For latest News ,Analysis, Entertainment ,Tech and mobile reviews in Africa
26 February, 2009
Hot Lamborghini Tonino Stilleto Heels !

24 February, 2009
Shopping for Stylish Eyewear-Online!
I have stuck with my current frames for now almost four years and just the other day i went shopping a round with a colleague for classy eyeglasses frames.That's a difficult task so today i took it upon myself to search accross the internet for stylish and affordable frames which i could buy.I landed upon some interesting site on Times online entitled :Seeing Straight Without Breaking the Bank!
It had some interesting tips on various websites, but if you are like me the frugal kind you will find their reference to zenni opticals as a site where you can find cheap and stylish frames from dollars 8 onwards to be quite telling !It's a vote of confidence to the quality of products you expect to get from zenni opticals. I visited the site and saw some two frames all going for 8 dollars and thought is that just great! They aroused my interest and taste.The plastic rims are just the in-thing but more than that they are stylish...not too bulky or proffesor type!
(frame details at http://zennioptical.com/cart/product.php?productid=241&cat=20&page=1
& http://zennioptical.com/cart/product.php?productid=600&cat=20&page=1

Interestingly this frames are less than a thousand Kenyan shillings....that is unbeatable locally-truly cheap and it includes the frames and lenses . Anti Reflective and Anti Radiation coating cost an additional 4 dollars. It's also interesting that there are websites you can upload your photo and see whether you would look great with particular frames. Zenni opticals has a large range of eyeglasses , single vision lens, sunsensor (potochromic) lens, tinted sunglasses lens, bifocal lens and progressive lens for one to be able to choose from.So thats a site that one definately has to visit !
It had some interesting tips on various websites, but if you are like me the frugal kind you will find their reference to zenni opticals as a site where you can find cheap and stylish frames from dollars 8 onwards to be quite telling !It's a vote of confidence to the quality of products you expect to get from zenni opticals. I visited the site and saw some two frames all going for 8 dollars and thought is that just great! They aroused my interest and taste.The plastic rims are just the in-thing but more than that they are stylish...not too bulky or proffesor type!
(frame details at http://zennioptical.com/cart/product.php?productid=241&cat=20&page=1
& http://zennioptical.com/cart/product.php?productid=600&cat=20&page=1

Interestingly this frames are less than a thousand Kenyan shillings....that is unbeatable locally-truly cheap and it includes the frames and lenses . Anti Reflective and Anti Radiation coating cost an additional 4 dollars. It's also interesting that there are websites you can upload your photo and see whether you would look great with particular frames. Zenni opticals has a large range of eyeglasses , single vision lens, sunsensor (potochromic) lens, tinted sunglasses lens, bifocal lens and progressive lens for one to be able to choose from.So thats a site that one definately has to visit !
Associated Content Article On Jon Favreau
I am pleased this morning to note that my earlier article on Obama's Chief speech writter Jon Favreau has been published at Associated Content Link :http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1488324/jon_favreauobamas_chief_speech_writer.html
I think this is a wonderful development and i appreciate that the article is more detailed and professionally done.

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I think this is a wonderful development and i appreciate that the article is more detailed and professionally done.

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23 February, 2009
Twitter Search for Conversation
Twitter is dabbling with the idea of real-time search, which is a concept that should get Google worried atleast for the time being. The Twitter web conversation monitoring website has grown exponentially ( according to twitter blog they have acheived above 900% active user growth in just one year)and has now reached a critical mass level that can see it emerge as a new search engine giant but providing a new unique service that may see Google drooling!
Twitter search is now being hosted on its own sub domain at search.twitter.It seems more and more people are eager to know the latest conversation in the internet be it facebook, twitter etc and the fact that this social media platforms are accesible via mobile phones and other portable gadgets makes it the all more attractive! Interestingly twitter has only 29 employees but i am certain this is bound to change soon.Internet use is morphing at a tremendous rate , it seems man & woman is more pre-occupied with telling whats new or learning about it, blogs, social networks, celebrity gossip,chat and online conversations are the in thing and busineses are adapting to this new trend.In future candidates may just win an election based on their prominence in some of this social forums such as facebook-indeed exciting times lie ahead

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Twitter search is now being hosted on its own sub domain at search.twitter.It seems more and more people are eager to know the latest conversation in the internet be it facebook, twitter etc and the fact that this social media platforms are accesible via mobile phones and other portable gadgets makes it the all more attractive! Interestingly twitter has only 29 employees but i am certain this is bound to change soon.Internet use is morphing at a tremendous rate , it seems man & woman is more pre-occupied with telling whats new or learning about it, blogs, social networks, celebrity gossip,chat and online conversations are the in thing and busineses are adapting to this new trend.In future candidates may just win an election based on their prominence in some of this social forums such as facebook-indeed exciting times lie ahead

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18 February, 2009
Guantanamo Military Prison -The Remaining Bit !
On November 13th 2001 following the twin towers USA bombing the then American President George Bush signed an executive order that would among other things result in the establishment of the Guantanmmo Military Prison where detainees of the alleged"war against Terror" would be held without any formal trial.The age old adage you are innocent till proven guilty was put to shame and disregarded!
This step led to various Human Rights abuses that need to be addressed at the present moment. Whereas the Current USA President Baarck H Obama has signed an executive order towards he closure of this facilities ! It is prudent that this matter receive his further attention. The USA oplays a big brother role and if it is seen that the USA can tolerate and or encourage impunity, then other countries may be tempted to follow suit including African Countries which have a known tendency and habit to abuse human rights.
Amnesty international seeks to engage you in acampaign to ensure that those who forment, encourage and perpetuate impunity should be held to account no matter their creed,race, stature or colour!
Since January 11 2009 Amnesty international began an Obama 100 Days e-action campaign with a globalpetition calling for international solidarity behind 17 concrete steps to change US policy( list of which can be obtained at the site).
The Kenyan debate at the moment revolves around agenda three of the campaign which involves"Ensure that an independent commission of inquiry is established to investigate and look into all aspects of the USA’s detention and interrogation practices in the “war on terror” !
What you can do? this campaign calls upon you to sign the petition at http://www.obama100days.org which will be used to marshall suport for the stablishment of an independent commision that will ensure the whole world knows there can be no toleration of impunity in a modern and just society.
Last week i attended a webinar/teleconversation with Amnesty international officials in the UK and some Kenyan bloggers alot of ideas came forth including the question whether Guantanamo is purely an American Affair(i would appreciate your thoughts on this) .A number of the said bloggers have posted insightful articles that you can read:
1. marvintumbo on Guantanamo
2.odeglenyanginv-Human rights and home truths
3. truemindz on Obama to announce closure of guantanamo

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This step led to various Human Rights abuses that need to be addressed at the present moment. Whereas the Current USA President Baarck H Obama has signed an executive order towards he closure of this facilities ! It is prudent that this matter receive his further attention. The USA oplays a big brother role and if it is seen that the USA can tolerate and or encourage impunity, then other countries may be tempted to follow suit including African Countries which have a known tendency and habit to abuse human rights.
Amnesty international seeks to engage you in acampaign to ensure that those who forment, encourage and perpetuate impunity should be held to account no matter their creed,race, stature or colour!
Since January 11 2009 Amnesty international began an Obama 100 Days e-action campaign with a globalpetition calling for international solidarity behind 17 concrete steps to change US policy( list of which can be obtained at the site).
The Kenyan debate at the moment revolves around agenda three of the campaign which involves"Ensure that an independent commission of inquiry is established to investigate and look into all aspects of the USA’s detention and interrogation practices in the “war on terror” !
What you can do? this campaign calls upon you to sign the petition at http://www.obama100days.org which will be used to marshall suport for the stablishment of an independent commision that will ensure the whole world knows there can be no toleration of impunity in a modern and just society.

1. marvintumbo on Guantanamo
2.odeglenyanginv-Human rights and home truths
3. truemindz on Obama to announce closure of guantanamo

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16 February, 2009
Aquarium for Sale-Kenya
A colleague of mine is selling an acquarium and has requested me to source buyers. So today i set my hand on local e-commerce and hope that i get a ready buyer at the earliest(Kenya buyers alone as there is no shipping facilities available unless one wants to meet the cost) .The aquarium is being sold at Kshs 15,000/= or approximately US Dollars 190!The aquarium is coming complete with the pump, coloured sand, decoration and two gold fishes.

If interested just leave a comment here with your email addresss and i will get back to you!

If interested just leave a comment here with your email addresss and i will get back to you!
10 February, 2009
Bloggers Get paid for your posts:Paying Post!
Traditional advertising is increasingly becoming unpopurlar as more and more people are being bombarded by billboards , TV Adverts, online pop up, text link,visual ,audio and other forms of advertisement.I for one am very particular when vising websites and hardly click through advertisements as essentially i believe i may be reffered to a product that i dont need or dont require and be requested to pay for it. It is said An average American adult is bombarded with more than 4,000 branding messages each and every day especially when they go online.The question is of the 4,000 how many will they respond to ?the reality is that almost none!
People are becoming advertisement resistant however a developing trend is to rely on social media and or blog reviews... etc from trusted friends who may have tried a product and who are able to describe in their own words their experience with certain products or services.That has given rise to social media marketing and many companies are towing the line to advertise through social websites, blogs etc.These has created a market that needs to be rapidly exploited.Thats where bloggers come in! Experienced bloggers and even newbies no matter their niche of writting can easily make money of their blog by writing clearly, coincisively and persuasively on a product and be honest about it!This is possible if they join networking websites such as paying post blog advertising network!
(heres a screenshot of the blog)
Payingpost is a worthwhile website that has come to revolutionize the way one can advertise on blogs. For a certainty it is beyond dispute that online advertising has become more lucrative and effective than traditional advertising.But how to convince the consumer is the enigma of many advertising websites!Payingpost is blazing the trail in these regards. The site encourages bloggers to take up on opportunities that are truly relevant to them and write reviews that are honest and captivating.For payingpost bloggers and affiliates its not just about making money, reserving or writting posts - its about value- added service and well researched posts.Paying post hence becomes the ultimate link of choice for advertisers, consumers , bloggers, marketeers etc.
I have used blogvertise, payperpost etc but believe Payingpost is unrivalled in its user freindly nature consider the following if you are a newbie blogger and desire to get paid while you blog...the payingpost blog has a quick start guide for new bloggers at www.payingpost.com/blog/quick-start-guide-blogging-for-money/ .The article is quite informative.If you have tried different platforms to monetize your blog you will agree with me that payingpost gives its users maximum help possible to fulfill their task and to ensure that the blog does not loose its page rank! However payments are only done via paypal ....that is just the requirement that may hinder some bloggers but if you have a paypal email address then its all systems go! And paying post will help you to write good post, reviews and even some SEO optimization tips may come your way! So dont hesitate join up now!

People are becoming advertisement resistant however a developing trend is to rely on social media and or blog reviews... etc from trusted friends who may have tried a product and who are able to describe in their own words their experience with certain products or services.That has given rise to social media marketing and many companies are towing the line to advertise through social websites, blogs etc.These has created a market that needs to be rapidly exploited.Thats where bloggers come in! Experienced bloggers and even newbies no matter their niche of writting can easily make money of their blog by writing clearly, coincisively and persuasively on a product and be honest about it!This is possible if they join networking websites such as paying post blog advertising network!

Payingpost is a worthwhile website that has come to revolutionize the way one can advertise on blogs. For a certainty it is beyond dispute that online advertising has become more lucrative and effective than traditional advertising.But how to convince the consumer is the enigma of many advertising websites!Payingpost is blazing the trail in these regards. The site encourages bloggers to take up on opportunities that are truly relevant to them and write reviews that are honest and captivating.For payingpost bloggers and affiliates its not just about making money, reserving or writting posts - its about value- added service and well researched posts.Paying post hence becomes the ultimate link of choice for advertisers, consumers , bloggers, marketeers etc.
I have used blogvertise, payperpost etc but believe Payingpost is unrivalled in its user freindly nature consider the following if you are a newbie blogger and desire to get paid while you blog...the payingpost blog has a quick start guide for new bloggers at www.payingpost.com/blog/quick-start-guide-blogging-for-money/ .The article is quite informative.If you have tried different platforms to monetize your blog you will agree with me that payingpost gives its users maximum help possible to fulfill their task and to ensure that the blog does not loose its page rank! However payments are only done via paypal ....that is just the requirement that may hinder some bloggers but if you have a paypal email address then its all systems go! And paying post will help you to write good post, reviews and even some SEO optimization tips may come your way! So dont hesitate join up now!
06 February, 2009
Amnesty Internationals Gaza Conflict Report

The culture of impunity seems to be so deeply entrenched in international State practise.Almost sixty years after the adoption of the International Bill of Rights and the Second World War it seems many nations are yet to fully realize, enforce and commit themselves to the respect of Human Rights especially where armed conflict is involved.Amnesty International is a global movement of volunteers with the specific aim of promoting and campaigning for the respect and enforcement of fundamental human rights and the elimination of poverty.
Amnesty's researchers have hence detailed a report(heres a pdf copy) on the excesses and abuses being witnessed in the current Israeli- Palestinia Gaza Conflict and the obligations of Israel ! Something needs to be urgently done to ensure that many innocent children, women and men dont continue to suffer or lose their lives in wanton slaughter in the name of armed conflict. You too can participate in a campaign to alleviate the sufffering of those who cannot protect themselves by joining Amnesty International as an international member at :http://www.amnesty.org/en/join and capaigning against impunity!
Amnesty supporters exert influence on governments, political bodies, companies and intergovernmental groups. Their Activists take up human rights issues by mobilizing public pressure through mass demonstrations, vigils and direct lobbying as well as online and offline campaigning.You too can be a part of it!
Africa's World Best Reality TV Show !

Africa’s World Best main mission as stated in the website is :"to develop Africa, empower and reward Africans through talent. Educational facilities, recreational facilities to help develop and nurture African talent, employment of youth through the new sustainable projects and community hospitals are some of the most important things Africa’s World Best LTD will focus on. In order to fulfil the above, we have therefore created a non-profit entrepreneurial foundation called AWB Together"
The initiative will plough back 40% of the profit from Africa’s World Best (AWB) reality TV talent show to assist young Africans to set up businesses, sustainable projects and create more jobs resulting in income growth in Africa. AWB Together will begin this process with Kenyan youth and gradually spread to the rest of Africa. That is quite some good news!
Up for grabs is: US $ 100,000 and a Car, I-pods, a luxury weekend stay at Kenya’s top 5 star Whitesand Beach Resort and Spa located in the sand beaches of Mombasa,mp3 players, portable cd players, laptops, TV, DVD players, mobile phones AND MORE .....
The show will be hosted by Ugandan Gaetano Kagwa, Cherise Makubale and Vicky Ngari among others and expects guest appearances from leading international personalities such as Nelson Mandela, Wahu Kagwe,Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey and the likes.This will be such an ambitious projects and hopefully with positive benefits to the African youths within the continent !
05 February, 2009
Blognetworks Facebook Campaign

At the moment i have 23 fans most of whom are bloggers following this blog on facebook, i intend to reach 100 in the next two months.So if you are a fan of this blog and are on Facebook perhaps you may care to follow this blog on facebook and receive the latest post on your facebook profile page.
My bog networks facebook widget is on the side of this blog but i repost it in this blog for your ease in joining:
Social networks have become a favourite medium of communication online ! Its so easy to trace old acquintances,primary ,high school or college friends and network on Facebook, Furthermore one can can join up facebook on their mobile phones (including Smart phones , i-phones,Nokia

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