Here are some fashion model photo shoots from the fashion guru/designer, Hazel Aggrey- Orleans the creative force behind Orleans Designs, a new woman's wear and accessory label .Hazel Aggrey -Orleans is of Nigerian and German descent ,she does some mean West African Inspired "Afro Couture".
This particular collection dubbed the "Eki Orleans " SS12 'Nature's Serenity' collection"was recently showcased during the during the African Fashion Week at the Sandton Hotel ,in Johannesburg, South Africa .The collection was very well received and inspired by the turquoise lakes of Abraka combined with the plumaging of peacock feathers. ,
The designer Hazel Aggrey-Orleans has a love for nature, which comes out in the prints she designs.I will upload more photos as they come from the press agency.
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27 October, 2011
Nairobi 27th October 2011: The Best 100 finalists in the Chase Bank Enablis ILO Business Plan competition are attending a boot camp at the Inoorero University to enhance their entrepreneurial abilities. This is in preparation to the announcement of this year’s business plan competition winners which will be done at a winners’ gala on Friday 28th October at the Sarova Stanley Hotel. Winners in the 7 categories will walk away with a total of Kshs. 3.5 million in prize money as seed capital for their businesses. All the finalists will walk away with Chase Bank accounts and business development support from both Enablis and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The training is focusing on Presentation skills, Financial Management, Marketing, Business Systems, Legal issues of setting up a business, Integrating ICT in Business and aligning businesses to Vision 2030. The emerging entrepreneurs will also have an opportunity to interact with seasoned entrepreneurs as well as the winners of last year’s competition.
While welcoming the participants to the 5 day training, the Enablis Africa Chief Operations Officer, Mr. Moses Mwaura said “There are many business opportunities that can be started by finding solutions to the emerging challenges that most people face in our country. Aligning these businesses to Vision 2030 is what will drive change and contribute to economic development of our country as all stakeholders including entrepreneurs contribute to the attainment of Vision 2030” .
“The increase in business plan entries has been exceptionally impressive, indicating that a majority of entrepreneurs continue searching for solutions to the many problems our country, especially addressing chronic food shortages experienced periodically in Kenya”, said Mr. Mwaura.
This year, the business plan writing contest received a record 405 entries – a significant increase from the 300 entries in 2010. The Best 100 business plans were selected during an initial two-stage evaluation and judging process conducted by judging panels from Inoorero University and Chase Bank.
The competition attracted budding entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 60, with an interest in diverse sectors, including: Agribusiness & Agro Processing (25%); Arts, Sports, Leisure & Recreation (10%); Business and Professional Services (15%); Green and Ecological Business (13%); Information & Communication Technology (18%); Manufacturing and Construction (10%) and; Media, Marketing and Communication (9%).
Prior to submitting entries, 2734 prospective entrants from 20 counties across the country underwent intensive training, facilitated by Inoorero University, to help equip the emerging entrepreneurs with the best entrepreneurial strategies and tips on how to write business plans and approach banks with fundable business plans.
The Vice Chancellor Inoorero University, Professor Henry Thairu commended the efforts of the Enablis Best 100 and congratulated them for being risk takers hence contributing to solving the unemployment problem. Most people are comfortable being in employment and not creating employment as the latter involves a lot of risks and commitment. He reiterated that Inoorero University being the Enterprise University is focused on training their students on how to become job creators.
Of the 100 finalists, 71% are youth between 18-35 years.
Now on its third year, The Chase Bank Enablis ILO Business Launchpad is an initiative of the Enablis Entrepreneurial Network East Africa with support from Chase Bank, International Labour Organization, (ILO) Inoorero University, International Labour Organization (ILO), Safaricom Foundation, The Kenya ICT Board, Rhino Special Products and MobiKash Limited.
26 October, 2011
CfC Stanbic Bank launches First Business Reality TV Show in Kenya
CfC Stanbic Bank to award Ksh1.5 in seed capital to top entrepreneur as it seeks to promote entrepreneurship and innovation within the Small and Medium Enterprise segment in Kenya
Nairobi 26 October 2011: CfC Stanbic Bank has announced its sponsorship of the upcoming television reality show ‘The CfC Stanbic Bank Magnate”, which seeks to find and nurture Kenya’s future entrepreneurs.
While unveiling the details of the show, CfC Stanbic Bank head of business and personal banking Elly Odhong’ said the business reality TV Show which will air on KBC and KiSS TV aims at providing aspiring entrepreneurs with the opportunity to test their business acumen for a chance to obtain the investment they need to take their business ideas to the next level.
“Entrepreneurship is more than just the mere creation of a business – it’s about vision, innovation, hard work and the realization of a dream, which CfC Stanbic Bank Magnate seeks to achieve,” said Mr Odhong.
The 13-episode Business reality TV show has been packaged to be an exciting, informative and above all an educative show. The CfC Stanbic Bank Magnate will identify, evaluate and encourage potential entrepreneurs who not only have the most deserving business ideas, but also possess the critical skills required to execute those ideas successfully.
The bank received 800 applications from which 100 applicants were shortlisted at the subsequent selection stage. A total of 14 applicants have been selected for the 10 week TV show that will be aired every Thursday from 8pm – 9pm on KBC, Kiss TV and Zuku TV starting 27th October, 2011.
“Out of the 14 candidates by a panel of judges will pick one who presents the best idea that can be actualized. CfC Stanbic bank will then award Ksh1.5 million in start up capital to the candidate with best idea to help him/her translate this idea into reality. Even those who will not be able to win this cash will come out of the house with a lot of experience which will be crucial in growing their businesses,” said Mr Odhong’.
He continued: “As a bank we seek to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in Kenya in line with our intent to be a key contributor to the economic development of this country. Small and medium-sized businesses are capable of being the 'engine of growth' for the economy.”
In partnership with SME training firm Investeq Capital, the bank will provide training and mentorship to candidates during the entire period of the show.
The tasks will test the candidates’ intelligence, business acumen, will to succeed, attitude amongst other important aspects that are key attributes of entrepreneurs. The candidates will also face the challenge of living in close quarters with other candidates that they will only have met and having to always strategize on how to emerge at the top either as part of a team or as an individual.
Accomplished entrepreneurs will be featured regularly during the programme to provide the convergence between business concepts learnt and their applicability in the real business world.
“CfC Stanbic Bank is committed to the advancement of the Kenyan economy, believing that SMEs are indispensable contributors to the future viability of this country. We are certainly proud to bring together such a diverse group of people to share experiences, visions and advice.” said Mr Odhong.
For more information visit:
25 October, 2011
Tips on How To Survive A Hand Grenade /Bomb Attack
With the ongoing military incursion by Kenyan forces into Somalia after the militant and terrorist outfit group Al Shabaab and following the spate of grenade attacks in the CBD of Nairobi the last two days ,i believe it is important to reprint some of the following tips published by Jim Wagner on how to survive a hand grenade attack.fortunately this tips are doing the rounds in social media and without doubt they are pretty useful and can just mean your life!
Hand Grenade Attack
Although hand grenades fall into the category of a small arms attack, it is a bombing none the less. A hand grenade is a handheld explosive that is activated by a burning fuse or a timed fuse, such as a military hand grenade. Hand grenade attacks are common, because they are light, concealable, and easy to use. Military style grenades can also be placed as a booby trap. Once a trip wire pulls the pin or the grenade is knocked out of place and the safety spoon twirls off, the victim only has five seconds or less to react.
To survive a hand grenade attack you must do the following:
Here are some common sense Reality-Based pointers whenever you are using a public transportation system:
Heeding some of this tips may mean your life especially now when the Country is at war with the enemy within! Take care and be safe,
Hand Grenade Attack
Although hand grenades fall into the category of a small arms attack, it is a bombing none the less. A hand grenade is a handheld explosive that is activated by a burning fuse or a timed fuse, such as a military hand grenade. Hand grenade attacks are common, because they are light, concealable, and easy to use. Military style grenades can also be placed as a booby trap. Once a trip wire pulls the pin or the grenade is knocked out of place and the safety spoon twirls off, the victim only has five seconds or less to react.
To survive a hand grenade attack you must do the following:
- Observe where the grenade lands. Not only should you note where the grenade lands, but where it might roll. Most grenades are round, and can roll quite a ways from where they first hit the ground. If it rolls in your direction your chances of survival diminish.
- Dive away, and go face down. Do not run from a grenade, which has just landed, because you don’t know when it will explode. You may be struck with fragments (shrapnel) while trying to flee or get spun in the air by the shock front. Although grenades have timer fuses, there is no telling when it will go off. Some fuses are designed to go off in two seconds, while others go off in four seconds. If the thrower wants to take no chances of someone picking up the grenade to throw it back, or to throw it into a safe area, they do a technique called “cooking.” They pull the pin, let the grenade cook off for a second or two, and then throw it. This technique allows the grenade to burst in the air, or explode upon immediate contact with the ground giving the victims no chance to react.
- Point you legs toward the grenade and bring your heels together. Your legs should be like an arrow pointing to the grenade, while your feet are the arrowhead. By playing the souls of your shoes together it acts as a shield between the rest of your body and the device. If shrapnel does come your way, hopefully your shoes, feet, and legs will absorb it before it penetrates vital organs.
- Bring your elbows to the side of your rib cage and cover your ears with your hands. By using your arms to cover your torso, and your hands to cover your head, you are using your limbs as a buffer between flying debris and vital areas of your body.
- Close your eyes and open your mouth. When a grenade explodes there is a shock front (also known as a shock wave) that expands outward from the center. This sudden high-pressure area moving through the atmosphere can rupture your eardrums and your lungs if you are close enough (it takes only 80 p.s.i. to rupture the lungs). By keeping your mouth open you are attempting to equalize the outside pressure with your internal air cavities to avoid a rupture.
Here are some common sense Reality-Based pointers whenever you are using a public transportation system:
- Always look around for backpacks, luggage, or packages that have been left behind before you take your seat. Don’t assume somebody simply “forgot” it. If you find such a container don’t be afraid to get an attendant to check it out and get it off. Be responsible for your own area.
- Always observe the people who are aboard with you, and how people get on and off. You don’t have to be paranoid or obvious that you are observing people, but a little casual awareness goes a long way. If you see someone, who appears slightly nervous or crafty, and leaves behind something, then you must take some sort of action, even if it means moving further forward or back away from the possible blast zone and notifying the proper authorities. Self preservation is the number one rule.
- When you use lavatories make it a habit to check behind spaces and inside of openings for any IED that may have been planted. Over the past few years many citizens searching aircraft lavatories have come across conventional weapons such as knives, box cutter, and guns. Such weapons may indicate a pending attack.
- Most bus and rail explosions occur in the middle of the interior. If it is a suicide bombing where the terrorist fears discovery the explosion will also occur near the entrance. The “safest” place would be to the rear of a train car or a bus. If it is a commuter train that you are taking you may want to sit in the last car. Most people tend to take the first few cars and the middle cars before they would a rear car just because of the inconvenience of longer walk. Terrorist tend to attack “center mass” (the most concentration of people).
- Try to position yourself near an exit. After an explosion does occur, you may have to escape to avoid smoke inhalation or a rapidly moving fire. For my students I always recommend that they carry an emergency escape hood designed to filter out toxins in the air in the event of a fire or terrorist attack (including chemical attacks).
- Try to avoid busy hours. For travel by air it may be safer, and less expensive, to catch a late night or early morning flight where there are less people and passengers. It’s obvious that rail systems, especially subways, are vulnerable targets. By avoiding peak hours you will keep yourself away from a potential attack. A smart terrorist is not likely going to waste his time on a few people. The whole purpose of terrorism is to get media attention. The more casualties, the bigger the media coverage.
- {This is my own addition and i will put in bold because the vast majority of Kenyans are just senseless when a disaster happens } Do not go to the scene of a terrorist attack to watch. Terrorists like to set off secondary targets to kill as many police and rescue personnel as possible.Furthermore you may hinder or interfere with the rescue efforts or evidence gathering!
Heeding some of this tips may mean your life especially now when the Country is at war with the enemy within! Take care and be safe,
24 October, 2011
Head of Emirates Group IT Wins CIO of the Decade Award
Patrick Naef scoops CIO of the Decade in the category of International Orientation.
DUBAI, UAE – 24 OCTOBER 2011 – Divisional Senior Vice President IT for The Emirates Group and Head of Mercator, Patrick Naef, has been named Chief Information Officer of the Decade by CIO, Europe’s leading IT magazine for Chief Information Officers and top business executives. Presented at a ceremony held recently in Cologne, Germany, Patrick won in the category of ‘International Orientation’ and was identified as being among the world’s best CIOs by a jury of 70 experts from leading academics and industry practitioners.

Standing alongside other industry greats including Audi’s CIO Klaus Straub and Guss Deckers CIO for Airbus, the award honours Patrick’s visionary style, solid leadership abilities, and gives recognition to his 2,000-strong Dubai-based IT team. Patrick has exhibited world-class IT leadership at the Emirates Group by simplifying IT platforms, streamlining applications, reducing costs, and delivering world-class services. Headquartered in Dubai, the Group and its subsidiaries are active in many locations worldwide and Emirates flies to more than 100 destinations in over 60 countries.
“This award is testimony to the great achievements of our people, not only in IT but in other departments across the Group. Together our IT team aspires to achieve operational excellence, high performance, and technology value delivery in relentless pursuit of enhanced business results,” commented Mr.Naef. “I feel honoured to be recognised amongst a stellar group of finalists and previous winners who have made a significant impact in their role of Chief Information Officer, in managing their company’s enterprise-wide information systems. These are the born leaders who illustrate the growing significance of the CIO role and the impact it has within their organizations and to the international industry as a whole.”
14 October, 2011
Entries Open for 2011 UNEP Young Environmental Journalist Award
Nairobi, 13 October 2011 - The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is pleased to open the 2011 UNEP Young Environmental Journalist Award.
Following the successful launch of the competition last year, African journalists between 21 and 35 years, who are based on the continent and working for local, regional or international media organizations, are once again encouraged to apply.
Journalists entering the award may submit one radio, television, print or online report (in English or French) on an environmental issue.
The prize is an all-expenses-paid study visit to the USA, where the winner will follow a specially designed “green itinerary”, interacting with leading environmental projects, green economy projects, scientists and public figures.
Last year’s UNEP Young Environmental Journalist Award (YEJA) winner, radio journalist Patricia Okoed-Bukumunhe from Uganda, is currently in the United States completing her study tour.
Visiting Washington DC, Seattle and Miami, Patricia will be meeting and working with Voice of America, National Public Radio, National Geographic and a host of other media organisations and environmental groups.
You can read about her experiences as the 2010 YEJA winner on her US blog, ‘Patricia on the Road’, at
Applications for the 2011 UNEP Young Environmental Journalist Award can be made online at until 5pm (Nairobi time) on 16 December 2011.
Written articles must not exceed 3000 words and radio or television reports should be no longer than six minutes. The report must have been published or broadcast between 1 January and 31 December 2011.
Please visit the website for all other terms and conditions.
Over 120 entries from 24 African countries were received for last year’s award. The diverse subject matter covered by journalists included the role of traditional ‘medicine men’ in protecting biodiversity in Kenya, the need for improved sanitation in communities in Nigeria and the impact of climate change on weather patterns in Togo.
Among other criteria, judges for the 2011 UNEP Young Environmental Journalist Award will assess entries on the strength of their environmental component, newsworthiness, originality, scientific accuracy, and relevance to local or regional communities in Africa.
The award is made possible through funding support from the Government of the United States of America.
12 October, 2011
Go Places Privelege Card Enters Marketing Deal with Capital FM

The official signing held at Capital FM offices marks the launch of the cobranded Capital FM Go Places Privilege Card. Capital Group General Manager Cyrus Kamau and Leisure ; Travel Guides E.A Group Marketing Director Hussein Jiwani signed the partnership agreement.
With the Capital FM Go Places Privilege card, members enjoy immediate discounts at point of purchase in over 500 preferred partner establishments across East Africa. These partners include Airlines, Hotels, Lodges, Restaurants, Clothing Stores, Gift Shops, Furniture Outlets, Dry Cleaners, Hair & Beauty Salons, Health & Fitness Centers among others.
Through an extensive marketing campaign and using the latest available technology, Go Places through their Customer Care department will offer FREE Restaurant reservations and holiday bookings on behalf of an extensive database of hospitality and dining establishments across Kenya. This information will be accessible through both websites of Capital FM and Go Places Kenya as well as through Social networking sites, Electronic Marketing and WAP application.
The partnership will see new subscribers to the Capital FM Go Places Privilege Card receive a 25% discount on subscription and stand a chance to win a wide range of fabulous prizes including dinner vouchers, shopping vouchers and the grand prize of a Holiday for Two at an exotic destination to be revealed at a later date. Members will be invited to the studio for a live interview to share their experiences and inform listeners how the discount card has affected their lifestyles whilst shopping, dining out or traveling.
10 October, 2011
South African Tourism offers online training to travel trade partners
The tourism marketing agency seeks to leverage on technology to grow the east African market
Nairobi – October 10 2011: South African Tourism is scaling up its online training programme for its travel trade partners in Kenya and the east African region selling South Africa as preferred tourist destination.
The online training porgramme dubbed ‘Fundi’ is designed to equip travel trade partners from the regional with the right tools to be able to sell South Africa effectively.
Speaking in Nairobi at the first graduation ceremony of 58 travel agents drawn from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania who successfully completed the Fundi programme South African Tourism Regional Director for Africa/Middle East and Domestic, Phumi Dhlomo, said the Fundi programme seeks to ‘empower trade partners and travel consultants with a diverse knowledge of South Africa, allowing them to better sell destination South Africa.’
“We are grateful that our online training programme for our travel trade partners, Fundi, has been received well by travel agents from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. We believe that having successfully completed our Fundi programme, they are now well equipped with the travel information and knowledge about South Africa that will enable them to various destinations better. The knowledge they have acquired is most certainly a tool that will increase their sales to our country, and improve their businesses too,” said Dhlomo.
He continued: “Fundi has an additional benefit of significantly increasing productivity in servicing clients because time does not need to be spent researching and planning a possible package to South Africa. The Fundi will be well versed and trained in this, allowing them to service more clients.”
Mr Dhlomo disclosed that would be seeking to build on increased tourist arrivals from Kenya and the wider east African markets. According to the 2010 South Africab Tourism’s statistics, Kenya contributed a total of 32,000 arrivals to South Africa.
“We see a greater potential in the wider east African region, which we believe can contribute upto 70000 tourists visiting South Africa annually. Through such innovative products like Fundi, we are making it easier for our travel trade partners to sell South Africa in the entire region,” he said.
Fundi can be completed within three months, which completion translates a participating travel agent into a certified South African Travel Expert. The 58 Fundi graduates were awarded a certificate of completion by South African Tourism.
He confirmed that as part of the Fundi challenge, 10 of the 58 graduates will have the opportunity to win a fully-hosted trip to South Africa, to experience first-hand the many learning’s absorbed over the course.
06 October, 2011
Apples CEO Steve Jobs Is Dead !

News of Steve Jobs death is quite some sad news ,coming at a time when Apple enthusiasts all over the world are expecting the release of the much hyped I-Phone 5,
According to Wikipedia Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne founded Apple in 1976 .It is not in dispute that Steve Jobs marketing prowess was instrumental in many ways in making Apples products such as the Macintosh,I-Pod I-Pad and I -Phone a global success.Apple is the most valuable publicly-traded company in the world, surpassing ExxonMobil’s market capitalization in August 2011.
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24th February 1955-5th October, 2011 |
Our sincere condolences to the family, colleagues and friends from this blog .
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