28 November, 2009

Keep On The Watch International Convention of Jehovahs Witnesses Nairobi Kenya

Thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses and interested persons from over 40 different Countries will be converging at the Moi International Sports Centre,Kasarani starting from Thursday 3rd December, 2009 to Sunday 6th December 2009 in a religious convention with the theme " Keep On The Watch International Convention" .The event is the last in a series of assemblies that have been held in several cities in different countries.Local Witnesses of Jehovah have taken upon a campaign of inviting the public to attend the four day event by issuing pamphlets on a door to door campaign.

The Conventions have received favorable media coverage in several countries due to the level of organization ,modicum and grooming of the participants as indicated in this youtube video of a convention held in Qualcomm Stadium,San Diego-USA .The events offer members of the public an opportunity to experience a first hand enriching experience of the  groups belief's  ,manner of worship and interaction .All are invited!

This you tube video indicates a media report of a convention held in San Diego held earlier in the year.Kenya will host a similar event on the fore said dates!

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