable will transmit data at 1.28 Tera bytes per second(Tbps) and is over 15,000 km long connecting Africa with Europe and India via the East African Coast.Undoubtedly Africa will soon experience internet connectivity in a way never experienced before!
I was pleasantly surprised to read the Seacom blog and to see the launch photos at the Seacom Facebook fan page and to add on it all Seacom has a twitter account .That just goes to illustrate how serious Africa is in its quest to narrow the digital divide and harness the power of the internet. However while the infrastructure is now available issues of cost ,accessibility, public awareness and education need to be looked at by all the partner states so that the connectivity is not in vain!
I am pretty excited at the opportunities this creates, congrats to Africa for this giant leap!
If you are a lover of Neo-Soul & RnB then watch out for this new sensation Beverley Knight dubbed the 'British Queen of Soul' as she kicks out a bevy of extremely delightful neo soul music.And to create a buzz out of her talent Beverley Knight offers you a free download of one of her latest tunes 'Every Step' in the soon to be released new album entitled"100%" set to be released on 14th September, 2009 ! I listened to the track as we were driving to Kisumu this weekend to bury a colleague and the track was real mellow, lovely tunes".For more details you can check out her website @www.beverleyknight.com/ Interestingly this will be the 5th album to be released by this 1973 British born singer, producer and songwriter ! That just goes to show how little of extremely good neo soul gets to receive good airplay down here in Africa!Im impressed by her level of achievements as indicated in this wikipedia article.
Beverley Knight is a Musical Super Star of African Origin. Kudos and here is a You-Tube video of her song "Beautiful Night" to be featured in the new album!
I love the music group Cold Play so much and their latest Multiple 2009 Grammy Award Winning song " Viva La Vida" is so motivational! Im certain the song will be a theme song of many teams in next years 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.
Here are the lyrics coupled with a Youtube video of the song" Viva La Vida" By Coldplay, my son loves it too at only 2 years of age!
LYRICS:' VIVA LA VIDA' I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemys' eyes Listen as the crowd would sing "Now the old king is dead, long live the king" One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt, and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing Roman calvary choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain Once you know there was never, never an honest word That was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn't believe what I'd become Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh, who would ever want to be king
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing Roman calvary choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world
Hear Jerusalem bells are ringing Roman calvary choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world
All Nations that engaged in the Trans Atlantic slave trade owe Africa an apology and reparations for the heinous crimes that they committed shipping Africans in the most horrendous and sordid manner in a slave trade that span almost six centuries!What is sad is that up to this date certain emotive words are associated with places/landing points where the slaves were being shipped from to Western Countries. Among this places include the Cape Coast Castle and Elmina Castle Ghana one of which was recently visited by American President Barrack Hussein Obama and His Wife Michelle Obama.Shimoni at the Kenyan Coast is another such place.The word "Shimoni" means a hole/cave where slaves were kept pending shipment. In East Africa the main slave trade market was at Bagamoyo in Zanzibar .The name "Bagamoyo" means in swahili 'lay down your heart' which meant that once the slaves reached this market they would lay down any hopes of any return.It is sad, extremely sad.
In Kenya, such historic sites associated with the slave trade include:Gede Ruins in Malindi, Jumba la Mtwana & Rabai in Kilifi and Shimoni Caves in Kwale.Interestingly over 10,000 African Americans annually visit the cave of no return at the Cape Coast Castle as a pilgrimage in honor of their ancestors. The place has become a tourist destination for the Americans of African origin a stark reminder of how brutal and selfish man can become under the guise of religion, development ...etc.Kenya should take the opportunity to market this destinations especially to the African American population as many do not seem to know how expansive the slave trade was and only associate it with West Africa. There is a wikipedia stub on African Slave Trade but the same needs to be expanded upon as it contains scanty details on what truly occurred in the dark past of human history.
The eloquent Kenyan " KTN's " tv news anchor "John Allan Namu" bagged the covetous CNN African Journalist of the Year Award for 2009 in Durban South Africa on Saturday night at the awards ceremony.
And i must say deservedly so for his piece on Mungiki dubbed"In the Shadows of Mungiki". Without doubt that was a risky assignment but he covered it with wit and confidence. Kudos John !Indeed his efforts are an inspiration to many upcoming young journalist.Here at Nairobians perspective we continue to recognize home grown talent Congratulations John Alan Namu for your mean fete and thats a nice photo.
Walter Leland Cronkite , the father of modern day anchor news died on Friday 17th July, 2009. The man undoubtedly is a media maverick and did much to develop News reporting to the level we know of it now. Born on November 14th , 1916 Walter as a journalist covered some of the most significant news the world has ever witnessed, including:
World War II(2) Walter Cronkite was right in the front lines.
Post World War II Nurenberg Tribunals
Vietnam War where he declared America would reach a stalemate and that eventually happened.
JF Kennedy Assasination
Water Gate scandal
Mans First Walk on the Moon
For a detailed synopsis of his biography please see the wikipedia stub, but undoubtedly a great Journalist has now passed on leaving a great legacy!
Giorgio Armani Jeans are undoubtedly cool! As Americans get into the real heat of summer Jeans without doubt Armani Denim Jeans are a must have. I have just visited the online store at Armani to check out the brand A|X Armani Exchange ( a youthful label created by Italian designer and entrepreneur Giorgio Armani)and stumbled upon some real cool jeans.
The Men's section has five styles of Jeans including J101 Boot,Low Rise Bootcut Classic,J65 Straight(the first three being my favorites: photos as below)Regular Rise Straight Leg Classic fit... etc.Imagine getting "New Premium Denim starting at $98". That's quite a good bargain all at the Armani Exchange.
To crown it all this July 2009 Armani has a text A|X sms contest , whereby to enter you will need to text the keyword "DENIM2" to ARMANI (276264) more information at this link:http://clk.atdmt.com/K01/go/159833558/direct/01/. customers who purchase a full price pair of denim from Armani Exchange, in store or online, between 7/7/09 – 7/19/09 will receive a gift card of $20 off their next purchase of $100 or more.The offer is valid from 7/30/09 through 8/15/09.
Why not give the store a visit? And while at it you can visit the A|X Blog and get a feel of what other people are thinking about the sale!
CNN's Anderson Coopers Show this morning is running a video of Michael Jackson's hair on fire during the shooting a Pepsi Commercial in 1984, im sorry with all respect to the late, that video is hilarious! I cant help but laugh at what too much grease on the hair and some side show sparks can do.
On Michael Jackson's autopsy its amazing how despite having so much money, fame and opportunity Michael Jackson had to use a generic drug Propofol (a form of Diprivan) which is an aesthetic drug used in operative surgery to induce sleep. Michael had to be literally knocked out in order to sleep. Is that not sad and definately a lesson to all of us fame,riches ,money is not everything.
A visit to Nation Media,sEasy FM 's Facebook pagereveals one thing Kenyans Juxtafixation to matters dealing with sex. The site has a steadily growing face book fan base of 12,265 individuals .The trending topics revolve around... marriage, relationships, infidelity(marital or otherwise) ,dogging, Ciku's Guide to being the perfect lover, Munene Nyaga's usual quips,..etc
You can also get to listen live on the day's topic of conversation and other programs. On the Easy FM's Facebook wall page you can post comments, interestingly a dude yesterday made a comment about the hubby's performance in bed which was meant to be confidential forgetting that her profile name accompanies her comments and this is often catapulted accross all her friends status updates.Thats just how daft one can get. But entry of Easy Fm into the social media arena marks a change in marketing in Kenya and many companies should follow suit. Next should be a Twitter Profile.CallingAmerica.com Free USA Calls !
July 14th every year marks Bastille day for France.However this year14 July 2009 marks a new turn after a series of riots and protests resulting in the burning of 317 cars and 13 police injured.The genesis of the riots is being traced to the French town of Firminy where protesters took to the streets following the death of Mohamed Benmouna, a local supermarket cashier who was taken from his police cell in a coma and later died in hospital in queer circumstances .
It so happens that Amnesty international has previously issued a damning report on Police Brutality in France which basically means according to the adage "where there is smoke there could be fire" something is wrong here .
Bastille day is celebrated in France each year on July 14 to mark the storming of the Bastille fortress prison on the same day in 1789( see wikipedia stub on Bastille Day)The Bastille was a prison and a symbol of the absolute and arbitrary power of Louis the 16th's Ancient Regime. By capturing this symbol, the people signaled that the Monarch's power was no longer absolute: power should be based and emanate from the people. It is this act that led to fundamental doctrine in constitutional law to wit: the principle of separation of powers.
Looking for a dream job? Tired of attending endless job interviews with no firm prospects ? Do yo need help in writing your resume/c.v, job application ? Are you employed and seek better employment prospects?Want to improve your level of skills and get accredited by World Class universities? The answer to all those questions lies in an ingenious website named LEARN.COM.The Premier online academy for Elearning!
Learn.com was launched in the month of June 2009 and according to the press release became " the first company in history to provide a single, integrated platform for those seeking skill improvement for a particular job profile and those seeking to hire skilled, "job ready" workers" Learn.com earns value to both job seekers and employers and offers a platform where one can monitor his personal development online with an easy interface.The site offers over 3,000 online courses in diverse fields. The site also enables users to determine their skill score which is defined as " a personal tracking and development score that determines a users proficiency for skills that are mapped to a Job Profile"
I enrolled in the program and was surprised to see among the free courses a course on Stress Management : Stress on the Job. I am certain that most of my colleagues will find this course to be of great benefit seeing the amount of stress coupled with pace of life and work that modern jobs have placed on many of the working class.There is also a free Course on interview skills; this may be of great interest to job seekers as well as employers.
But what impressed me more is that you can actually get to create and develop your own course, offer it and get paid for each sign up.That in essence means that the website recognizes that we all have our peculiar skills which may be of benefit to others. The site will thus empower individuals with skills and knowledge but who have been otherwise hindered by certain constraints to be able to realize their goal. Learn.Com is a ready resource for job seekers ,you can find out more at the site!
Blogging can be an interesting & passionate pass time activity but it can also pay handsomely especially if you know what you are doing and how to do it more effectively. For a start up most newbie bloggers may not know how to make moneyonline when writing on their topic of choice ,often times its also difficult for them to know legitimate advertising firms that can serve as a nexus between them and advertisers willing to pay them for their posts.
My experience has been to use Payperpost if you are still a newbie.Honestly i sometimes make more money in a month from Payperpost than from two years of Google AdSense.
That just makes me mad ,so i had to share this information especially seeing that many Kenyans are now taking up to blogging after increased internet access and the landing of the TEAMS fibre optic connection cable in Mombasa early last month.The good thing about Payperpost is that a blogger simply writes on how he feels about a product without necessarily being required to say it in a particular way.
Payperpost have just recently launched a new version of their service: Version 4 which allows bloggers to determine what price they will be paid for each word in a post and or link they put up.You are also allowed to choose which kind of link including one with the attributes "Rel= No Follow". IZEA, the parent company of PayPerPost, is a proud member of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association thus its legitimacy is undisputed. You too can make money online by Blogging .To sign up to PayPerPost v4.0and start earning money from home , you can sign up below :
Kenya's undisputed top comedian Daniel NdambukIa.kaMwalimuKingangi aka Churchill(of Churchill Live fame) has set out for a search of who is Kenya's top new stand up comedian in a reality tv talent search television show dubbed "Top Comic" show that began to be televised on Tuesday July 6 2009 & Thursday the new re branded Nation Media Group TV station NTV.
The Top Comic show is embracing technology with the Facebook Page constantly updating the fans on the show, photos of the Kisumu, Mombasa and Nairobi auditions,plot outlines etc. The show will feature and be hosted by among others ..Churchill, MainaKageni, Tony Njuguna, Eric Omondi ...etc.
15 contestants will be chosen to enter into the Top Comedy talent academy whereupon the search for Kenya's next 'top comic' will begin. This is an ingenious idea that will definitely keep Kenyans entertained. Keep to this blog for best reviews, opinions, tit bits on the show.
The nomination period for the 2009 Black Weblog Awards is now officially on. According to the Black Weblog website : the nomination period is open from June 20 – July 25, 2009 whereupon blog owners can submit their sites for the awards in 31 categories as follows:
Aaron Hawkins Award
Best Blog Design
Best Business Blog
Best Culture Blog
Best Faith-Based Blog
Best Food Blog
Best Gossip Blog
Best Group Blog
Best Health & Wellness Blog
Best Hip Hop Group
Best Humor Blog
Best International Blog
Best LGBT blog
Best Micro blog(Twitter profiles)
Best Music Blog
Best New Blog
Best Parenting and Family Blog
Best Personal Blog
Best Photo Blog
Best Podcast
Best Political/News Blog
Best Sex & Relationships Blog
Best Science & Technology Blog
Best Sports & Recreation Blog
Best Style & Fashion
Best Teen Blog
Best Writing in a Blog
Blog of the Year
Blog to Watch
The Black Weblog Awards has been in existence for the last four years and seeks to reward and recognize exceptional black blogger's both in America and the Diaspora who have excelled in their online blogging activities and who may have remained unrecognized in mainstream blogging.The site boasts participants from over 90 Countries and steadily rising to be one of the Black fraternity's most prestigious online activity event and awards !
Without Doubt the poem "We Had Him" written By Maya Angelou and Performed by Queen Latifah at Michael Jackson's (MJ'S) memorial at Staples Center LA yesterday is a masterpiece and one of Maya's best piece to be relished for times indefinite.
For a full script(text) of the poem, here goes:
Beloveds, now we know that we know nothing Now that our bright and shining star can slip away from our fingertips like a puff of summer wind
Without notice, our dear love can escape our doting embrace,sing our songs among the stars and and walk our dances across the face of the moon
In the instant we learn, that Michael is gone we know nothing No clocks can tell our time and no oceans can rush our tides With the abrupt absence of our treasure
Though we Are many, each of us is achingly alone Piercingly alone Only when we confess our confusion can we remember that he was a gift to us and we did have him
He came to us from the Creator, trailing creativity in abundance Despite the anguish of life he was sheathed in mother love and family love and survived and did not more than that
He thrived with passion and compassion, humor and style We had him Whether we knew who he was or did not know, he was our's and we were his We had him
Beautiful, delighting our eyes He raked his hat slant over his brow and took a pose on his toes for all of us and we laughed and stomped our feet for him
We were enchanted with his passion because he held nothing He gave us all he had been given
Today in Tokyo, beneath the Eiffel Tower, in Ghana's Blackstar Square, in Johannesburg, in Pittsburgh, in Birmingham, Alabama and Birmingham England, we are missing Michael Jackson
But we do know that we had him And we are the world.
Interesting,Beautiful,Marvelous Piece! Maya(link to official site) is a gift for certain and her poem captured the mood of millions of Michael Jacksons fans. A reminder of how fleeting life is sometimes what remains is to reminisce about lost chances. We had him......
Google has just announced their latest new major initiative: an open-source operating system dubbed Google Chrome OS. The press release on the official Google blog reads in part:
"Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks. Later this year we will open-source its code, and netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010. Because we're already talking to partners about the project, and we'll soon be working with the open source community, we wanted to share our vision now so everyone understands what we are trying to achieve.Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. We're designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the web in a few seconds. The user interface is minimal to stay out of your way, and most of the user experience takes place on the web. And as we did for the Google Chrome browser, we are going back to the basics and completely redesigning the underlying security architecture of the OS so that users don't have to deal with viruses, malware and security updates. It should just work.Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and we are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. All web-based applications will automatically work and new applications can be written using your favorite web technologies. And of course, these apps will run not only on Google Chrome OS, but on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux thereby giving developers the largest user base of any platform.Google Chrome OS is a new project, separate from Android. Android was designed from the beginning to work across a variety of devices from phones to set-top boxes to netbooks. Google Chrome OS is being created for people who spend most of their time on the web, and is being designed to power computers ranging from small netbooks to full-size desktop systems. While there are areas where Google Chrome OS and Android overlap, we believe choice will drive innovation for the benefit of everyone, including Google.We hear a lot from our users and their message is clear — computers need to get better. People want to get to their email instantly, without wasting time waiting for their computers to boot and browsers to start up. They want their computers to always run as fast as when they first bought them. They want their data to be accessible to them wherever they are and not have to worry about losing their computer or forgetting to back up files. Even more importantly, they don't want to spend hours configuring their computers to work with every new piece of hardware, or have to worry about constant software updates. And any time our users have a better computing experience, Google benefits as well by having happier users who are more likely to spend time on the Internet.We have a lot of work to do, and we're definitely going to need a lot of help from the open source community to accomplish this vision. We're excited for what's to come and we hope you are too. Stay tuned for more updates in the fall and have a great summer"
That is indeed exciting news and Microsoft better watch out Google has just proved its here to stay and for the long run.I believe the new Google Chrome OS is a marvelous addition to Google's range of innovative products.
You can watch at this website the live stream of Michael Jackson's televised funeral and memorial service on this page today at 12.00 noon Central Time(9.00 P.M ) Kenyan time.CNN and other networks will start much earlier reviewing the life and times of the famous singer .The late Michael Jackson will be buried at his Neverland Ranch Santa Barbara County, California.TIckets for his memorial were sold out with over 1.6 million fans applying for the same.
The 2008 Republican Iron Lady Sarah Palinand Presidential running mate for John Mc Cain has now resigned from her post of Governor of Alaska in a move many pundits are attributing to a possible 2012 White House Presidential bid .That effectively means there will be more hilarious comedy in 2012.
Sarah Palin Resigns:
Palin is reported to have told reporters at her lakefront home in Wasilla, Alaska, that she wanted to "take a stand and effect change, not just hit our head against the wall and watch valuable state time and money, millions of your dollars, go down the drain." Yap that is a calculated move but with her high profile blunders will America vote for her in the next round of elections.Furthermore wasn't she the one who was accused of abusing state resources for her own comfort and to entertain family.
As they say 'if you live in a glass house don't throw stones'. Former Governor Sarah Palin should know this.However with respect to her possible Presidential bid I'm sure many people will adopt a wait and see attitude and this time with twice as much popcorn to enjoy the movie! Join the SparkE Crew!
The web is morphing at a tremendous speed, i have just come across a site that seems to be a crossbreed of the worlds two most prominent search giants Twitter & Google! the site is Twoogle @Twoogle.Browsys.com
The Twoogle website allows users to search twitter and google simultaneously. The site will be readily visited by the millions of online users who are eager to find the developing trends of concerns over social media. Twoogle is a start up that will attract the attention of the big I.T. and Search engine firms for its ability to aggregate the Worlds two most used search portals into one interface. So take your time and visit Twoogle for the most relevant and recent searches including the latest on the Worlds trending topics,breaking news, etc.
Twoogle is engineered by Browsys.com a website which was created as a free service to make web navigation easier and faster, by providing services that links and/or directly query online content providers and/or search engines not owned or controlled by them,.Browsys also offer online virtual folders.