23 April, 2010

Jo'bulani-World Cup Final Ball Unveiled By Adidas !

It is golden, it is glittering -it is Jo'bulani the golden themed ball named after Johannesburg-the golden city ! Jo'bulani is the golden ball custom made by Adidas and will be used in the final game between victors in the 2010 World cup ceremony to be held in South Africa this coming summer.The FOOTBALL was unveiled on Tuesday  21 April, 2010.This is the second time the German ball maker Adidas are privileged to make the final ball.The Jo bulani has some unique features as indicated in this earlier press release  by Adidas.The world cup never ceases to amaze. So much is paid to each detail and people follow it with almost a religious fervor.

Which team will be in the final two ? Lets wait and see?

In the meantime you can buy a replica of the final ball from Amazon from the links provided:


  1. Great Soccer Ball! My kids would love it. Thanks for following me on Blog Frog. I look forward to reading more of your blogs!

  2. Hi,

    New Blog Frog member here! Love your blog with insane gadgets! I've lived in South Africa for many years. Now I'm back in Canada!


  3. @A2Z & Stephanie, you all are welcome-thanks
