Tummy tucks are surgeries that are done to remove excess subcutaneous fat,skin or cartillage in the body ! Interestingly i just learnt today that there are two types of surgeries in that regards i.e
- mini tummy tuck which basically involves an incision across the lower abdomen where excess fat and loose skin are removed.
- Full tummy tuck, a cut is made across the lower abdomen and another is made around the tummy button.
What is interesting about the site is that you can actually call in for a free consultation!Im certain that many Kenyans of means would almost do anything to ensure that they look better especially the ladies.Stretch marks and pot bellies seem to be of uttermost concern for many ladies but... from the picture of the traffic cop i think men also need to consider doing something about their"public opinions"! and if they cannot do diets or exercise ..etc then cosmetic surgery is the only option. Visit the site and learn more about the procedures !
(this is my independent opinion for expert advice contact your physician )
I think I will stick to exercise to lose my tummy, the "procedures" are a bit too risky.
ReplyDeleteHow about the gun in the waistband, can we get rid of that too?