We sometimes may wonder why ordinary Kenyans who have lived peacefully as neighbors may all of a sudden one day wake up to butcher each other but the answer is plain and simple: pent up anger over oppressive conditions or leaders.If leaders care little about the security and well being of the electorates how can they expect the electorate to care about each other?Frustration has its way of coming up to the fore hence peaceful times should be used to foment and sustain peace.
The decision by the local Government minister Uhuru Kenyatta is ill timed,little thought and advised.For one it pronounces the differences that Kenyans have to strive now to bridge and bury.The difference between the have's and have not's!How can an ordinary mwanachi walk close to 7 kilometers to work so as to pay taxes that will fuel and purchase fuel guzzlers for hefty earning leaders who are indifferent to their plight !That is plain immoral, injusticeable and highly demoralizing!If not addressed at this juncture it will be addressed in future.Its time leaders thought of the long run consequences of their actions before implementing them.
While decongesting the city centre is a noble idea there must be put in place a mechanism to ensure that workers are dropped closest to their work places(i wonder why COTU is silent on this issue Mr Francis Atwoli are you blind?).I wish there were trams, city buses,trains,tubes or metros to ensure that we have less vehicles both private and personals off the streets.Such modern modes of transport should actually be employed to serve all the heavily populated outskirts of the city such as Thika, Ngong, Kiserian, Ongata Rongai, Kangemi,Kiambu,Kahawa,Kasarani etc. In fact the panacea to our transport problems lies in development,the safety and reliance of a modern train/rail system.Our leaders travel abroad time and again but they hardly think of incorporating modern developments.Some were even schooled abroad but are still narrow minded and backward.What a shame!Instead they want their citizenry to walk(which may be healthy, but well again tiresome and draining).If we want a rapidly developing and robust society(remember 24 hour economy) we must have a dependable and reliable round the clock transport system.Putting people at Muthurwa (mugging capital of the world)without security, security lights... etc almost a kilometer or two from their work place will not serve that purpose.
It must be noted that the current act by the minister for local Government and the Nairobi City Council is decongesting the city but congesting the environment.More personal cars including the worn out ones which have now been resuscitated means more pollution.The UN is currently carrying an advertisement on international media e.g CNN advising people in the developed countries to use public transport so as to minimize on pollution which has led to climate changes and global warming.On the other hand our retrogressive leaders and authorities are encouraging Kenyans to do vice versa.Kenyans have been calling for youthful leaders to implement change yet as you can currently see that this is a dream in futility.If the leaders are not visionary, ethical,principled and insightful what you get is oppression and discontent among the ruled no matter the age!
Another factor not addressed is the fact that in this day and age the only single lane that should be allowed is to one's own home garage.What if there is a stampede, what if there is a bomb explosion, a vehicle explosion, a mechanical breakdown?Kenyans will die at Muthurwa all because someone decided to tame matatu's by allowing only a single lane entry into and out of the Muthurwa terminus that is supposed to serve over 35,000 public service vehicles.I thought there President appointed a Disaster Management Authority.Were they consulted in the making of this potential disaster?Who actually is the architect for this project?which school did he go to? can he actually sacrifice and put in peril the safety and lives of millions of Kenyans and be content of having a done a good job? Who even approved the project?Its time we re- thought how we do things in Africa for our own posterity.Public safety and well being is paramount that is why even the bible requires a builder of any house to put a parapet!Glossing over and pretermission of this matters is disaster.Watch this space and you will concur with me!
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