15 April, 2008

Top Visited Websites:Kenya,South Africa & Nigeria

Its interesting which sites are most visited by African surfers on the internet.One thing for certain though is that we are visiting more foreign based websites than local site!That is quite informative especially for investors in the Advertisement industry.In this post i highlight the 10 most visited foreign and local sites for Kenya ,South Africa and Nigeria.The information is based from data gathered from http://www.alexa.com/ which is the leading authority in web traffic ranking in the world:

According to Alexa the top visited foreign sites in Kenya are:

  1. Yahoo
  2. Google.co.ke
  3. Google.com
  4. Facebook
  5. Windows Live
  6. Hi-5
  7. Googles Youtube
  8. Microsoft Network (MSN)
  9. Rapid Share
  10. Wikipedia
most visited local sites for Kenya(among top 100 most visited sites) are:
(alexa ranking in red)

  1. Daily Nation and Sunday Nation (www.nationmedia.com) 15
  2. East African Standard(www.eastandard.net) 24
  3. Kenya- Airways.Com(www.kenya-airways.com)33
  4. Business Daily Africa (bdafrica) website(www.bdafrica.com)66
  5. Stocks Kenya (www.stockskenya.com)67
  6. Safaricom (www.safaricom.co.ke) 70
  7. Kenyanlist.com(www.kenyanlist.com) 81
  8. Mashada.com (www.mashada.com) 82
  9. Rich.co.ke (www.rich.co.ke) 91
  10. Nairobi Stock Exchange(www.nse.co.ke) 98

Most visited sites in South Africa are:

  1. Google.co.za
  2. Facebook.com
  3. Yahoo.com
  4. Google.com
  5. Youtube.com
  6. Windows Live(www.live.com)
  7. Wikipedia
  8. Blogger.com
  9. Microsoft Network(MSN)
  10. Rapidshare
most visited South African local(indigenous) sites are:

  1. News 24 www.news24.com(run by the South African newspaper group Naspers) (11)
  2. Gumtree.co.za (12)
  3. Standardbank.co.za (13)
  4. ABSA Group Banks(www.absa.co.za) (15)
  5. M-Web.co.za (17)
  6. Web mail.co.za (19)
  7. Independent online(www.iol.co.za) (20)
  8. bid or buy.co.za (26)
  9. My Broad band.co.za (27)
  10. ZA Nic (29)
South Africans seem to be visiting more local sites than international sites indicating a well developed internet system especially for the Banking and IT sector. further more South Africans have more sites in the top 100 bracket than any other African country.

Most Visited sites in Nigeria are:

  1. Yahoo.com
  2. Google.com.ng
  3. Google.com
  4. Facebook.com
  5. Windows Live
  6. Blogger.com
  7. HI 5.com
  8. Microsoft Network(MSN)
  9. Youtube.com
  10. Rapidshare.com
The most visited Nigerian local(indigenous sites) are:

  1. Nairaland the Nigerian Forum(www.nairaland.com) (11)
  2. Punchng.com(news site) (19)
  3. Cscsnigerialtd.com (20)
  4. The Sun news online(www.sunnewsonline.com) (30)
  5. This Day Newspaper( www.thisdayonline.com) (33)
  6. Naija hotjobs.com(http://www.naijaecash.com/) (36)
  7. The Guardian( www.ngrguardianews.com) (42)
  8. Cash craft Asset Management(www.cashcraft.com) (44)
  9. Syskay.com(domain hosting firm) (53)
  10. Nigerian Securities .com (57)
A comparative analysis between the three Countries reveals that Kenyans are lagging in the use of the internet and this is mainly due to disinterest in maximizing the power of the internet by the corporates.Most websites are poorly crafted with draconian layouts, hardly are updated regurlarly ,have a poor interface and this will cost this country tremendously.So if you are in a management or influential position where ever you are .Kindly ensure your bosses understand and utilize effectively the power of the internet.Among the banks i think Equity carries the day, the rest are sleeping on it!by the way only in Nigeria do we have a blog featuring in the top 100 alexa ranking i.e. http://www.naijaecash.com/!That is quite telling for all Kenyan bloggers,please be in it for the long haul!

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  1. Just wanted to say it's Nice to see more international folks blogging...

  2. Thanks for visiting my site. I never knew until yesterday that my site NaijaEcash
    was ranked as 88 for Nigeria by Alexa.
    I wish more African youths will dedicate some of the time they spend in Yahoo Chat rooms and other Social Media Websites on developing their own online presence. Thanks for the kind compliments. Cheers.

  3. Thanks for this post. Are you blogging from Kenya? or are somewhere away from Kenya but a kenyan. What do you have to say about blogging. You know bloggers alienate their fellow guys. It may help us bring Africa to another level. The bloggers I know run away from their own countries and do not want to concentrate on improving their own. I bet to change and blog about kenya that is why i started a new blog this year. http://www.kenyampya.isamap.com. Check it out and keep those posts coming and by the way I would like email followup if you do not mind.

  4. Hey, thanks for the post. Am wondering, are you somewhere in kenya blogging or are in internationally kenyanized? Hope you are in Kenya! Because, bloggers are instead running away from Africa and blogging about things they think will benefit other people other than their own fellow africans. I mean we are great people, we can make a great change and this is by alienating our brothers and sister here in Africa. Lets do something about it!

  5. Thanks Poly im definately blogging from Nairobi giving my perspective on issues and hoping more bloggers like you and me can network and let the African presence be felt in the blogosphere.Last week one of my fans at DIGG wrote to me being so much astonished to see an African that "DIGG's!" thats how bad it is! Let us collate together our efforts! Ive just visited your blogg,Keep on posting! all the best !Thanks

  6. You forgot to mention www.werunthings.com . keep up the good work peeps

  7. hi
    one more website for cfc finance investment visit:www.cfcfs.co.ke

  8. Check out this Kenyan Business Website http://www.biasharapoint.com specialising on FREE classifieds but also featuring a business blog,business directory,jobs and many more business features coming soon....

  9. Check out kenya's leading educational website which offers free educational resources and information in Kenya. The website address is www.kenyaplex.com
