02 May, 2012

Wordplay App Review

Nairobi, 1 May 2012: Many of us will remember the feeling of excitement when we learnt a new word or phrase when we were young. We would run home eager to tell our parents, or looking forward to the next writing assignment, so that we could use our new word. Fast forward to adulthood and you tend to treat words differently. We rarely push ourselves to work on our vocabulary and new words are often forgotten or not used.

We are all guilty of not challenging ourselves as much as we should, but with the new Word play game for Nokia devices there is a tool to help with just that. For example, can you figure out what – if you move the letters around - sinageroer or ertmienedd actually spells? With this new game you can now keep your mind alert and work on your spelling in an entertaining way.

The app is developed by Robert Langat and has to date been downloaded more than 100,000 times. It is available in the Nokia Store for devices based on both the Series 40 and Symbian platforms. WordPlay has three levels, presenting the player with a number of mixed up words to unscramble.

So as you write your stories, articles or even interact with your friends you can use the words that have been brought back to you via Word play.

By the way, sinageroer spells reorganize and ertmienedd unscrambled gets you determined.

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