17 December, 2009

The Biggest 'Loser' Reality Tv Show

If there is a reality tv series show that i view beneficial and worth watching with a clean conscience then that show is " The Biggest Loser Show" .The UK version of the reality tv series is normally screened locally(Kenya) on Sunday at around 6 :00 p.m on the new South African based  E-TV network .The Biggest Loser Reality Tv Show has seen several editions aired in at least 15 countries.

The plot around the Biggest Loser Reality TV show is that 12 overweight contestants sequestered in a private mansion compete to see who is going to loose the most weight through dieting and rigorous exercises  .The contestants are divided into two or more teams and each week the teams are weighed in. The team that has lost the least amount of weight has to nominate one member for eviction from the house.

Interestingly the Biggest Looser show first aired in America in NBC year 2004  and is currently in its 8th Season with Season 9 scheduled to premier on January 5, 2010.The show has featured couples, families and individuals and  without doubt proved interesting.

In Africa the show first aired in South Africa on January 7, 2008 to April 14, 2008 and featured local participants .For now i cant wait for the next episode of the program !

End Year 2009 Hiatus !

This post is definately not about the Mayan calendar themed  2012 the movie(the trailer is much more interesting than the movie) but just a sincere reminder to the fans of this blog that i will hardly be writing any posts from tomorrow 18th December 2009 as i will be closing for the year.I do not celebrate Christmas so i am not caught up in the hype but i appreciate the time that the holiday season creates for family,friends and an opportunity to tour around. Mombasa is in my mind though i have not made a firm decision .To all my readers who have made this blog a success in 2009 , i wish you all the best and all success.Take care and enjoy yourself.

10 December, 2009

Kenya Public Vehicles "Matatu" Strike!

Yesterday's boycott by public transport operators(matatus) perhaps should signal to the Kenyan Government the  urgent need for them to develop a public transport policy and network that should be independent from private operators and serve as an alternative to the thousands of workers in various sectors of the economy who mainly depend on public transport to reach their designated work places.The man hours , economic opportunity costs and losses experienced yesterday  should not occur in a Country that is seriously determined to become developed by 2030.

I have always proposed that we build subways and metro stations inoder to use speed trains to ensure that we have less cars on the road .The more cars we have the more we shall experience environmental degradation and emmision of green house destructive gases. It is also more costlier.

Instead of just building more roads we should invest in the railway infrastructure to ensure Kenyans travel with much ease, comfort and certainty. Mobility of labour is a good economic investment. The matatus have a reason to strike seeing that they are often cash cows for the money hungry traffic police. Less traffic on the road will effectively mean less corruption but again among the Kenyan ruling elite...who wants that. Its just so sad we take for granted certain things.At the same time Kenya's workforce should not be held hostage to private entrepreneurs without the option of an alternative. Capitalism has its gross failures as illustrated in yesterdays Kenyan Matatu's strike!