14 November, 2009

Lou Dobbs Resignation From CNN !

 Long time TV Anchor Lou Dobbs abrupt departure and resignation from CNN  last week left many in shock but on a satirical note CAP News Blog propounds a new career for the man: A reality tv show dubbed" Lou Dobbs Brown Alert" which wold feature mexican immigrants trying to make a run for the border.Succesful immigrants wold be awarded with a green card.

Lou Dobbs according to wikipedia is famously known for his opposition of free trade and support for immigration enforcement.This topics have prominently featured in his shows thereby prompting the publishers of CapNews to engineer the idea of hosting such a show.Without doubt i love the pun intended in the article.On the other hand his extreme views has landed him the title of "white supremacist" in a Huffington post opinion article written by Gary Shapiro President and CEO of the American Consumer Electronics Association who believes that Lou did not merit the weekly one hour  Lou Dobbs Tonight show on CNN due to his exaggerating facts and airing non factual populist opinions.

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