29 September, 2009

Youth For Human Rights International Global Campaign

Youth For Human Rights International(YHRI) is a global youth organization seeking to educate young people everywhere on their human human rights as enshrined in the United Nations 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights through grassroots campaigns.The organization operates several chapters and youth clubs worldwide. The Term 'human rights' is pretty vague for many youths , and actually only a few who probably have had some legal training ,do know the range and depth of rights that the term encompasses. Hence it is especially essential that youths in Africa acquaint themselves with the activities of the Youth for Human Rights International in order to guard and protect their most basic human rights from abuse from any quarters.

The YHRI campaign "What Human Rights Are" has received quite an impressive global response.Another particularly successful campaign orchestrated by YHRI was the audio visual tool UNITED which featured a five minute music video which according to their website
won a number of awards for its portrayal of how human rights and cooperative action can curb violent confrontation and intolerance. UNITED,inspired the production of a series of 30 public service announcements (PSAs), each depicting one of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Harnessing modern audio-visual technology to articulate every right the .UDHR grants brought praise from educators, media industry executives and human rights advocates. The first three PSAs have already aired to more than 130 million people in over 60 countries.

After viewing the ad on CNN recently i decided to visit the YHRI website @ http://www.youthforhumanrights.org/ and was pleasantly surprised at their activities seeing that the group is little known in Kenya .For more information ,you can actually sign up and volunteer and or initiate a local chapter down at their site.I however believe their $40 Dollar Registration fee actually cuts of the vast majority of poor youths from developing Countries especially in Asia and Africa from being truly part of such a global phenomena

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