Google has launched another incredible service in India that is sure to become useful and catch up like wildfire to the rest of the World :the Google labs India SMS channel that enables one to get updates via 'sms' .It seems the information age is rapidly developing and expanding.The digital divide is being narrowed-having information s the in thing and barriers are being removed!
Data on the Go!
For quite sometime actually since the advent of the internet the computer has been seen as the primary tool for transfer and conveyance of information or data. But the nature of a computer makes it hardly economical to move around with in order to access information.While for a certainty laptops and PDA's have made it easier to access information/data on the go...nothing beats the mobile phone which must be embraced as the gadget and platform for technological advancement for the future!
The Google SMS channel is such a leap in the right direction.While the service has been conceptualized and currently is only available in India .It is only a matter of time before a roll out is adopted to the rest of the world!
SMS Channels
Users of the service in India are allowed (by default)to receive upto 10 update SMS per given day and can actually customize the service as to when they should receive the message!The service has a potential of also hosting paid advertisements which in future may be delivered with the SMS.I'm sure not so many consumers will be pleased by such a venture but again costs for the service must be borne by someone and advertisement on the go may just be it!
Customized Channels
A feature of the Google SMS channel that perhaps impresses me is that users can create their own customized channels and update their subscribers on specific topics such as jokes, financial information, breaking news, job opportunities, search engine optimization,blog updates... etc. And that this information will be readily available to subscribers without necessarily having access to the internet or a deesktop/laptop computers!The potential for Google sms is mind boggling.Im sure Lary Page and Sergey Brin will capitalize on this new bandwagon as at presen worldwide we have more cellphone users and woners than we have persons with access to the traditional desktop/laptop computers.
At present, Google allows publishers to create individual channels and publish content that other users can subscribe to after registering with valid mobile numbers.The service also supports RSS feeds . Google expects non-governmental organizations (NGOs), corporates , schools among others take advantage of this service by creating user groups that can be updated via SMS for communication and regular updates.
The catch
While the service is something to be embraced users will need to be wary of getting unwanted spam messages.Yap there is always a downturn in every technology!

On a light touch, the ingenious local project Ushahidi graced a local newspaper(Tuesday's 24 October 2008 Daily Nation) 10 months after the fact way much later after the website has become prominent and featured on leading international news sites ! how ironical

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