30 June, 2009

Rick Astleys Official Site and Death Rumours

The Internet seems to be thriving on rumours some of which are potentially dangerous such as i report news bit on the singer Rick Astley being Dead in a German Hotel allegedly attributed to political news correspondent Liz Sidoti who hardly would be expected to post an ireport news bit.However rather than rely on rumours one can get credible information from the 43 year old singers official website News page which i must say needs continuous updating @ www.rickastley.co.uk

You really cant trust much of what you read online without official report.Its important for people to understand that celebrities have families and malicious rumours can do so much harm!

Website Review:A CheapSeat.Com

I find it quite interesting the kind of online resources you can come across over the Internet.Next year will be the world cup in Africa and i was interested in searching online to see whether i can book a ticket online and came across a totally unrelated website that i think deserves my worthy review.The website is A cheapSeat.Com

A cheap Seat.com is an professional online ticket broker portal that enables Americans get the cheapest ticket deals to key arena tickets across the Country for various invents including sports,music, movies,theater, entertainment exhibitions ...etc.The site include cheap ticket deals for:
The website is quite a ready and authoritative online resource which provides for shipping of tickets within Canada & America.You should check it out!

First Reported Swine Flu Case in Kenya !

It is confirmed and now official that Kenya has at least one confirmed case of swine flu(H1N1 virus) infection:a 20 year old boy who was in the company of 34 British Student's touring the Country. The victim of the dreaded disease and the other students are quarantined at the Duke of Breeze Hospital in Kisumu! Laboratory tests from the CDC-Kemri and the National Influenza Centre (Laboratories ) in Nairobi confirmed that the boy had indeed been infected with the Swine Flu Virus.

Shortly thereafter the minister for Public Health Beth Mugo confirmed the incidence.This comes shortly after a false scare that someone at Sarit Centre AAR Outpatient unit had been diagnosed with the Disease on Saturday leading to a public scare and panic at the shopping mall.The minister later refuted that false claim.

However this should not cause any unnecessary panic as the Disease is treatable and Kenya has enough stock of the required medication to treat the Disease.In that regard Media ought to exercise restraint in not running or airing sensational content! The only foreseeable problem is we lack sufficient medical infrastructure, public knowledge and prevalence of poverty which can catapult the problem into an epidemic.
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29 June, 2009

Alertpay Africa's E-commerce Alternative for Paypal

Use of Paypal as an e-commerce payment,trading and money transfer solution by many developed/Western Countries severely hampers the capacity of many Africans to trade profitably over the internet.For the most part Paypal allows African users to only send but not receive money.

I previously wrote a post on the limited services that Paypal offers for African Users and its non effectiveness ;unfortunately much has not changed since then.The Paypal website now states that you can actually send money to over 190 Countries including Kenya ,Somalia etc But a question still remains how is the person going to receive the funds since as per the Paypal Account setup for Kenya you can only send money ,there is no tab for receiving or cashing money but just for depositing funds to your Paypal account. This status quo has left many confused but fortunately enough there is a solution on the horizon which allows you to receive funds and or send funds unhindered.The Service is": AlertPay

Alertpay allows you the opportunity to send and or receive funds electronically through the use of an email address.As an Alertpay user you can open a Business or Personal Account which will allow you to do any of the following:
  1. Deposit Money
  2. Withdraw funds
  3. Shop Securely Online
  4. Receive Funds
  5. Use your credit card online securely
  6. Receive money in over 22 currencies(including South African Rand)
I believe rather than wait for Paypal who have been previously lobbied to expand their services to Africa, is better if African online Business users to subscribe to Alertpay as many overseas businesses are now switching to this e-commerce solution/alternative for Paypal.

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26 June, 2009

Michael Jackson is Dead!

The curtain has finally come down on the legendary pop singer Michael Jackson who died yesterday night (at 10:42 p.m Kenyan time) of cardiac arrest in a Los Angeles Hospital . The news has been met with a lot of grief worldwide since all the singers songs were basically hits that shapped the lifestyle,dressing,talk,fashion, entertainment of atleast three generations the World over!Fans have met the news with disbelief with many of them wiling and grieving in groups at times square in New York and Harlem.

Unfortunately the grave is the home of all mankind and the"Thriller" star has just preceeded many of us. But we certainly appreciate the music he churned.But in his death care must be taken not to idolize him nor worship him as he was not a god but just a man who entertained well!The media is now full of the news, playing his songs,reliving his memories... etc and it is understandably so because he was a hit!Attention will now turn to his death and funeral arrangements.

African Bloggers have picked up the news with the following comments:

Imod.co.za states"What terrible news. Despite the on going stabs at MJ, he really was exceptionally talented and produced songs, which we’ll never forget. Don’t even get me started on his dancing!"

Socialyz States"The King is Dead, long live the King!!Villified and ridiculed in later life, the end has come, my life would never have been the same without him.Michael Jackson is dead.Long LIVE the KING."

Two Kenyan Bloggers Tamaku and Simon Kitururu
have posted photos and videos of the Legend MJ.

23 June, 2009

Chris Brown Admits to Assault Charges !

R & B singer Chris Brown today admitted to a charge of felony assault on singer Rihanna in a plea deal that got him a light sentence of 'five years' probation and ordered to do six months of community service.Without doubt the singer is talented but his assault on Rihanna betrayed a heavy ladden problem that he has and due to his celebrity status he has just got away with it by a non custodial sentence. Shame on you Chris Brown laying your hand on a woman like that!

Interestingly the Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg issued a stay-away order banning Chris from coming any less than 50 yards to Rihanna whereas she had not asked for it. But i believe things will be better that way.Celebrities never cease to amaze!

Safaricom Lewa Marathon Website

The 2009 Safaricom Lewa Marathon is scheduled for the Saturday the 27th June.The history of the marathon now in its 19th year and the LEWA Black Rhino conservancy is quite alluring and telling. I just had to find much more about it after a buddy stated that LEWA(Swahili word 'lewa' means "drink") was derived from when guys drink non stop for three days, participate in the marathon and then their intoxicating sweat smells of alcohol.But that was just a joke the reality is that the marathon was introduced to generate funds for the conservation of the endangered African Black Rhino species, nowadays its aims include funding of conservation and community projects around Samburu, Isiolo, Laikipia and Meru areas.The marathon history is highlighted in the LEWA Conservancy website which i found to be very impressive, educative and well maintained. Kudos to the webmaster!

Interestingly registration for the full and half marathon is currently closed due to early bookings that just indicates the growing popularity of this Spectacular and gruelling international event that attracts runners from Countries such as America, Britain, Australia,India ,Europe etc.The Lewa marathon is truly 'a run in the wild'!

Heres a screenshot of the website:

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22 June, 2009

Kenya Latest News Round Up !

This is a round up of the latest breaking news on Kenya's mainstream medai. Articles i feel need to be highlited.

Well it seems one of the reasons why the Minister for Finance Mr Uhuru Kenyatta increased the Defence budget is the mushrooming cases of threats to national security from some of our neighbouring countries. The Daily Nation online has an article indicating a hint from Prime Minister Raila Odinga that Kenya may be considering a military option in war torn Somalia due to Al Shahbaab's latest militant incursions and push for control of Mogadishu.

On unrelated news , the Standard has a breaking news piece on the Presidents and Prime Minister's(read coalition Government) recent appointment of Top Diplomats including Raila Odinga's sister Dr Wenwa Akinyi being appointed Kenya's consul General in the Kenyan mission in Los Angeles , USA .I think something is just not right here....the appointment raises many questions. The P.M's sister may as well be qualified for the opportunity but is there not conflict of interest, hint of nepotism... etc indicated in such appointment?

Have a nepotism free monday!

Amy Africa Qlog Website Review!

Amy Africa and her Eight By Eight team; Infinite Web Marketing Solutions have a website called amyafrica.com that may prove very useful for businesses desirous to improve the E-Commerce experience.The site offers unmatched expert advice,tips and techniques for successful e-commerce trading ,online marketing solutions and communication.

What struck me though is that unlike a traditional blog it is interactive, eliciting questions from users and that is why it is called a Qlog.Among the areas the site provides solutions include :
  • Search Engine Optimization(Seo)
  • Website renovation and critique : whereby the team evaluates your online marketing strategy and points out strengths and weaknesses for your implementation and improvement.
  • Internet Marketing
  • Email Marketing (usability & Conversions)
  • User Involvement
  • Product Presentation
  • Selling Techniques
  • Shopping Experience
I found their page on E mail capture to be quite informative.I often find unsolicited mail(spam) to be bothersome and unfortunately many businesses make the same mistake by sending unwanted emails. The Amy Africa Qlog suggests that before Businesses engage in e-mail marketing they should first adopt an opt in communication strategy.The thing is to try and get permission from the reader otherwise the strategy would be a waste of time.

Without doubt there are some useful tips on the site which is barely a month old and as the site is an open forum it is expected that there will be tons and tons of information at the site on the various topics in the near future.User's to the site are encouraged to submit questions which are answered on the site!

On a thumbs down note the website is full of click through ads on its side bars which i believe can be an eyesore.If Amy Africa can reduce on that they will be on the way to untold success !You can visit the Qlog at http://www.amyafrica.com


20 June, 2009

Kenyan Bloggers and Investigative Journalism!

Global Voices Online writter Ndesanjo Macha had a very good piece on investigative Journalism that certain Kenyan bloggers are exhibiting that i thought should be highlighted here for the benefit of my African readers. He reviewed certain posts that a popular Kenyan blog site dubbed "Kumekucha You Missed This" had published. I believe the piece is marveloous as it points out that some of the reports on the blogosphere may just be true and can stand the scrutiny of traditional journalism. Hence Kenyan bloggers blog on but continue to be factual:

Kumekucha 's latest blog post: Imanyara's Life in Danger or Just Crying Wolf?

Win With BluFrog Energy Drink Contest!

There is a great and fantastic contest ongoing at Itsabluworld website by BluFrog Energy Drink(restricted to US residents) with fantastic prizes.There are five experiences you can enter to win .These include:
  • BluGamer: The Ultimate Gaming Package ideal for gamers(included in these is an Xbox 360 Elite System (includes 1 controller & Xbox LIVE Headset)Rock Band 2 Bundle,Call of Duty: World at War complete game Package,Xbox Wireless Networking Adapter, Complimentary X-Shot,2 Cases of Blu Frog Energy drink).
  • Happy Blu-Year: Win a New Years Eve trip to New York.Imagine being at the Big Apple as the clock ticks down to midnight and a new year!
  • Blullapalooza: Win a trip to Lolapalloza in Chicago to attend one of the worlds most famous Music Festival at Grant Park.
  • BluStreak: Get the thrill of a stock car racing through a Richard Petty Racing Experience.
  • XtremeBlu: Win a trip to the 14 Winter X Games in January 28-31 2010 from ESPN in Aspen(Included in this prize package is a round Trip Air Fare for 2 from a Major Gateway Airport,Ground Transport to and from the Hotel,Luxurious hotel for 3 nights,2 Tickets to Winter X Games,Complimentary X-Shot).

To enter and win in the contest, there are three options(you can only enter up to 3 times):
  1. Visit a specific contest/prize page and leave a comment indicating which experience you want to win and why.
  2. Twitter, tweet : Spread the word about the contest to your colleagues stating why you entered to win and which experience you would choose if you won. Be sure to include #bluworld and http://bit.ly/UiiJy in your tweet.
  3. Blog Post: if you are a blog owner write a blog post about the contest and which experience you would choose if you won. Be sure to leave a comment on the contest site with your URL .
Personally i would love to win the Extremeblu prize and go to Aspen to experience the cold and watch the winter games.I believe i would probably be the first person in my clan and lineage to witness these games. That would be really cool.

For detailed contest rules and regulations please visit: http://itsabluworld.com/contests/rules/


Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Plane Misshap !

California Governor Arnold Schwarzinegger Plane just had a misshap after smoke started coming of the airplanes cockpit forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing. The plane was forced to land at Van Nuys airport 10 minutes after taking off from Santa Monica Airport, west of Los Angeles. For the former Terminator actor im sure that was a harrowing experience. And guess what he tweeted about the event on his Twitter address@Schwarzenegger .He even has photos up on Twitpic Interestingly CNN has picked upthe story and are running it! Thats how powerful social media has become.

But the public needs not to be worried because fortunately enough governor Arnie (and all the crew)is all safe !

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19 June, 2009

Paul Erdos Unsolved Mathematical Equations!

He was a distinguished Hungarian mathematician who was born on 26th March 1913 and died on 20 th September, 1996 .Paul Erdos,just like Einsten even a decade after his death people are talking about some of the unsolved mathematical puzzles he left behind. From his looks there is no doubt that he was a geek, a guru , a nerd at what he does but his solutions... read greek (Ramsey theory, probalistic method,Extramal Combinatorics etc of which i know nothing about!) and contribution in the mathematical are of much benefit today!

Of Paul Erdos life one article states :

"Many mathematicians are eccentric, and Erdös was more so than most. He never had a "proper job"; he had no cheque-book or credit card; he never learnt to drive, and never had health insurance. For most of his life, carrying almost no luggage, wearing sandals and an old suit, he travelled from university to university around the world.

He would bring the mathematical news, pose problems, inspire the locals with his brilliant ideas, and depart in a few days, leaving behind his exhausted hosts to work out the details of their joint work. His open mind, his ability to see the unexpected, and his willingness to wrestle with complications without the help of well-established tools made him a welcome guest wherever he went."

One of his unsolved puzzles is the "Erdos conjecture on arithmetic progressions"which according to wikipedia is priced at US dollars $5,000/= In 1984 Paul Erdos won the most lucrative award in mathematics, the Wolf Prize, and used most of the $50,000 prize money to establish a philanthropic scholarship in memory of his late parents.He also helped to establish an endowed lectureship, called the Turan Memorial Lectureship, in Hungary.
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For a man who loved the integers/numbers Paul Erdos is to be feted as one of the 20th Century's Greats!
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18 June, 2009

Microsoft Bing Webmaster Center

For webmaster resource tools the New Microsoft Bing Webmaster Center sets the pace with an easy interface,http verifier tool(to enable you identify broken links), robot text validator,site analytics, keyword research and optimization.

If you are a webmaster and want to improve your page ranking or make your page search engine crawler friendly Bing.Com is just the site for you at no cost.There is also Bing community whereby users share tips and techniques on improving their website.In sum total , the site is a must join for all website owners and webmasters.

To make use of the tools all you need is an MSN, Hotmail,or Windows Live I.D .You can submit your site URL for listing in a very simple procedure at the site .So if you are new or old at blogging please visit the site and be upgraded!SparkE

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17 June, 2009

Wyclef Jean Latest Single Download

Avid fans of Musician Wyclef Jean can download his latest singles; Mr Autotune featuring Mariah Careys husband Nick Cannon, More Bottles faturing Timbaland and We made it produced by the runners at his official blog Wyclef Jean Blog. It is indeed interesting to know that he actually keeps a blog.

However unfortunately for the freebie lovers is that the zip file takes alittle bit long to download and hence there is a high likelihood of corruption. I guess you just have to buy his cd!

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Silatech Initiative Aiding Arab Youths !

Silatech has recently announced Cisco technologies to be its new Anchor Technology Partner for the development of an Invitational Technology Platform, which will deliver Silatech services and solutions to the youth across the Middle East and Northern Africa.

This initiative is aimed at providing skills, job opportunities and empowering youths in Middle East and Northern Africa.According to softepedia "Business development services, as well as training, will be offered to small- and medium-size entrepreneurs, which will also be provided with financial services and access to markets and supply chains. The youth in the Middle East and Northern Africa will receive assistance with skill development and job placement services."

Now that's something!Providing African youths with not only the technical know how ,but also capital,opportunity and a market is a venture that will sustain the productivity of many African youths who are already in a disadvantaged position in these global economic recession era!

Silatech was founded by
HH Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar and his wife HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned with the intent of meeting the urgent need to generate new jobs and opportunities for young people with emphasis in the Arabic region. However this intent has changed with a global focus beginning with Africa. I am certain that this is exciting news for many youths especially in the North African region.We need more of such initiatives.
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16 June, 2009

China Confidential Blog !

There are interesting blogs on the worldwide blogosphere with quite totally different perspectives. I just bumped on one dubbed"China Confidential" written in the United States. The blog refers to the American President Barrack Obama as 'apologizer in Chief'...i find that simply hilarious.You should check out the blog for an interesting but satirical read!

15 June, 2009

Madonna to Adopt Chifundo" Mercy" James

There are very different and varied reactions to Malawi's Highest Court ruling that granted pop star Madonna permission to adopt a second Malawian Child "Mercy" James Chifundo !Whereas many Malawians greeted the news with jubilation noting that the child may now be granted an opportunity that would normally be beyond her reach and wildest dream! However Human Rights activist are treating the issue as a classic case of Child Trafficking...etc .

Morally and on an economic viewpoint, i believe the girl has a better chance of making a meaning out of her life if adopted by Madonna.Had she been in Kenya she would have been added like 10 more!

The case was heard in a background whereby a certain Mr James Kambewa was claiming paternity of the child and indicating a willingness to take care of the child whereby it became apparent that he was not there during the mothers pregnancy nor did he even attend her funeral.Perhaps he saw an opportunity to cash in, how sad!

Malawian Chief Justice Lovemore Munlo, reading the three-judge appeal court panel's ruling on Friday, said Madonna had demonstrated a histry of genuine concern and in his words she was "intelligent, compassionate, articulate and determined since the early age of 6 when her mother died the Court also noted that Madonna was in Malawi not by chance by intention clearly evinced by the charities she has set up to assist orphaned children.Perhaps the phrase that carried the day was " In this global village a man can have more than one place at which he resides," .Her philanthropic gestures are welcome though i believe in light of her videos, she still wishes she was a teenager.Dressed up all skimpy but now with wrinkles....well that's my two cents on the issue.

13 June, 2009

Will Jada Pinkett Smith Play the Role Of Michelle Obama?

A Barrack Obama Movie -the question is not will it happen- but when? And who will play the role of Michelle Obama.Well people have already started talking but the question is can the phenomenal woman Jada Pinkett Smith play the role ? She says she cant because of the height issue but at least as you can see from the photo she fits the style, fashion, elegance and bill! She also must remember such a movie would be a grand privilege that would go straight into the reputable annals of history!

Holding on to that thought; Kenya's Finance Minister Hon.Uhuru Kenyatta's recent Budget speech 2009/2010 announced some tax free incentives for the movie industry, film makers both local and international.It seems to suggest that he is seeing these developments and packaging Kenya well in advance to attract such a shoot in Barrack's father home yard-Kogelo! Son of Kenyatta is a think tank, dont under estimate!

Heatwave Celebrity Cruise

12 June, 2009

Dance Flick The Movie !

You just have to give it up to the Wayan Brothers when it comes to comedy.Dance Flick the Movie which was released on 22 May 2009 is simply hilarious making a mockery of much of the African American Dance competition movies like "Stomp the yard""Bring It On""Step Up", "Got Served" ...etc that have hit the movie screens of late.The movie is Directed by Damien Dante Wayans and written by Keenen Ivory , Shawn,Craig,& Marlon Wayans.

The plot revolves around Megan (Shoshanna Bush) who desires to go to Juilliard and become a dancer, who due to some tragic circumstances has to move to a public school where she meets up with Thomas (Damon Wayans Jr.)Tracy (Chelsea Makela), Charity (Essence Atkins), who dance in a street dance gang.The movie will keep you laughing especially when caning black stereotypes!Dance flick is simply a must watch movie!15% off perfume

11 June, 2009

Kenya Budget Speech 2009/10 Update

After much anticipation the Country can now analyse the Budget speech for financial year 2009/2010 read by the Minister for Finance Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta! Among the salient features of his speech include:
  • The gainers are ICT ,Education Health ministry's
  • Increase of CDF kitty to 12 billion up from 10 billion
  • a financial development stimulus to channeled through cdf mechanisms
  • Entertainment industry to benefit as Tv Camera's Digital Camera,s ,Camcorders etc to be Zero Rated. Film production services
  • Zero rate locally produced cotton goods
  • Excise duty on alcohol changed to ad valorem
  • Over 1.3 billion allocated to rail development
  • 4 billion allocated to rural roads development
  • 1 billion each to free primary and secondary
  • zero rate VAT on Power Generators
  • Import Duty on imported wheat raised
  • Zero rate Import Duty on refrigerated trucks
  • Import Duty on Second Hand Clothes "Mitumba" reduced.
  • Duty on bottled water 10% to 5% on carbonated Juices from10% to 7%
  • Excise duty on alcohol to reduce
  • Monthly pension of 25,000 and below exempt from Tax
  • Pyramid Schemes outlawed

(this is a preliminary analysis more in depth information as it streams in)
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Carrie Prejean Fired !

Yes he,s done it again, Donald Trump announced today the termination of Carrie Prejean as Miss California USA 2009, citing continued breach of contract issues.She just got fired! This comes shortly after her fiasco involving raunchy photos online! I actually had a post on it in this blog! It seems the now former Miss California is stumbling upon too many mine fields and one has just exploded right on her face though she alleges that ist because she refused to do a $140,000 Play boy Mansion photo shoot!

News of it are now doing the rounds on the internet.

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10 June, 2009

Mnet's Big Brother IV Africa :The Revolution 2009

The latest series of the popular continental reality TV MNET: Big Brother Africa IV show is expected to be bigger,better and more grand! What perhaps will make it big is one , the prize money has been doubled to USD $ 200,000 , two may relate to the the level of technology and advertising that will be employed.Viewers will be able to receive latest information on the show in real time via Twitter(here's the Tweet address) and or become facebook fans. The show will be broad casted live on DStv channel 198.

I must admit I'm not that much of a fan of Big Brother Africa 4 especially since BBA III was such a turn off and the fact that the plot often doesn't offer much( lumping some young 'bad boyz' and 'gals' of Africa in a house, offer some booze ,food.... etc and watching as they develop a competitive spirit, relationships and do some other unmentionables is not what i call entertainment) .Futhermore though i have nothing personal about BBA III presenter Kabelo Ngakane (KB), i must state that his perfomance was the list bit startling, he is better off with as a Channel O VJ music presenter! The latest season is set to have fewer rules than before and auditions are currently taking place as follows:

Botswana in Gaborone @ Grand Palm Hotel, 9 June, 2009 as from 8 am. to 7p.m,0
Francis Town@ Cresta Marang Hotel 10 June, 2009 Namibia:Windhoek@ College of the Arts, 12 & 13June, 2009Zimbabwe:Harare@ Meikles Hotel on 9th & 10th June, Zambia:
Lusaka@ Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel, 12 & 13 June,2009 Malawi:Blantyre@ Protea Ryals hotel, 15th June,Kenya:Nairobi, KICC, 12 & 13 June, 2009,Mombasa@ Aga Khan hall, 14 June, 2009 Uganda:Kampala @ Sheraton Hotel on 9 & 10 June,2009Tanzania:Dar Es Salam @ Mövenpick Royal Palm Hotel, 17 & 18 June,2009 Angola:Luanda @ Hotel Forum – TBC, 20 & 21 June 2009 Ghana:Accra@ La Palm Hotel, 27 & 28 June, 2009 Nigera:Lagos @ Phillips warehouse on 19 ,20 & 21 June, 2009 Abuja @ Protea Hotel Asokoro on 23 June, 2009 & Port Harcourt @ Protea Aba Express on 25 June, 2009.Ethiopia:Addis Ababa @ Hilton Addis, on 16 & 17 June, 2009 Mozambique Maputo @ Girassol Bahia Hotel on 18 & 19 June, 2009 South Africa:Johannesburg @ Wanderers Stadium on 20 & 21 June, 2009.

For more info please visit @ the BBA 4 site  
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Kenya Budget Day 2009 Eve !

Today will be the eve to the 2009 Budget Day Speech to be read by Kenya's grand coalition finance minister Honourable Uhuru Kenyatta on Thursday June 11, 2009 and most Kenyans have jittery feet And for good reasons among them:

  • First, the Minister is challenged by the World Global Recession,
  • Two, he has to Budget for over 40 ministries the largest Kenya has ever hard,
  • Three ,He has had two major blunders with regards to the Supplementary Budget estimates which he attributed to "computer error "and or "typo's" hence public confidence has waned in that regard.
  • Uhuru Kenyatta's educational background as a political science student at Amherst College , Massachusetts, in the USA does not adequately fit him for the role of Finance Minister. But the President against all expectations did appoint him as a Finance minister perhaps under the backdrop of Political Succession.
  • Kenyans are already over taxed and most economic analysts are speculating that the Government will heavily borrow from the domestic market in order to meet the budget deficit!This may just create a credit crunch and over crowding for Bank loss ending in low business and or economic growth.
Well, what does the son of the first President Mr Jomo Kenyatta have up his sleeve in light of the above circumstances?...I guess we will find out tommorow, stay tuned!

09 June, 2009

Amnesty's International Demand Dignity Campaign in Kenya

I personally identify with the latest Amnesty's International Demand Dignity campaign especially in relation to poverty in Kenya .The Amnesty Demand Dignity campaign(official website is demanddignity.amnesty.org) that has began with much gusto aims at highlighting inequalities in society that are given little attention resulting in millions of fellow humans living in squalid conditions that are in dignifying.To indicate that Kenya has a special place in this campaign Mrs Irene Khan Amnesty International's Secretary General personally kicked off the campaign in Kenya by visiting the Kibera & Korogocho slum this week!

Sadly,often the fact that slum dwellers in Kenya's biggest slum Kibera lack sanitary facilities and toilets(flying toilets of Kibera) has been one too many the subject of talk shows and jokes.However the reality is that some of the slum dwellers in Kibera have been forced into this kind of livelihood by society and or by circumstances beyond their control.

The Demand Dignity campaign in Kenya provides as follows:

" Amnesty International’s Demand Dignity campaign aims to end global poverty by working to strengthen recognition and protection of the rights of the poor. The campaign will demand the leadership, accountability and transparency that are essential to end the human rights violations that keep people poor.

This is a campaign about all rights. It is the combined abuse of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights that drives and deepens poverty. By demanding dignity we are demanding that all states adopt and implement the laws, policies and practices that will end deprivation, insecurity, exclusion, and voicelessness.

Participation and involvement in the decisions that impact on our lives are essential to human rights. By including all rights holders in policy making governments are at once creating a framework for accountability, transparency, inclusion and empowerment. These are the prerequisites to ending poverty.

The Demand Dignity Campaign will put rights at the centre of poverty eradication, and make rights protection efforts work for all people. The stories and solutions that people living in poverty have to tell will be the centrepiece of this worldwide mobilisation. Together we will amplify their voices and demand effective responses from political leaders. More than half of Nairobi’s population – some two million people – live in slums and informal settlements. Crammed into makeshift shacks on just one per cent of the city’s usable land, people live without adequate access to water, hospitals, schools and other essential public services.

Up to a million people live in Kibera, Nairobi’s largest slum, crowded onto just 550 acres of sodden land that straddles the main railway line. Most earn barely enough to rent a mud-floored, tin-roofed wooden shack with no toilet or running water.

Slum Dwellers are under the constant threat of forced evictions, which are illegal under international human rights law. These evictions are often carried out with brutality and victims are not compensated despite losing their homes, businesses and possessions.

Sometimes private developers are behind forced evictions and sometimes it’s the government. Residents of the Deep Sea settlement have suffered waves of forced eviction by government authorities. Other forced evictions have been carried out in preparation for government infrastructure projects such as the construction of roads.

The Kenyan government’s slum upgrading programme, while a positive step, is doing little or nothing to address the immediate and desperate needs of slum dwellers in Nairobi.

Despite government promises to provide affordable housing outside the slums, its housing policies have not prioritized people living in slums and settlements, or others who may face the greatest difficulties in accessing their right to adequate housing.

During her June visit to Nairobi, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Irene Khan, urged the Kenyan authorities to immediately stop all forced evictions and to ensure that Kenya fulfils its obligations in relation to the right to adequate housing for the most vulnerable. "

You can participate in this campaign to demand Dignity for Nairobi slum dwellers from the authorities by registering at Amnesty Online Demand Dignity Site and or adding your voice

Travelling Cheaply by Air At Student Rates !

Do you want to book online for a flight abroad at cheap rates! Then the site for Statravel is a web resource that you should visit! The site offers the cheapest airfare rates for teachers,students:airfaire,hostels and rail pass discounts.STA Travel boasts in being the world's largest student and youth travel organization with very impressive deals.I find the corporate blog STA to be quite informative and will not replicate its information in this blog.So confident is STA travel that they dare you to state a competitor agent package price that they cant beat!

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Just thought i should share this gold find with my readers.To visit the site just click on the below advert link: 468 x 60 rail

08 June, 2009

Tusker Project Fame 3(update)

It is now official season 3 of the reality tv talent search programme Tusker Project Fame 3 is set to begin with auditions as from July 4&5 ,2009.The show will be aired on Royal Media's Citizen TV.Tusker project fame 3 has began this time with enough hiccups and media goofs(see this past post) . It almost seemed as if the show would not go through! Even as we speak there is nothing telling on the official Project fame Website.But at least watching the build up show featuring past contestants such as Kaz, David Ogola, Wendy Kimani...etc proved that the show organisers are now serious.

For a certainty the show has bred stars such as Naakaya Sumari( who recently was interviewed on CNN's African Voices program) ,Valerie Kimani etc but i believe of last years contestants Wendy Kimani & David Ogola are set for great heights. The songs they have produced are pretty marvelous,quite entertaining! Further, what is perhaps amazing and ironical is that unlike reality tv series in the USA& Europe, the runners up tend to do better than the winners. I partly attribute this to the Judges and i hope that this time we will have more diversity.

At the same time i hope it will be a truly East African contest and not a Kenyan affair.So far it seems so as the other Countries have been given a single day for auditions unlike Kenya...so where is the equity?All in all may the show prove to be more captivating and better than past shows.Typically Swiss Hotels

Mesothelioma-Asbestos Caused Cancer

It is quite unfortunate that many roof tiles manufactured in Kenya actually contain asbestos.Contaminated water from these roofs often makes way to our water sources,rivers, dams... etc.That is a very dangerous thing as it posses the development and risk of cancer.Mesothelioma is a cancer often caused by exposure to asbestos and since building with asbestos is not banned in Kenya this article may prove to be very useful in raising cancer awareness ;especially about this type of cancer!

As a blogger , i cannot most certainly speak authoritatively on this subject .But i have landed on a web resource that attracted me to the subject. The site is actually from a Mesothelioma Lawyer's Firm, Marks & Associates P.C that specially liaises in litigation involving persons diagnosed with Mesothelioma as a consequence of exposure to asbestos during their course of employment.Mesothelium is actually a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs.Interestingly according to WIKIPEDIA the symptoms of Mesothelioma may begin to manifest after 20-50 years from exposure to asbestos.

Hence there is a real danger of workers in automotive or building industry in developing the disease! Fortunately enough, the firm of Mark & Associates can offer authoritative and reliable legal advise on the issue.The firm has over 15 years experience in handling this kind of complex litigation.

What i perhaps also find disturbing is the statistics involving the number of people who have succumbed to Mesothelioma. According to the site, in the United States alone at least 43,073 people have died from Asbestos induced illnesses since 1979 .Unfortunately , i don't think there is accurate data available for Kenya since access to medical help and proper diagnosis is limited here.But with certainty i can say that the National Environmental Management Authority(NEMA) should give this issue its due attention. Kenyans should especially watch the issue of rain water harvesting and ensure that we do not needlessly expose ourselves to such dangers in all aspects of our life.


06 June, 2009

Tetris Game 25th Anniversary

I love Tetris the game and was pleasantly surprised that the video game will be today marking its 25 anniversary.Interestingly you can play tetris online at the Tetris website which today has a unique front indicating the 25Th anniversary.The game which requires you to arrange falling breaks in a set order was created by Alexey Pajitnov on 6th June, 1984 and became an instant hit.

I basically have been playing the handheld game since my primary education (i played it on game boy)and have one at my computer at home for passing time. That in itself illustrates the popularity of the game as it was readily available even in Kenya a developing country as early as then.The game is rather addictive due to its simplicity and yet rising sophistication as many of us would testify.P.C.Worlds online magazine have a nice feature article on the same!Its quite interesting how alexy conjured up the name....for details you can read up at wikipedia

Kung Fu Star David Carradine Dead!

The popular star in the Tv series 'Kung Fu the Legend' David Carradine was found dead in a Bangkok Swissotel Nai Lert Park Hotel room.Mr Carradine played the character 'Kwai Chang Caine ' in the Kungfu tv series.At the time of his death Mr David Carradine was aged 72 having married five times, divorced 4 times with 6 children .

Mr. Carradine was found with a rope round his neck on Thursday June 4 2009 by a hotel attendant.This circumstances suggest" suicide "which is ironical for the character he played as a shaolin master who had control of his inner and outer self , emotions,energy and strengths.Frequently in the role he fought evil only to succumb to evil in real life.Quite tragic indeed.What perhaps used to amaze me is the way he used to"mysteriously" put off fire or candles ,that were 10 metres away in the popular tv show.He was an amazing character that entertained a generation now consisting of young executives and ceo's among them including the founders of Google. I wonder what was your favourite David Carradine moment if you had a chance to watch his movies while growing up?

Its amazing what sort of news the web churns out despite the tragedy of an event. For example this All voices News piece seems to suggest the rope thing was all part and parcel at a masturbation attempt .Could it be that behind all the glamour and showy display of life our celebrities live empty ,disastrous lives...?That aside ...he will be solely missed by many fans.Heatwave Celebrity Cruise