For latest News ,Analysis, Entertainment ,Tech and mobile reviews in Africa
29 January, 2009
Nairobian Perspective Blog Link on HuffingtonPost !
Its therefore an honour to note that they view this blog as a worthy resource in its coverage of news, opinion,and analysis in the African region and more so in Nairobi Kenya.It is my sincere hope that with good sponsorship this site will grow big and incoporate as many /divergent views as possible so as to be truly Nairobian from this and other authors so as to rank as nairobi's most relevant unbiased and authoritative online news source .Unfortunately traditional media always caters to the interest of a minority few.Often very relevant and informative news pieces are burried deep under if they are not favourable to the whims and interest of the editors and company policy.Blogging /new media and citizen journalism is changing that!Naiirobian Perspective indeed continues to blaze trail as one of Kenya 's top notch blogs!
TV Resource Search Engine !

Its quite interesting and suprising the kind of websites you can find online! Google made a killing with its google search engine and nowadays its possible to get your own customized search engine from various sites.
However what has struck me and i just came to know about it is this website called My TV Options at : .It is a legitimate search engine that enables you to find credible DirectTv providers by State or Region(service available only in the USA).Through the service you are able to know which tv channels/service providers etc are available according to your location and on which particular channel (whether analog or digital or satellite).
Often when surfing the web you will come accross sites that promise "Unlimited Movie Access, 1000 High Definition Stations"..."Unlimited Movies On Demand"..."The Best Sports Anywhere"... when in reality their packages require upgrades, pay-per-view service or contain hidden costs.Often one can even be subject to credit card fraud. My Tv Options can save you the hustle and enable you get credible providers for direct tv or satellite tv.An advantage of the service is that if you visit the website you may just get an opportunity to receive free shipping if you subscribe to DirectTV satellite television which offers over 150 HD tv channels and 3 months of free movies
My Tv Options website is customized to help you find credible TV providers according to regions .Further the regional web page aggregates the latest news, weather and events for your specific state. You can also compare prices and the ratings for the various directtv providers, local channels, DVR like Tivo ,movie channels... etc in your current State. Ron the webmaster of my tv options just saved you the hustle of trying to find out which television programming provider you should sign up with!Ain't that nice? (post brought to you by mytv options)
27 January, 2009
Amnesty International's Global Campaign For Human Dignity
- Close Guantanamo ,Abu Ghraib and other illegal detention centers and also to end illegal detention
- Ban torture and ill treatment as defined under international law
- Appoint an independent commision to investigate abuses commited under the guiseof "war on terror"
I was helped to know that actually the Amnesy innternational counter terror campaign was commenced in 2001 and that they have been sending emails, letters etc of solidarity to some f the Guantanamo detainees most of whom have not been accorded the Right to a fair trial but were arrested merely based on suspicion,tortured, abused ...etc.For example Abdel Malik Abdel Wahab was a Yemeni National in his early Twenties who was allegedly sold by Pakistani Officials to US authorities and hads suffered immensely in the course of his stay at Guantanamo!
Amnesty international intends to increase its presrnce in Africa and so far they have opened a Facebook Group for Africa's online community, they are also in partnership with African bloggers with intent to not only build an online presence but educate the masses on the need to uphold and protect fundamental human Rights and Duties.AI is global movement with over 2.2 million members in more than 150 Countries.
AI's campaign on Human Dignity particurlarly aims at voicing and marshalling concern and action against gross violation of human dignity endure by millions of people worldwide living in extreme poverty. Often poverty is a precipice for blatant abuse of human Rights: To find out more on this campaign please visit:
Perhaps what was most impressive for me was to learn that AI will soon have a fully operational office in Kenya which for the moment will be funded and suported by international partners .This keen watchdog will add voice and complement the activities of existing Human Rights Organization's in Kenya .
24 January, 2009
Satellite tv Packages
Ican vouch for the service because i know someone who has subscribed to it and often sends me the latest TV series as aired on HBO. But Direct Satellite Tv Deals has more to offer apart from satellite tv, movies, sports and entertainment but also internet services.
Directv offers not only TV programing but also broadband services in conjunction withHughes Net.Interestingly their home broadband package promises delivery of speeds upto 10 megabytes per second with 5 email accounts and 24/7 tech support is priced at US $59 .99 equivalent to Kshs 4,619.23 while Safaricom here in Kenya offers this service based on internet bundles the cheapest being the current offer of Internet is at a data bundle of 300 mb at Kshs 5,999 per month.What a rip of!
Anyway i will not pick that up for now but for the American Viewers Directtv offers the best program package options in
- Sports Programming: it features NFL Sunday Ticket, Sentata Sports ,ESPN Game plan amongst others
- Direct TV Movies: including the following channels: HBO, SHOWTIME, The movie Channel, Cinemax,Sundance channel etc
- Local Channels
You can access DirectSAT TV website at
22 January, 2009
Who is Jon Favreau(Obama's Speech Writer)

(Picture courtesy of AP)
According to the Times online this is how Favreau met Obama and their journey and work relationship set off: "Favs” as he is known to friends
— was barely out of college and working as a speechwriter for John Kerry when he met Mr Obama backstage at the 2004 Democratic Convention. The Illinois senator was running over his lines when Mr Favreau impudently interrupted him to suggest a rhythmical rewrite. Mr Obama was astonished - and hooked" and most of us can see the reason why.
The Wikipedia Stub for Favreau(courtesy of wikipedia) needs more information but notable about the him is that :
Favreau joined Senator John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign after graduating from the College of the Holy Cross in 2003 as the valedictorian. Obama communications aide Robert Gibbs, who had worked for Kerry's campaign, recommended his former colleague Favreau to Obama as an excellent writer. In 2005, Favreau began working for Barack Obama in his U.S. Senate office, before joining Obama's presidential campaign as chief speechwriter in 2007.
Favreau has likened his position to "Ted Williams’s batting coach," because of Obama's celebrated abilities as a speaker and writer. Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said of Favreau, "Barack trusts him...And Barack doesn't trust too many folks with that — the notion of surrendering that much authority over his own words."[7]
On December 5, 2008, a picture of Favreau performing a suggestive gesture (grabbing a breast) to a cardboard cut-out of Hillary Clinton surfaced on Facebook. Favreau issued an apology to Clinton,[8] whose spokesman referred to the photo as "an example of just good-natured fun between former rival camps."[9]
Favreau was the primary writer of Obama's Inauguration address. The Guardian describes the process as follows: "The inaugural speech has shuttled between them [Obama and Favreau] four or five times, following an initial hour-long meeting in which the president-elect spoke about his vision for the address, and Favreau took notes on his computer. Favreau then went away and spent weeks on research. His team interviewed historians and speech writers, studied periods of crisis, and listened to past inaugural orations. When ready, he took up residence in a Starbucks in Washington and wrote the first draft."[10]
President Obama's Inaguration ceremony was dubbed" a new birth of freedom" and his speech writer Mr Jon Favreau spent hours "crashing" i.e drinking starbucks caffeine haze of espressos and Red Bull energy drinks amidst breaks while playing the video game' Rock Band'.The ultimate end after a number of read throughs by the President and internalising was a speech that would move the World. He captured Presidents Obama's intents, thoughts and ideals perfectly. The speech was a call to sobriety and hardwork and a renaissance in activity to build and restore America.
Now Africa has to learn from this. Our Presidents/politicians yap out whatever comes accross their minds. Their speech writers are old men and women who cannot capture the moment but often live in the past. In Kenya ministers are among most members of public who often sleep when our dignitaries give their speeches yet most of us young college/university graduate wunderkinds who have the gift of garb and expression continue to end up unemployed,frustrated...etc despite demonstrated skills.
That speech took alot of hardwork, time labour, research and the ultimate end was a carefully crafted piece de resistance , a classic orchestrated only comes with effort that is the lesson for African leaders. Get rid of your speech writers, listen more, confer with others more before you speak.Master the art of speech writing, intenalisation ,delivery and the use of an outline.....think first before you speak and its not a must that you say something or respond to all your critics .And yes you can consult me if you or your teams are bereft of ideas! im only young enough and gifted tooo you can readily see!
This article has been republished with more content at : Associated Content Website
Bringing Fashion & Style to the White House:Michelle Obama

She is totally iconic with the flare and style reminescent of Luo Ladies in Kenya.She is Michelle Obama.... and you ought to recognize style has arrived back at the white house! ....but this time unique style!She has already met vanityfairs best dressed lady list and its for good cause. Her several dresses are simply inspiring,well chosen,well matched and like a typical African American Lady she is ensuring Barack , Sasha and Malia are well dressed as fit to their current stature!

She is the talk of the celebrity fashion world and fashion moghuls the moment. Huffington post website yesterday was abuzz with posts and pictures on her dressing at the several inagural balls she attended yesterday after her husband was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America .She wore Isabel Toledo designer dress and a stunning Jason woo dress in the evening dinner dance.

Her favourite designers include:Matthew Williamson, John Galliano, Valentino and Hussein Chalayan, and oh she really loves designers who want to make a killing just give her a dress for a gift and she will sell it with her stately figure!Like they say in dholuo the native language of Barack Obama's father "Michelle Biro -yao neo" translated 'Michelle has come watch out!'

Are you Afraid of Public Speaking?
21 January, 2009
USA President Barack Hussein Obama's Speech Transcript

"My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors.
I thank President Bush for his service to our nation...
... as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.
Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath.
The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents..........."Speech continues here at this linkcourtesy of new york times (Click)
Are you Afraid of Public Speaking?
19 January, 2009
Microsoft Game Stores

Some time back , i remember coming across an article of a young Kenyan who was actually writing up computer games and i found that to be impressive ! It demonstrated that many of our youngsters are starting to think outside the box! Its not enough to just play computer games but it an be quite meaningful if one is able to write a video game that may have a local appeal! That aside its actually nice to know that you can purchase a myriad of microsoft products online now from a Microsoft store including new games and patch ups!
interestingly today i got one of those affiliate emails detailing me on the Microsoft online purchase stores which offer over 300 Microsoft consumer products for sale and in the near future will offer a full selection of Microsoft products. The flagship products scheduled to be included in the Microsoft Stores will include the following:
- Vista software (both boxed and downloadable versions)
- Office software (boxed and downloadable)
- Xbox consoles, accessories and games
- PC hardware such as keyboards and mice
- PC games
- Zunes
- Other MS software products such as Expression, Visual Studio a
Job Seekers Resources-Kenyanjobsblogspot Website
Heres a screenshot of the Kenyan Jobs Blog site:

The site is a comprehensive and up to date collection of job vacancies in Kenya.For all those Kenyans seeking jobs, looking for vacancies ,job opportunities,Graduate recruitment or internships ,career website links... etc this site is a comprehensive resource for job seekers.
Perhaps you are looking for a recent advert on some job opportunity that was published in a local gazzete such as the Daily Nation, Nairobi Star or even the East African Standard and you dont have the newspaper copy or getting to the newspaper archive online is giving you a headache that is the site to visit.Searching for jobs online is becoming a favourite pass time activity for many young and vibrant young Kenyans as is demonstrated in the number of persons visiting that blog.
I bet that the Kenyan jobs blogspot has a post on it and it wont take you time to find the details. I sincerely congratulate the webmaster for this worthy job seekers resource that is proving invaluable for all those steadily seeking employment in Kenya.Furthermore employers can advertise the opportunities available at their Companies or business at no cost and they are guranteed exposure and circulation as many people are vising that site.
The Kenyan jobs blogspot is the site for you and the layout is pretty simple, the posts straight and unto the point!The site has indexed over 500 job opportunities since its inception from both local companies , NGO's and Multinationals and proved itself quite a ready resource!Thats why here at a Nairobians Perspective we are giving it a thumbs up!
16 January, 2009
New Multi-Billion Convention Centre At Jomo Kenyatta International Airport
The Government will grant the investor a 80 year concession thereafter the centre will be handed back to the Government.The complex will be built on a 90-acre piece of land that has been Leased to the investor for the 80 year period.The deal to construct the centre was executed yesterday by Kenya Airport Authority Managing Director Mr George Muhoho and the Doha based developer Mr.Mohamed Kilani yesterday.With the current Governments heavy investment in the Infrastructure(roads, fibre optics etc), Kenya's economy is bound to grow steadily despite the low economic growth expected for the last financial year.The new project is expected to be complete in the next two years(maybe 5 the way things work here).Eventually Kenya will reclaim its status as one of Africa's strategic investment hub!This is certainly good news to many Kenyans especially the business community.The only impdiment to this is the rampant corruption by the political elite- a culture that must be effaced for any meaningful growth in this Country.
15 January, 2009
Amnesty Internationals Challenge To Obama

Honeymoon is about to end for America's Presidential Elect Barack Obama-with his inaguration on January 20, 2009 the world's eyes will start to focus on his delivery of campaign promises, key being the revamping of the American economy and revitalising America's foreign policy and relations. Amnesty International however has began an Obama 100 days campaign to get him to move the American legislature to disband the infamous Guantanamo prison for detainees in the "war against terror" campaign.Amnesty interntaional 100 days campaign hopes to get President Obama to disclose and announce " a plan and date to close Guantánamo; ban torture and other ill-treatment as defined under international law; and ensure that an independent commission on US “war on terror abuses is set up."
These demands are part of a Counter Terror with Justice “checklist” of actions Amnesty International is asking Obama to take in his first 100 days in office."- according to their website and they are inviting you to share in this campaign by signing a petition!
On another front Amnesty international is begining an African campaign to lobby USA President Obama to support the Respect and Enforcement of Human Rights in Africa and they are getting African bloggers to participate. I am scheduled to meet one of Amnesty Internationals staff from U.K for her to shade more light on the campaign. I will publish the interview in in good time! Im sure the interview will be a learning experience but i hope to lobby more African bloggers to get Amnesty International to develop a steady presence in Africa. For now i can only see a South African Office but i stand to be corrected.I hope that a local Kenyan office or secretariat will soon follow!
There's also an opportunity for readers of this blog to receive freebies including blog badges, t-shirts etc in support of the campaign...details to follow shortly !For now everyone can participate by signing the petition at
So keep it locked here!
13 January, 2009
Global Post Website Goes Live

With a click of a button the Global post website was finally launched yesterday midnight.And many of us who were eager to see how the site would aggregate news information from all around the world and truth be told the test run was succesful!.The 65 correspondents of the Global post have a heft task before them.Their duties,guidelines and liabilities are espoused in the blog "The GroundTruth" whose executive editor is C.M Sennot.I though ,would wish that rather than use foreign correspondents they would use more of the available local talent in the various Countries to collate and edit the information.The news articles are truly global and here at Nairobians Perspective we wish all the correspondents and the News site Success!
12 January, 2009
Kenya Unlimited Website Down!
For the moment an aggregator like Mashada only lists information from 56 feeds(websites) making it an underdog and less popular because most bloggers would like to gain exposure for their posts.Getting your blog included in Mashada's linkroll is often quite difficult if not impossible resulting in the wesite having limited information.Due to this most people log into KenyaUnlimited to find out the latest news in the Kenyan blogosphere! Unfortuantely they have had to do without it for the short period .In the process some of now have come to appreciate more fully the useful role of Kenya Unlimited website, otherwise one has to depend on their linklist or traditional media to know wassup in Kenya.Sad ain't it not?
UPDATE: Iam duly informed that the aggregator feed is live @ Thanks Daudi
08 January, 2009
Media Black Out & Institute for Justice and Morality !
A number of Journalists and activists including Walter Mongare a.k.a Nyambane, Caroline Mutoko, Larry Asego ,Jalang`o, Mwalimu Mati and his wife were on Jamhuri day arrested for donning black t-shirts condemning the Government on the Media Bill and MP's on payment of taxes.In this instance a protest for the media by a bunch of goons attracts no such attention!As long as we have a Police force that is partisan and over zealous in carrying out illegal' orders from above' Africa will never experience any meaningful development. Its time when respect for law and order was observed by all and sundry.
In the evening i was pleasantly suprised that actually no media house covered this protest! Infact for the most part of last week the media blacked out all Government functions and activities in protest against the media Act prompting the President to Direct the Minister for Information and the Attorney General to reconsider the contentious clauses in the recent communications law !Just goes to show you cant beat the media they have a strong cane that they can wield against their perceived enemies in this case they painted one political party to be the protector of the Rights of ordinary mwananchi whereas in truth this party aided and abbetted the passing of this draconian legislation.The truth is Kenyans are not so easy to hoodwink and as for the media watch your content and exercise self restraint in tandem with our societal norms (pornography, obscene jesting, lewd music,skimpy dressing,erotica is least tasteful and mind you is strictly regulated against in many countries e.g Saudi Arabia,Qatar etc) lest we the public support these strict regulations!
07 January, 2009
Looming Teacher's Strike In Kenya
To some extent i believe the teachers are greedy because a strike may not solve much but inconvenience students, parents and other stakeholders apart from lowering Kenya's educational standards.They should have atleast reached a compromise that is reasonable taking into consideration the state of the economy, the massive expenditure being incurred due to the temporary existence of the coalition Government, last years post election violence and the lost time resources and massive re-deployment of teachers that resulted from the skirmishes. Sometimes this strikes dont accomplish much and as a trained concilliator i would have urged them to accept the offer as due to the present times even a little increase in salary offers tremendous support and help to the many Kenyans who are struggling to meet their daily needs and wants.Futhermore with the brutality of our mediaval police force i expect many teachers to be injurred during their peaceful protests and demonstration!(The Police CommisionerBrigadier Ali boasts that the police force often acts with measured response and in a professional manner perhaps he should watch SKY TV and CNN and see how the protesters in Britain and America are being treated for protesting against the Israeli- Gaza military incursions- i pity us!).
On the other hand i believe their position is based on their previous practice and engagements with the previous Governments wherein deals were reached but there was no implimentation or the implementation period was unduly lengthened.At the same time, by the Kenyan politicians (Members of Parliament)refusing to be taxed on their hefty allowances and often selfishly increasing their emoluments ; a bad example and precedent has been set to the citizenry. The MP's normaly dont care when they increase their salaries and give no heed to public outcry as such they expect no different treatment from teachers. And if the teachers are selfish as is obviously manifest the students will be no better and will not hesitate to burn schools and their colleagues to vent their frustrations in the name of striking. What a vicious cycle...Parents, Kenyans ...brace yourselves we are formenting much trouble for ourselves in this 'man eats man society ' as is evidenced in the 2008 Information and Communication Technology Media bill recently assented into law!
05 January, 2009
Globalpost Website Launch -January 12, 2009

Its a new year and obviously we all expect new things ! Here at 'a Nairobians Perspective' i wish all my readers prosperous times and will keep you informed with my opinions and analysis on current affairs and blogging tips.After a brief holiday hiatus iam now back to blogging as normal and would like to share interesting news about a new website; an international news aggregator that is about to take the blogosphere by storm:Global Post .
So what is the Mission of Glopal Post, according to the website"
At GlobalPost, we are transforming the coverage of international news in the digital age.We will be the first fully web-based news organization to provide daily coverage of international news. To satisfy a growing need for independent, reliable, insightful and up-to-the-minute coverage and analysis of news in every region of the world, GlobalPost is building a stellar team of 70 correspondents in 53 countries.We launch January 12, 2009.GlobalPost will be the center of a worldwide community of internet viewers who want to know how political, economic, technological and social trends over the world connect with their lives, their interests, their investments and their hopes for a better future.
Global post will certainly go places especially seeing that the founder members are already established ,experienced and well known personalities within the media fraternity!And the good news is that i have been contacted to be their Kenyan Correspondent.I hope it will be an enlightening experience!