08 June, 2009

Mesothelioma-Asbestos Caused Cancer

It is quite unfortunate that many roof tiles manufactured in Kenya actually contain asbestos.Contaminated water from these roofs often makes way to our water sources,rivers, dams... etc.That is a very dangerous thing as it posses the development and risk of cancer.Mesothelioma is a cancer often caused by exposure to asbestos and since building with asbestos is not banned in Kenya this article may prove to be very useful in raising cancer awareness ;especially about this type of cancer!

As a blogger , i cannot most certainly speak authoritatively on this subject .But i have landed on a web resource that attracted me to the subject. The site is actually from a Mesothelioma Lawyer's Firm, Marks & Associates P.C that specially liaises in litigation involving persons diagnosed with Mesothelioma as a consequence of exposure to asbestos during their course of employment.Mesothelium is actually a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs.Interestingly according to WIKIPEDIA the symptoms of Mesothelioma may begin to manifest after 20-50 years from exposure to asbestos.

Hence there is a real danger of workers in automotive or building industry in developing the disease! Fortunately enough, the firm of Mark & Associates can offer authoritative and reliable legal advise on the issue.The firm has over 15 years experience in handling this kind of complex litigation.

What i perhaps also find disturbing is the statistics involving the number of people who have succumbed to Mesothelioma. According to the site, in the United States alone at least 43,073 people have died from Asbestos induced illnesses since 1979 .Unfortunately , i don't think there is accurate data available for Kenya since access to medical help and proper diagnosis is limited here.But with certainty i can say that the National Environmental Management Authority(NEMA) should give this issue its due attention. Kenyans should especially watch the issue of rain water harvesting and ensure that we do not needlessly expose ourselves to such dangers in all aspects of our life.


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