29 April, 2008

Bugatti Veyron Targa 2008 !!!

Raila and Stanley Livondo's Hummer sent many Kenyans haywire out of excitement as the greatest automobile invention of all time, but little did Kenyans know that the Hummer is by far not the most ostentatious or expensive car on earth.For quite some time the Bugatti Veyron has been fetching the highest price tag in the automobile industry and for good reason!

Next year Bugatti Veyron unleashes the Bugatti Veyron Targa at a starting price tag of £900,00, (in this year's 2008 China-Beijing Auto Motor Show the first Bugatti Veyron car to be sold in China cost a whooping $3.6 million US dollars NOW THAT WHAT I CALL EXPENSIVE!!!) The vehicle is expected to feature a removable hard top rather than the

traditional cloth due to its potential,packed with a 987bhp 6.0-L W16 engine and go up to a speed of 217 Miles Per Hour(MPH).It is expected that only 80 vehicles will be manufactured meaning that if you own one,you are among the fortunate few.

The interiors are as per standard top of the range and crafted to the finest finesse!So who will own the first Bugatti Veyron-Targa if that be in Africa/Kenya? Lets watch and see

26 April, 2008

Kenyan Prison Warders Go On Strike !

Kenya's prison system and criminal judicial system is currently in shambles following a concerted strike effort by all the prison warders in the Country.This follows a failure by the Government to improve their terms of service as promised in 2003.The warders live in inhumane and squalid conditions almost similar to those of the prisoners for whom they stand guard and it seems they have now vowed enough is enough.

This portends great danger to the overall security of the Country as the warders have threatened to release all the convicts if their demands for a salary increment are not met .
Unfortunately the commissioner of prison has met their response with grand standing and threatening that the warders actions are tantamount to treason.He is so far off from the law.He should ask any lawyer as to the essential elements that constitute a treasonable offense or go back for a refresher cause on the law.Being an executor of the law he cannot feign ignorance and there is no excuse to his ridiculous comments.As at now one can only sympathize with the plight of the prison warders who have been neglected over time, have worn out uniforms, share cubicles with their families leading to gross immorality within the camps and barely earn a salary that can sustain any Kenyan in the basic minimum descent conditions.

While the Prison warders arduously fulfill their dangerous and risky vocation at meagre wages, the political elites,M.P's , senior civil servants and Government officials continue to increase their salaries and benefits without any regards to the very departments charged with their safety and security.This is very dangerous .It must have taken a lot of perseverance and forbearance for this members of the disciplined forces to resort to downing their tools.Hence the Government ought to consider their plight as a matter of urgency!

25 April, 2008

Mother's Day in Africa

Mother's day as celebrated in the west is not so popular or significant in Africa.Perhaps this is because of scanty information as to its origins and significance(a lot of religious holidays have cropped into Africa from the west of late and many conscientious Africans are treating this holidays with extreme caution).

While indeed it is good to acknowledge ,reward and give special attention to the priceless effort and sacrifices made by our mothers towards our well being on the other hand conscientious Christians must watch that in participating in any event they do not have sharing /fellowship with works of darkness or belial (2 Cor 6:14-17) and this is manifestly true with respect to mothers day considering its origins as stated in Wikipedia see also http://www.theholidayspot.com/mothersday/history.htm .That is manifestly the truth about holidays that sometimes we are so quick to embrace because of what we perceive to be the meaning behind it but failing to acknowledge its roots or what the scriptures say .As it is most Christians treat the Bible as a buffet menu,they only pick what they like-me-ism and reject what they feel they cant comply with!What a shame!

23 April, 2008

Cheap International Phone Cards!

I have a relative in Pittsburgh ,Pennsylvania who just recommended to me cheap international call cards subsequent to which i thought i should feature it in this blog.To purchase the cheapest international calling cards just visit http://www.therichcom.com/for the widest array of international calling cards without hidden connection fees,just talk time!

The site is especially ideal for india phone cards at ideal rates.So if you are located in India give it a try at the hyperlink in this sentence.The Rich.com have a most competitive calling rates for international pre paid calling cards and are authoritative.Just Google the term cheap international phone cards and you will find out what i mean(they have the highest Google page ranking on the specific keywords)Thus unlike some shadowy unknown, phony internet company , the Rich.com comes out as a genuinely authentic retailer,competitor and leader in its niche.

Rich.com customers can purchase prepaid phone cards to call international destinations ranging from Asia to middle east and Europe. Customers also have the option of using their web site to search for best phone cards to call from United States to virtually anywhere in the world with much cheaper rates than from large companies like at&t, sprint, etc.For example to cal to Africa-Nigeria may be as little as 1.7 cents,Zimbabwe 1 cent,Botswana 3.3 cents etc.Now thats what i call competitive rates!

Tusker Project Fame-Faces to Watch

Who is most probably being eliminated in the much famed popular tv show Tusker Project Fame this coming weekend?I'd bet Hemedi Suleiman-the academy's juvenile minded "Mr Loverman"!Projection,Mr Hemedi projection and perception matter in any reality tv show!For now he is perceived as the insecure ,undecided and probably immature young man in the show which aims at getting the best vocal talents of to a record deal with Gallo records of south Africa.
(New!!!!!For update on winner see http://siku-moja.blogspot.com/2008/06/ugandan-esther-mugizi-wins-tpf-2.html)

The four contestants put on probation(possibly on their way out of the Tusker Academy) were:
  1. Hemedi Suileiman of Tanzania
  2. Ian Mwaisunga(Tanzania) -chose the wrong song
  3. Magdaline Muckoya(Kenyan)-local naive "miss baibes"trust me wont last long if you court unbridled romance in this academy!
  4. Winfrey Nannyojo-Too much competition in this show
The faces to watch and the contestants in here for the long haul are(correct me if im wrong):

( photos courtesy of Tusker Project Fame 2008 website)
  1. David Ogola:This Kenyan has talent possibly will be in the final two
  2. Esther Mugizi-Thats a Ugandan with powerful voice and pleasant suprises!
  3. Linah Blanche-Petite powerhouse/voice Tanzanian babe with all that it takes to win this competition.The only person ive seen with a strategy to stay in the academy for the long haul.
  4. Nsaali Jacob-First native African that has sang a country song that i have truly loved.This guy has great talent and great voice!I have never heard a brother sing country like this guy.He is a winner already!
  5. Stephen Oundo-Another Ugandan with good voice and commitment to win
  6. Wendy Kimani-Kenyan with strong and beautiful voice.Im sure many would concur she is Kenya's most favourite female contestant in the academy.
  7. Victor Bali-Kenyan from Kisumu almost mistook him for the Tanzanian music maestro Z'anto of Binti Kiziwi fame but has a good voice and quite a stage presence.
Well thats my list of famous seven and im certain many east Africans would concur with me but its up to the Project fame Judges as to who will stay in the academy to the grand finale !


last Sundays show (May 4th) was such a dissapointer.The Judges simply let the audience down and the organizers/sponsors of the show need to come down hard on the Judges (remember you are branding your products this kind of faults could prove costly!)if the show is to be viewed as a credible and legitimate elimination competition.Public perception is key!Remember last year the Judges were openly biased against the competitors from other East African Countries.This year they have begun again apparently neglecting to send poor performers to probation but opting to put the best in tow for elimination.Now Asha Ramadhani is out of the House that means if the elimination is to continue of the three top performers Linah,Wendy and Alice one may just have to go courtesy of the Judges!How we desire that our local show' s could subscribe to some creed of ethics rather than bloated egos.

22 April, 2008

America Heading Towards Recession?

Is America heading towards recession ?that question seems to be foremost in many peoples minds.But were that even the case it would not come as a surprise as the bible foretells tough times for world economies especially during this period of time commonly referred to as the last days(see the account of the Four Apocalyptic riders in Revelation 6:1-7)!

But with tough times ahead many Americans are opting for credible financial institutions to give them the much needed help to deal with "bad credit loans" or"bad credit credit cards" and one such credible institution is www.badcredit offers.com a free consumer resource dedicated to helping those with a less-than-perfect credit rating. Their experienced expert staff continuously monitors the credit marketplace to bring consumers the best "bad credit" offers available and compiles each day's top offers .

Their goal is to provide consumers with the knowledge and resources necessary to help them find the best credit offer to fit their needs, regardless of a bad credit history/ bad credit loans
Apart from acting as a reference bureau they also offer an array of interesting loan portofolio at incredibly friendly rates.Tough times call for tough measures and true to the fact bad credit is a reality for millions of Americans, making it difficult for these consumers to build the future they envision for themselves and their families. Fortunately, there are lenders who are willing to give those with bad credit a second chance.

BadCreditOffers.com is a leading comparison website for people with bad credit -- featuring credit cards, home loans, auto loans, personal loans, and much more. Consumers can apply for the offer that's right for them, and by making payments on time they can start down the road toward rebuilding their credit and, perhaps, their financial future.

Please visit their website at http://www.badcreditoffers.com for appropriate information.

15 April, 2008

Top Visited Websites:Kenya,South Africa & Nigeria

Its interesting which sites are most visited by African surfers on the internet.One thing for certain though is that we are visiting more foreign based websites than local site!That is quite informative especially for investors in the Advertisement industry.In this post i highlight the 10 most visited foreign and local sites for Kenya ,South Africa and Nigeria.The information is based from data gathered from http://www.alexa.com/ which is the leading authority in web traffic ranking in the world:

According to Alexa the top visited foreign sites in Kenya are:

  1. Yahoo
  2. Google.co.ke
  3. Google.com
  4. Facebook
  5. Windows Live
  6. Hi-5
  7. Googles Youtube
  8. Microsoft Network (MSN)
  9. Rapid Share
  10. Wikipedia
most visited local sites for Kenya(among top 100 most visited sites) are:
(alexa ranking in red)

  1. Daily Nation and Sunday Nation (www.nationmedia.com) 15
  2. East African Standard(www.eastandard.net) 24
  3. Kenya- Airways.Com(www.kenya-airways.com)33
  4. Business Daily Africa (bdafrica) website(www.bdafrica.com)66
  5. Stocks Kenya (www.stockskenya.com)67
  6. Safaricom (www.safaricom.co.ke) 70
  7. Kenyanlist.com(www.kenyanlist.com) 81
  8. Mashada.com (www.mashada.com) 82
  9. Rich.co.ke (www.rich.co.ke) 91
  10. Nairobi Stock Exchange(www.nse.co.ke) 98

Most visited sites in South Africa are:

  1. Google.co.za
  2. Facebook.com
  3. Yahoo.com
  4. Google.com
  5. Youtube.com
  6. Windows Live(www.live.com)
  7. Wikipedia
  8. Blogger.com
  9. Microsoft Network(MSN)
  10. Rapidshare
most visited South African local(indigenous) sites are:

  1. News 24 www.news24.com(run by the South African newspaper group Naspers) (11)
  2. Gumtree.co.za (12)
  3. Standardbank.co.za (13)
  4. ABSA Group Banks(www.absa.co.za) (15)
  5. M-Web.co.za (17)
  6. Web mail.co.za (19)
  7. Independent online(www.iol.co.za) (20)
  8. bid or buy.co.za (26)
  9. My Broad band.co.za (27)
  10. ZA Nic (29)
South Africans seem to be visiting more local sites than international sites indicating a well developed internet system especially for the Banking and IT sector. further more South Africans have more sites in the top 100 bracket than any other African country.

Most Visited sites in Nigeria are:

  1. Yahoo.com
  2. Google.com.ng
  3. Google.com
  4. Facebook.com
  5. Windows Live
  6. Blogger.com
  7. HI 5.com
  8. Microsoft Network(MSN)
  9. Youtube.com
  10. Rapidshare.com
The most visited Nigerian local(indigenous sites) are:

  1. Nairaland the Nigerian Forum(www.nairaland.com) (11)
  2. Punchng.com(news site) (19)
  3. Cscsnigerialtd.com (20)
  4. The Sun news online(www.sunnewsonline.com) (30)
  5. This Day Newspaper( www.thisdayonline.com) (33)
  6. Naija hotjobs.com(http://www.naijaecash.com/) (36)
  7. The Guardian( www.ngrguardianews.com) (42)
  8. Cash craft Asset Management(www.cashcraft.com) (44)
  9. Syskay.com(domain hosting firm) (53)
  10. Nigerian Securities .com (57)
A comparative analysis between the three Countries reveals that Kenyans are lagging in the use of the internet and this is mainly due to disinterest in maximizing the power of the internet by the corporates.Most websites are poorly crafted with draconian layouts, hardly are updated regurlarly ,have a poor interface and this will cost this country tremendously.So if you are in a management or influential position where ever you are .Kindly ensure your bosses understand and utilize effectively the power of the internet.Among the banks i think Equity carries the day, the rest are sleeping on it!by the way only in Nigeria do we have a blog featuring in the top 100 alexa ranking i.e. http://www.naijaecash.com/!That is quite telling for all Kenyan bloggers,please be in it for the long haul!

Sponsored Conversations

3GB Social Networks !

Its interesting how the world has just become a small place with the advent of the internet.Opportunities galore have opened up for one to form friendships,gain information, learn a new foreign language ...etc across borders.There is an emergence and prominence of online social networks but abundant caution must prevail.Care must be taken as to whom one chooses to converse with and 3GB social website is one partner that one cannot do away with in this environment of mistrust!

The 3GB social website enables one to have a unique opportunity to meet new friends old friends upload your photos albums join groups blogs chat with other members and hear last mp3 hits at no cost! join 3gb community www.3gb.biz.Whats amazing is that the membership base is not proliferated so as to obscure ones judgment as to which of the online associates are legit and that one can get to listen to latest hits on a custom made playlist/radio!The motto is "IMAGINATION IS IN OUR POWER".I know the African continent is yet to catch up with the social networks craze! but this are opportunities we should simply not ignore!

Mungiki Insurgency !

Kenyans were astonished yesterday when transport in more than 5 major towns including the capital city were brought to a standstill in the wee early morning hours.The affected townships included Nairobi,Nyahururu,Nyeri, Eldoret, Murang`a , Limuru etc.What is confounding is that the security machinery and intelligentsia were caught flat foot in the massive misfeasance that transcended more than three provinces.Today morning again Kenyans have to walk because of matatu boycotts due to Mungiki threats!

Armed mungiki militia burnt more than thirty cars, barricaded roads,murdered some vehicle occupants by hurling petrol bombs and closed business premises in a show of force as if to insinuate they are a parallel Government.I remember previously highlighting this menace and lapse in a Nation Opinion article some time back but it seems the security machinery did not take the hint.This is the second time within a period of five months that the security machinery has let Kenyans down.The first instance being the post poll violence where it was alleged that the attacks were premeditated and preplanned and yet the security machinery did not get wind.The Mungiki instance shows a high level of organization and structure that should shock to sobriety any well meaning government.According to the Kenya National Youth Alliance(ironically what is so national about this group when it seems the majority are coming from one tribe?) the situation will stay put since the members are alleging police brutality ,extra judicial killings and the murder of the wife of one of their leading figures as being the provocation behind and cause of the criminal riots.

I know that our Police force are only humans and there is so much that humans can do especially since the increase in violence and insecurity was prophesied in the scriptures as a prelude to the destruction and end of all wickedness and the ushering of a new Heavenly based Governmental disposition-Gods Kingdom(Psalms 92:7,which states "When the wicked ones sprout as the vegetation And all the practicer's of what is hurtful blossom forth,It is that they may be annihilated forever" or DAN 2:44, Mt 6:10,Rev 5:9&10 Psalms 37:10 & 11)However on the other hand the ruling authorities have an obligation to ensure security pending that time.It behooves them to use common logic including investigation of criminality,criminal science and anticipating criminal maneuvers.At the same time the increase in crime can be attributed to the rising cost of living, youth unemployment and poverty that seems to be going unabated.

At the same time the public is equally culpable for the sad state of affairs.There are close to 35 million Kenyans and even at its best Mungiki boasts of having a membership base of 2 million adherents .Even if minutely possible that were true,then 33 million Kenyans are sitting by held ransom and hostage by this group that has sown peoples heads asunder in the recent past under the guise of being a religious outfit with good religious ideals!They live within us and plan their actions within us, it is therefore each individuals responsibility to report criminal activities to the appropriate authorities.That they can sit down ,plan and execute their criminal activities is indeed mind blogging and heads should roll within the intelligentsia circles because of maladroit, ineptness and callous handling of potential disasters.Peace,tranquility and righteousness must prevail over murderous hatred and criminal persons.


14 April, 2008

Pay Per Post

I have finally signed up to payperpost.Why do i say finally because initially the site required a ZIP code and as we all know most Countries in Africa(Kenya included )do not use a ZIP code but post office box numbers.This is indeed welcome!

What is Payper Post all about.Well the site allows the bloggers to post articles on specific goods or services or to review certain products.If the post is of acceptable quality the blogger earns some money.Payperpost is indeed an effective means of monetizing one's blog.The money gained can be used to enhance the appeal of ones blog(for one i hope to host this blog on its own domain and purchase a modern laptop so a to enhance my blogging capacity).Payperpost payments are secure and via paypal hence most ideal for African Bloggers.Once again i emphasize that African bloggers interested in monetizing their blogs should take advantage of this unique opportunities to generate revenue.

I am just amazed at paypal,the user friendly interface and most importantly the convenience that the site has.The terms of payment are much better than for Google Ad sense or Ad Words.Im most certain that more and more African bloggers would embrace this opportunity.At the same time i hope more and more African bloggers do write quality posts on areas of special importance for the African Continent such as Agriculture(i tried finding information on how to effectively apply fertilizers such as Urea and was pleasantly shocked at the scarcity of information).For now pay per post is a darling that i want to court and im certain i will be pleasantly surprised! You too should join -thats if you blog!( i have a widget on the side for ease of access to the site)

12 April, 2008

Blogskinny -Blog Aggregator

I,ve always taken upon myself the duty of informing my African readers and bloggers on the latest and most effective blog aggregators that they can use to generate traffic for their website!Today i focus on blog skinny(this information is also useful for non- African bloggers).

A look around the African blogosphere today indicates that most bloggers rely on Google's Ad sense & Ad Words to generate revenue.I would verily say this is a long shot
since there are not so many Africans out there who have access to the internet or who are willing to purchase stuff online.I know for certain mostAfrican Bloggers earn probably less than a dollar each month from Google which is not worth it!With low traffic then ad sense is not so readily advisable for African users.At the same time our Big Corporates companies are yet to embrace online advertisement.At best only in the south African blog market does one have a chance of succesfully,monetizing and achieving rewards from monetizing their blogs.But that does not need to be the mainstay of the African blogosphere and for African Bloggers.Today i would like to recommend blog skinny which is a site that does not only get you more traffic but using your rss feed publishes your content.Further they offer you advice on how to monetize your blog .They are definately true to the banner here below.They make your computer do work for you

affiliate best program

Hence my appeal for African bloggers whether they are from Kenya ,Ghana, Egypt,Algeria,SudanZimbabwe,Uganda,Tanzania, Morroco,Nigeria,Ziare,Sierra Leone,Gabon,Namibia(there are quite some best quality blogs there that need recognition and awards just that lets not just blog about politics,our leaders, or even ourselves only.Africa is rich in content and diversity)or any other Country out there.Your blog cannot only be a source of deep satisfaction but can also generate money.Stay tuned to this blog for interesting reviews, news on blog directories,aggregators,African blog awards etc.I am sincerely commited to encouraging the development of the African blogosphere and bloggers

If you find my posts to be worth it and helpful.Kindly click on the below link to promote tis blog and hopefully reach more audience with this crucial information(Thanks in Advance)

like what you've read, click here to give this author a higher rating at blogskinny.com


10 April, 2008

Tension Returns to Kenya!

Failure by the principals of the two opposing ruling parties ODM and PNU to appoint a grand coalition cabinet is slowly breeding tension.But once again the request is that Kenyans remain patient!After all Zimbabweans are still patient awaiting the announcements of their Presidential Election results on the other hand.Im here tring my best to improve my blog traffic and there are a number of websites im finding useful such as http://www.trafficswarm.com/go.cgi?791316

If you are an African Blogger and have been shopping around for some program or website to increase your traffic then try traffic swarm atleast its not like those other fake websites .The traffic increases depending on your effort! Remember blogging is not just about good posts but also about visibility-getting other people to read or review your blog!

For now may Peace and Patience prevail! Violence or mass action is not a solution.

09 April, 2008

Tag-Sum to Edge Out Digg!

I have been using DIGG as my aggregator for posts written for quite sometime now and i must say that the benefits have not been readily apparent as i had wished.Futhermore the pages nowadays frequently return an error message meaning that their system must be getting clouded due to the increasing volume of usage!As it stands if you are a budding blogger and are just starting out, DIGG may just not be the aggregator of choice as you will be burried under the too many users.

DIGG works on popularity and new users have an uphill task notwithstanding the quality of blog posts it therefore is extremely necessary for a competitor to emerge with a product that will provide value and be easier to use!Im still at lose as to how to effectively use the DIGG shouts i prefer the south African muti.co.za instead !).I have found Tag sum.com to be the ultimate rival for DIGG and its catching up rapidly.Its easier to submit articles through Tag-Sum and they have a facility whereby one can generate and share revenue for google ads on the pages they have submitted and shared on the site.Isnt that cool.I encourage African bloggers to take advantage of tag sum now before it gets blotted.Interestingly the multi millionaire pro blogger John Chow http://www.johnchow.com/ generated immense traffic and became popular due to DIGG but he made use of it at its onset it therefore stands to reason if one takes an early advantage tag sum ,their blog may just gain enough traffic to make it relevant in thi rapidly growing and robust internet industry


04 April, 2008

Mobile Tv -Another Reason To Buy Safaricom Shares!

Mobile phones have revolutionised the flow of information in Africa.The service providers have raked in millions of dollars due to the mobile industry and the services mobile phone tend to open up.The profits are set to rise tremendously with the advent of Mobile Tv which will essentially mean a wider advertisement market which can be appropriately be dubbed"adverts on the go".I foreseably see Safaricom being among the first companies to venture into this avenue in Kenya and that means profits.

Mobile Tv involves merging mobile phone services with television content over cellular networks.Unlike traditional television sets, mobile phones offer unmatchable advantages such as:
  • Ease in mobility

  • Selectivity of content(i.e. video on demand)

  • Interactive TV

  • Internet facilities

Hence of necessity the mobile service provider that will bid and buy the license to provide mobile content will increase its profit and viability.Mobile Tv content currently can be supplied through a number of formats including a two-way cellular network and the second is through a one-way dedicated broadcast network. These include digital video broadcasting-handheld (DVB-H), digital multimedia broadcasting (DMB), TDtv (based on TD-CDMA technology from [IPWireless]), 1seg (based on Japan's ISDB-T), DAB and MediaFLO. (courtesy of wikipedia inc)The Eu recently endorsed the DVB-H(Digital Video Broadcasting for Handhelds) as its uniform platform among the member states so as to achieve consistency and interconectivity among the member states.The DVB-H standard has also been adopted by South Africa with Multi Choice the providers of DSTV taking the lead in establishing the service(see here for the press release)Nigeria has similarly followed suit link here .It is expected that there will be over 500 million mobile tv customers worldwide by 2011.At the moment South Korea is the most advanced mobile tv market with over 10% of its population using TV enabled mobile phones. In Britain mobile tv service is provided by the Virgin Group subsidiary company Virgin Mobile among other players in the industry.

The traditional TV providers such as Kenya Broadcasting Corporation(KBC), Kenya Television Network(KTN) and Nation Television(NTV) should brace themselves for the competition that will arise due to this facility that can be supported by CDMA enabled, 3G and 4G mobile phones.DSTV Africa have actually taken the lead in launching the service hence the competition is iminent. In contemplation of digital advances the Nation Media group recently established an ITC department to specifically deal with such challenges.

On the international front the license costs quite some amount for example the San Diego based Qualcomm Inc the largest maker of chips that power cell phones recently purchased a radio spectrum(6 megahertz) network at 554.6 million .It is expected that the license to operate and provide mobile TV content in Kenya will be priced differently and at a higher rate from the usual TV and Radio broadcasting rights.Whatever the case the service should be amply priced so as to benefit the ordinary mwananchi.The fact that the internet will soon take over fromTelevision advertisements as the biggest advertising medium in Britain according to a report by Internet Advetising Bureau(IAB),Pricewaterhouse and Coopers and the World Advertising Centre further propounds the potential of internet enabled mobile phones as the next big thing in the advertisement industry.

In the local scene with new products such as M-Pesa(mobile banking) and prospects of mobile tv coming up one has all the more reasons to own shares in Safaricom.

Apprentice Africa-Episode 5

Akatu Ochai was fired in last nights fifth episode of the Apprentice Africa basically because of keeping in reservations he had about a comercial advert that Zulu Corp came up with.But most importantly from the episode one could clearly see that Biodin Shobanjo has a soft spot for Eddie Mbugua and Tunde(Babatunde Ojikutu) .Will one of them end up being the Apprentice in the final show? ...who knows?lets just wait and see but the CEO's liking and preferences are starting to manifest themselves.

In the meantime,Kenyan fans of the Apprentice Africa lets us please root for Eddie.He is eloquent,loyal to his team mates,apt and equal to the tasks ,decisive ...among many other positive qualities.I know he will go the whole ten yards but in the event he doesnt.I hope the top Kenyan companies will give him a good deal.If you are a CEO and are reading this kindly give him offers and let us just know about it! It may just be good marketing and a branding opportunity.

02 April, 2008

Inflation Rate Rises In Kenya

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics yesterday released the consumer price indices and inflation rates for march 2008 (link here) confirming the fears of many Kenyan Citizens that the worse is here and the more worse yet to come!

Many of us are really complaining about the unabated rise in the price of fuel,electricity common commodities such as cooking oil,wheat flour, tomatoes, sukuma wiki,beans, maize flour, bread , alcohol,etc.This is especially so over the past month of March 2008. A packet of loaf has reached an all time high of Kshs 40/=.Nairobians isnt this absurd yet we dont have to import the wheat?The inflation rate increased from 19.1 percent in February 2008 to 21.8 percent reminiscent of 1992 when Kenya went through tumultous times due to politically instigated land clashes.

There is a huge nexus between the myriads of problems Kenyans are now facing and poor leadership.Indeed" man {continues} to dominate man to his own injury"The rise in prices cannot be attributed to natural calamity,weather changes or drought but on human error. Somewhere ,somewhat there is something very wrong that needs to be addressed by the aloof political elite.Fare prices especially for eastlands residents has increased tremendously (one now has to factor an increase in the fare that would see him get to town in January that now enables him/her to only get to Muthurwa and then board another metropolitan shuttle bus to the Central Business District(CBD) at additional cost)while the earning power for the majority remains the same.Failure to implement real measures to tackle the rising poverty will inevitably lead to rise in insecurity and violent robbery.Someone somewhere needs to rise to the occasion and sort this mess at the same time certain measures ought to be discussed at cabinet levels before decisions that would inconvenience and alienate the Mwananchi from the ruling class are taken.That is insight and wisdom