18 June, 2009

Microsoft Bing Webmaster Center

For webmaster resource tools the New Microsoft Bing Webmaster Center sets the pace with an easy interface,http verifier tool(to enable you identify broken links), robot text validator,site analytics, keyword research and optimization.

If you are a webmaster and want to improve your page ranking or make your page search engine crawler friendly Bing.Com is just the site for you at no cost.There is also Bing community whereby users share tips and techniques on improving their website.In sum total , the site is a must join for all website owners and webmasters.

To make use of the tools all you need is an MSN, Hotmail,or Windows Live I.D .You can submit your site URL for listing in a very simple procedure at the site .So if you are new or old at blogging please visit the site and be upgraded!SparkE

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1 comment:

  1. I may try Bing's Webmaster Center. I have always used Google Webmaster Tools, but a new perspective would be nice.
