26 April, 2008

Kenyan Prison Warders Go On Strike !

Kenya's prison system and criminal judicial system is currently in shambles following a concerted strike effort by all the prison warders in the Country.This follows a failure by the Government to improve their terms of service as promised in 2003.The warders live in inhumane and squalid conditions almost similar to those of the prisoners for whom they stand guard and it seems they have now vowed enough is enough.

This portends great danger to the overall security of the Country as the warders have threatened to release all the convicts if their demands for a salary increment are not met .
Unfortunately the commissioner of prison has met their response with grand standing and threatening that the warders actions are tantamount to treason.He is so far off from the law.He should ask any lawyer as to the essential elements that constitute a treasonable offense or go back for a refresher cause on the law.Being an executor of the law he cannot feign ignorance and there is no excuse to his ridiculous comments.As at now one can only sympathize with the plight of the prison warders who have been neglected over time, have worn out uniforms, share cubicles with their families leading to gross immorality within the camps and barely earn a salary that can sustain any Kenyan in the basic minimum descent conditions.

While the Prison warders arduously fulfill their dangerous and risky vocation at meagre wages, the political elites,M.P's , senior civil servants and Government officials continue to increase their salaries and benefits without any regards to the very departments charged with their safety and security.This is very dangerous .It must have taken a lot of perseverance and forbearance for this members of the disciplined forces to resort to downing their tools.Hence the Government ought to consider their plight as a matter of urgency!

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