It's interesting the stuff that goes around the blogosphere.Now that the East and Southern Africa Idols music competition is over with Zimbabwean Eric Moyo having won the competition on 28th July, 2008 at the Bomas of Kenya something new needs to come up and capture your attention...blog idols may just be it if if you maintain a blog.
Surprising the blogging idols competition has been ongoing and is in its third week as we speak!How we know little but thanks
The Competition:
The competition aims at getting the best of the best bloggers around the world and all bloggers are eligible provided that they sign up to Feedburner .The competition focuses on getting the most number of new subcribers for ones blog within a particular period.When one enrolls the number of subcribers for the blog is indexed then the challenge of getting new subscribers to one's content begins.The blog with the most subscribers carries away the grand prize of $3000, or an equivalent of Kenya shillings 189,000/=
The Rules for the BlogIdols Competition are:
- All participants must activate the Feedburner feed count at the beginning of the competition.
- Participants will need to send a short email weekly (100-200 words), describing their strategies to gain RSS subscribes, and what they are doing on their blogs.
- The emails will be published on a weekly basis at http://www.dailyblogtips.com so that readers can follow and understand how participants are competing.
- Blackhat methods will not be allowed, so bloggers can’t fake stats, try to damage the blog of competitors and so on.
- Paid promotion will not be allowed, else it would become a “who can spend more” contest.
- If you have a blog with over 1000 RSS subscribers and will create a brand new one for the competition, you can’t use your established blog to promote the new one
- All other strategies and techniques are allowed (guest articles, contests, give-aways, controversial articles, free eBooks), so you are free to get creative
Thanks for the info. Idols will never cease. What next!
ReplyDeleteNairobian: if you are interested in Blogger templates, I did post about that, about a year or so ago here: http://safarinotes.blogspot.com/2007/04/to-try-and-explore-is-to-find.html
ReplyDeleteWhat I normally do is - I download a template and play around with it, hacking and tweaking, till I get what I desire. The best way is to have a blog just for trials, and only after getting a satisfactory theme is when to use it in your main blog. If you are not careful, you might lose parts of your blog and your page rank.
Thanks for it.. Surely i will try it for my blog...