30 September, 2009

Devastating Earthquake /Tsunami Hits American Samoa

A devasatating Earthquake estimated at 7.9/8.0 Ritcher scale hit the American Samoa & Samoa island region leaving in its wake massive destruction and a Tsunami on its tail early today morning 30 September, 2009(about 9 hours ago). I wish to hereby share some of the photos of the aftermath on the American Samoa islands -Pago Pago that i have gathered on twitpic.The death toll at the moment according to Associated press is at 63 with the figure steadily rising as rescue efforts are underway.

We certainly live in perilous times with forces of nature exhibiting their full potential with destructive consequencies .This being all the more reason to stay awake to the sign of the times!


  1. That is terrible news, I hope they can get rescue to them quickly.
