30 September, 2009

Devastating Earthquake /Tsunami Hits American Samoa

A devasatating Earthquake estimated at 7.9/8.0 Ritcher scale hit the American Samoa & Samoa island region leaving in its wake massive destruction and a Tsunami on its tail early today morning 30 September, 2009(about 9 hours ago). I wish to hereby share some of the photos of the aftermath on the American Samoa islands -Pago Pago that i have gathered on twitpic.The death toll at the moment according to Associated press is at 63 with the figure steadily rising as rescue efforts are underway.

We certainly live in perilous times with forces of nature exhibiting their full potential with destructive consequencies .This being all the more reason to stay awake to the sign of the times!

29 September, 2009

Youth For Human Rights International Global Campaign

Youth For Human Rights International(YHRI) is a global youth organization seeking to educate young people everywhere on their human human rights as enshrined in the United Nations 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights through grassroots campaigns.The organization operates several chapters and youth clubs worldwide. The Term 'human rights' is pretty vague for many youths , and actually only a few who probably have had some legal training ,do know the range and depth of rights that the term encompasses. Hence it is especially essential that youths in Africa acquaint themselves with the activities of the Youth for Human Rights International in order to guard and protect their most basic human rights from abuse from any quarters.

The YHRI campaign "What Human Rights Are" has received quite an impressive global response.Another particularly successful campaign orchestrated by YHRI was the audio visual tool UNITED which featured a five minute music video which according to their website
won a number of awards for its portrayal of how human rights and cooperative action can curb violent confrontation and intolerance. UNITED,inspired the production of a series of 30 public service announcements (PSAs), each depicting one of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Harnessing modern audio-visual technology to articulate every right the .UDHR grants brought praise from educators, media industry executives and human rights advocates. The first three PSAs have already aired to more than 130 million people in over 60 countries.

After viewing the ad on CNN recently i decided to visit the YHRI website @ http://www.youthforhumanrights.org/ and was pleasantly surprised at their activities seeing that the group is little known in Kenya .For more information ,you can actually sign up and volunteer and or initiate a local chapter down at their site.I however believe their $40 Dollar Registration fee actually cuts of the vast majority of poor youths from developing Countries especially in Asia and Africa from being truly part of such a global phenomena

28 September, 2009

TPF 2009 : Alpha Rwirangira Brings Down The House

Last nights show in the much famed East African Reality Tv Show Tusker Project Fame 2009 was real exhilarating ;the contestants in the musical academy were each performing their own original composition and perhaps for the first time the show uncovered a real African Reggae superstar who is destined for success while still in the house!

Alpha Rwirangira of Rwanda
sang a swahili/rwandese song that encouraged africans never again to have a repeat of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide! The song entitled "tusikubali " left the attendants at the show and by extension all listeners completely entertained and received a standing ovation from the judges, teachers and audience.It was a masterpiece , a marvelous song that should have the UN and other international organizations poaching for it to be used in campaigning against social apathy, hatred,ethnicity, gender violence, wars, genocide and other social atrocities that continue to encumber the African continent.

Alpha Rwirangira is star of his won right , deserves this post and positive recommendation! On the other hand Kenyan songstress Patricia Wangechi Kihoro threw wood by choosing a genre of songs.i.e neosoul that has too many western greats that it requires exceptional talent to cut a niche for oneself. Her song had too much of Erykah Badu and India Arie influences and was lacklustre in performance leaving the Judges marginally impressed. On the otherhand the Ugandan Ladies Maureen and Leah definately had songs with international appeal and strong African tones that can readily cut for them a niche in the international music market in a similar manner as has Angelique KidjoSuzzana Owiyo... etc


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24 September, 2009

Australian East Coast Skyline Colored Red

Australian Skylines were yesterday colored glowing orange/red due to massive dust storms leading to closure of many public places and commuter services. Many peered to look at the Armageddon like skyline in much astonishment. The reality though is that the Australian skyline was that color due to human pollution. The Guardian online has an interesting article to which i will highlight some excerpts i.e:

Storms of red dust have produced a glowing orange sky over much of Australia's east coast as the country experiences freak weather conditions.

The Sydney Opera House turned orange, flights at Sydney and Brisbane airports were delayed, building sites shut down, workers choked and emergency departments were flooded with calls in the worst dust storm to hit Australia in 70 years.

On Sydney harbour, the thick red air cut visibility to less than 100 metres and shrouded the city's iconic bridge in a ghostly hue. One commuter, forced to catch the bus to the city because ferries were cancelled, took the opportunity to photograph the Armageddon-like scene.

That must have been simply amazing! Its time we we woke up and started taking responsibility for our action otherwise time is not on mankind's side and this is true the World over!

23 September, 2009

USA Green Card Dv-2011 Diversity VISA Application Period 2009

The USA Diversity Visa Program Lottery Dv-2011 program popularly known as the Green Card application period is set to begin on October 2 until November 30, 2009.Its unfortunate that many people who desire to get a Green Card to go to America hardly know that the application is free at the official website and often use agencies that claim to be oficial Government websites which is hardly the truth. The official page for the E-Dv is http://www.dvlottery.state.gov/ . and will be available as from the 2nd October, 2009. However to find out about the green card program, photo specifications, instructions... etc you can visit http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1322.html#6

Dont pay anyone to fill in the forms , if you have the photos you can do it all by yourself by closely following the instructions.The application is submitted online through the internet, paper applications are no longer applicable.The Green Card Visa results for successful applicants are normally announced between May and July of the following year thereafter they are required to meet some minimum conditions and apply for their Visa,s within a specified period.

The only take is that America is no longer the land of milk and honey especially with the global crunch and inflation rate. In fact if you are not a citizen and are there on a green card life may just be twice as hard yet millions apply each year for the free green card!
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22 September, 2009

Kenya Loosing its Elephants to Drought !

While Kenyan Politicians continue to argue/discuss on the Mau forest settlement issue Kenya is steadily loosing its elephant population to the drought that has hit the Country ! The National Geographic News website is carrying an article on the rapidly rising number of elephant deaths being experienced locally.It is reported that at least 38 dead elephants have been found in the area around the Laikipia highlands and Samburu National Reserve since January 2009.And its not only the elephants that are dying but Kenya's famed wild animals such as Lions, Giraffes, Wildebeests,crocodiles, Zebra's etc.

Our divinely given natural heritage is fast depleting . This being largely attributable to human degradation of the environment.Much of the blame can be apportioned to illegal and uncontrolled logging of trees ,settlement in forests and industrial pollution that has resulted in global warming.Yet even well informed individuals and authorities continue to trivialize the matter and or take their sweet time on the issue as if nature will wait for us to make a decision.

The truth is nature has a harsh way of disciplining those who infringe on its laws such as gravity, if you step out of tall building without a chute the possibility of you surviving is myopic same goes to messing with the environment. God created it for us to conserve and take care of it and not to destroy it. The bible is pretty clear on the issue showing that Our Creator has set a specific time-'an appointed time' to respond to those"ruining the earth"(Revelation 11: 18)and mind us it will not be eviction but ruination on the part of those infringing Gods requirements no matter the social status, colour, background, race or creed! The time to take responsibility for our actions individually and collectively is now!

Abbot Medical Optics Video Contest !

ContestAbbot Medical Optics, a leading optical firm engaged in the development of the widest range of proven refractive technologies for treatment of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia, cataract, spherical aberration and corneal is running a video contest@ iLASIK Video Contest .

For an opportunity to win a grand prize of 5,000 Dollars or an HDTV package worth $ 2,500 contestants are required to:
  • 1.Submit A Video

    Users make and submit a video in one of the following categories:
    • “My contacts are getting in the way of my good time”
    • “My favorite sport or activity would be so much cooler with better vision”
    • “You should see life after the iLASIK® Procedure”

  • 2.Urge their Friends To Vote on their video.

The aim of the contest is to get people to talk about the benefits that can be derived from LASIK procedures and how this can lead to improved vision and eyesight !This is especially important since many people are loosing sight due to cataracts (especially adults above the age of 50) and yet there is sufficient technology and treatment out there for the same. Abbot Medical Optics is a leading ophthalmic firm with a global presence and seeks to take on this challenge of educating the masses on quality ophthalmic treatment.Get to the site: YouGottaSeeThisNow.Com for more details on the contest!


16 September, 2009

Big Brother 4 Revolution Female Housemates

Well a wall separates the female contestants from the male housemates in the current edition of season 4 Big Brother Africa 2009.So who are the female contestants in the house in 2009?

First we have 27 year old Edna From Angola:

Two: Elizabeth from Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Three:Business Student Emma from Angola :

Four : Ogaland Nigeria is represented by two female contestants (i)Law Student Geraldine from , theres something about her that makes her look like Edna : and (ii) 23 year old Nkenna :

Next comes Jennifer from Mozambique:

From Mugabeland(Zimbabwe)is the attractive Kristal:

South Africa is represented by the 22 year old Music loving female housemate Liz :

Zambia has three female contestants in BBA Revolution (IV) - model Maggie :AND Palamo AND Renee described as entertainment at its absolute best:

Malawi is represented by Mzamo who describes herself as" Open Minded"

( all photos courtesy of Mnet Africa's BBA Website)

The contest begins.

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Dealing with Bedbug Infestation

Ahadi Trust -a Kenyan NGO has been valiant in its efforts to eradicate Jiggers and to treat Jigger infested victims in various parts of the Country with a measure of success . The thing is Jiggers are openly manifest and whether one has it or not, its not very easy to hide problem!However there is another problem that many Kenyans have and few are yet to admit and or talk about it- Bedbugs. The worst thing about bedbugs is that if a bed is infested and you as a visitor sleep on it, those mites /bugs are going to feast on you with dire consequences whereas the owner will not even notice them. That being the dilemna its necessary that if you have a bedbug problem you read this free online resource: how to get rid of bedbugs. The information from the website may just save you an embarrassment.

15 September, 2009

Okiya Omtatah Okoiti Responds to Standard Newspaper Article via BidiiAfrika Website

Just had to republish this interesting reply to a newspaper article about human rights activist Okiya Omtatah Okoiti appearing in today's Standard Newspaper:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mr. Benson Riungu,
Crazy Monday,
The Standard,
P. O. Box 30080,
Nairobi - Kenya.

Dear Mr Riungu:

Thanks for your most interesting article ever that you have published about me to date. which appeared on Page 7 of the Crazy Monday magazine insert in your esteemed publication today (Monday, September 14, 2009), under the heading "Omtatah's activism is all about himself". The article is published online at:

Much as I appreciate that no perception is immaculate, I find it extremely helpful when such a mirror or any reflective material, however poor it may be, is held before me, by a hand I don't control, to give me a reality check. Knowing how others perceive me and, most importantly, what I am doing, is of paramount importance to me as that is the main way I get to know whether or not I am communicating.

Nevertheless, your article would have done much better had it not relied on information that is more than a year old, a did a little bit more research to answer the provincial questions you pose. Also it would have been richer and served a higher cause had it transcended my person to engage my ideological activism in favour of a developmental state, in opposition to the neo-liberal model contained in Kenya Vision 2030 which both our Legislature and the Executive are keen to implement.

It is a gross failure on your all important part as both the conscience and the mirror of society to limit yourselves to discussing personalities and not the burning issues consuming the polity. We are at that point when the media must surface the burning socio-political and economic issues in the Kenyan polity. If you don’t help the Kenyan Street surface issues affecting ordinary Kenyans, our politics will inevitably remain personality driven, where we discuss self-seeking and visionless individuals, at the expense of the mind-boggling challenges we face as a country, and the good policies we need to solve them.

Hence, invoking your Newspaper's edifying motto, For Fairness and Justice, and without asking for too much since it really is not beyond you to grant my prayers, I would appreciate if your esteemed publication would go the extra mile to grant me an interview where I can explain the political ideology that drives me. The wind in my sail is the common good, not self-serving interests as your writer misrepresented me.

The method behind what you perceive to be my madness ("an enraged bull in a china shop", as you write), is that I am totally opposed to Kenya Vision 2030 which is nothing more than a glossy and grand scheme to recolonise us, by forcing us to sell our strategic assets to foreigners.

With the sell of those public assets, including the profitable National Bank of Kenya, the Kenya Ports Authority, the futuristic telecommunications industry, and other strategic assets, unregulated and uncontrollable market forces pursuing abnormal profits, and not political ideology in the service of the common good, will drive public policies and programmes to the detriment of Kenyans.

If Kenya Vision 2030 is not stopped NOW!, it will become a nightmare in which we will be no better than the man who sold all his land to another so that the new owner could build a palace in which he (the original owner) will be employed as a cleaner.

Finally, a humble request: is it possible to get an A1 size complimentary copy of that cartoon of me? I wish to put it in a picture frame and proudly hang it on my wall.

Kindest regards,

Okiya Omtatah Okoiti

11 September, 2009

9/11(September 11 2001)Memorial Quotes & Sayings

America seems to be in a rush today to get the most memorable quotes in relation to the Al qaeda engineered Terrorist attack on the Twin Towers that occurred on 11TH September, 2001.Various websites have cropped up claiming to be the official website for 9/11 memorial victims and survivors alike. Out of a tragedy has come a unity of purpose and ideas but the question still lingers...is there a lesson to be learned!

For myself watching the second plane ram into the World Trade Center caused jitters to my feet, for two days my attention was juxta fixed to CNN watching the rescue work at ground zero. The world as i knew it changed. On the 8 Anniversary of the 911 memorial my take on the issue would be in deed i find it very unnecessary for the USA to issue travel advisories indicating places such as Kenya as terrorist hot zones when in reality America that day became one of the unsafest territories on Earth.

For the victims and families continue to entertain the resurrection hope as enshrined in the Bible book of Acts 24 :15 "and I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous" Now thats a memorable and meaningful quote for other 911 quotes there is this Wordpress blog quotes aggregator

09 September, 2009

Kenya's Police Commisioner Major General Ali Takes A Bow!

The president of Kenya yesterday demoted the Police Commissioner Major General
Mohammed Ali Hussein from being the Police Commissioner to being the Postmaster General . As one local radio commentator quipped from shooting thugs to sorting(pronounced in luo sooting-pun intended) mail. The move left many dumbfounded and the former Police Commissioner shocked.A journey that saw him come from the Military, to the Police and now to the Post Master General at least retaining the P letter but seeming like a declining curve...so what next?...

05 September, 2009

Big Brother Africa(4) Revolution Contestants

Africa tomorrow night(Sunday 6th September 2009) gears up for the unveiling of the 2009 Big Brother Africa 4 : The Revolution contestants/participants. The Ceremony will be aired live across the continent on M-Net's DSTV network.The new Big Brother Africa 4th Season will feature 14 housemates from 14 countries to wit Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique(new), Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Angola, South Africa, Uganda, Nigeria, Botswana, Ethiopia(new) and Namibia who are expected to battle it out for the top prize of $ 200,000. The New Big Brother(IV) Revolution hopes to be a revolution in the sense that there will be new things,social media updates via Twitter& Facebook, double the price money and hope that it will be a success like previous version of BBA which save for the last two created regional celebrities. Tommorow's opening show will feature others the following artistes : Somali Born, Canadian Musician K'Naan .The show has a new re-designed logo (as shown below) :

The show will be hosted by among others Nigerian television star IK Osakioduwa a presenter on M-Net’s flagship Afro-chic lifestyle program Studio 53 which airs locally on KBC .Though i love Channel O's presenter Kabelo in my opinion he did not do much justice to Big Brother Africa 3 so i hope Osakioduwa's presence will hype the show!Keep it locked for the unveiling of the contestants....


  1. Uganda : Hanington Kuteesa & Filbert Okure
  2. Namibia : Edward Moongo & Erastus Moongo
  3. Kenya : Jeremy Ndirangu & Edward Muthusi
  4. Zimbabwe: Itai Makumbe
  5. Botswana: Kaone Ramontshonyana
  6. Nigeria : Kevin Chuwang
  7. Mozambique: Leonel Estevoa
  8. South Africa: Quinn Sieber
  9. Ghana: George Wayoe
  10. Ethiopia: Yacog Yehdego

This list is a teaser, the Girls will be coming next week and eviction is on from this week!Revolutionary -aint
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Pay Per Click Ads Management 101

Any Company ,individual, seller, service provider...etc seeking to build a steady online presence for their commodity/service needs to understand the basics of Pay per Click Ads. Without doubt pay per click advertisement rake in the most profits and traffic for successful online retailers. An example of a pay per click advertisement forum is Google Adwords which according to this wikipedia article on AdWords grossed Google a profit of USA dollars $21 billion in 2008. Unfortunately most business in Sub Saharan Africa have little knowledge on how these advertisement platforms work and how to build a brand around them with successful keywords. It is therefore necessary that they consult experts in the field in order to know how to effectively market themselves using the internet. I would recommend visiting and signing up with Reciprocal Consulting.com in order for them to be effectively appraised on ppc management and the basics behind it!

Seeing that advertisers spend money to ensure that your adverts are displayed online and that users actually click through ,it is important that they monitor how this money is utilized and in an effective manner. The need to monitor the performance of advertisements especially with the influx of click fraudsters has led to the development of consultation firms such as Reciprocal Consulting . So don't just sign up for PPC campaigns without first getting good targeted advice from internet marketing industry professionals.

04 September, 2009

Michael Jacksons Funeral & Burial

Pop Legend Michael Jackson has finally been laid to rest at Glendale Forest Lawn's Great Mausoleum in Los Angeles , 40 minutes ago in a private ceremony attended by some 200 guests. Michael Jackson funeral/burial service and interment began at 0300 GMT.

The family has kept the event low key by allowing only limited media coverage of the event which is a good thing. BBC News has a few photos of the event and a video coverage is in the offing.You can catch up n the video,photo links,story.. etc at this link.A great entertainer Michael Jackson has been laid to rest, his low key funeral is a good thing as now the family can be left to heal whereas us the living can take stock of what our life is like and what kind of legacy will we leave behind if we die. From dust to dust....

Michael Jacksons Funeral Link Video