We certainly live in perilous times with forces of nature exhibiting their full potential with destructive consequencies .This being all the more reason to stay awake to the sign of the times!
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won a number of awards for its portrayal of how human rights and cooperative action can curb violent confrontation and intolerance. UNITED,inspired the production of a series of 30 public service announcements (PSAs), each depicting one of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Harnessing modern audio-visual technology to articulate every right the .UDHR grants brought praise from educators, media industry executives and human rights advocates. The first three PSAs have already aired to more than 130 million people in over 60 countries.
Storms of red dust have produced a glowing orange sky over much of Australia's east coast as the country experiences freak weather conditions.
The Sydney Opera House turned orange, flights at Sydney and Brisbane airports were delayed, building sites shut down, workers choked and emergency departments were flooded with calls in the worst dust storm to hit Australia in 70 years.
On Sydney harbour, the thick red air cut visibility to less than 100 metres and shrouded the city's iconic bridge in a ghostly hue. One commuter, forced to catch the bus to the city because ferries were cancelled, took the opportunity to photograph the Armageddon-like scene.
That must have been simply amazing! Its time we we woke up and started taking responsibility for our action otherwise time is not on mankind's side and this is true the World over!
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