The students want to be consulted before any decision that adversely affects them is undertaken, but that seems to be a curtain call that falls on deaf ears.Some Members of Kenyatta University Students Association (KUSA) were arbitrarily suspended following the previous strike- another decision that was hastily taken by the university senate and now the matter is in Court for Judicial review. The last time we witnessed such suspensions was during the Moi era and clamour for multi party democracy!That tells the university senate something.
Some of the administrative decisions being taken against these cream of Kenya's academia indicates lack of appreciation of what university education really entails. Prescribing uniforms cannot and will not work.Though the students clearly have valid issues with the academia , they should find acceptable methods to articulate their grievances although the university seems hell bent to silence diconsenting opinion by suspending student leaders instead of engaging them in dialogue-the result is the chaos witnessed!
What a shame, but it was seen coming and in the abscence of concrete measures it will still happen!My call dignify the students listen to them, as for the Police -you used excessive force evidenced and captured on national tv and some of this students will be absorbed into the force(see Standard News item Link here) and be your employers---basically you excercise little forethought and it will come back to haunt you, as for the Kenyatta University students there are better ways to articulate problems rather than criminal activities.Simply a sad and shameful affair!
Here's an insider perspective from blog Kenyan Chronicles