31 July, 2009

IZEA Launches Sponsored Tweets!

Izea inc is counting down to the launch of their Twitter based advertising platform dubbed "SponsoredTweets".This will enable twitter users make money from their twitter accounts by posting specific advertisements.

Izea Inc is behind the blog advertising platforms, Payperpost(join) and Social Sparks(join) which allows bloggers to make money on paid sponsored posts. The new development is already attracting new users with over 1000, guys following the new site on Twitter. Izea will be giving 1000 dollars to the 10,000 follower on twitter to sign up and follow Sponsoredtweets. To follow the new site on Twitter just click on @Spontwts. From the Sponsored Tweets interface one can get to follow featured celebrity personalities at just a click .Users can also get to fix and determine the price of each advert they will post to twitter. Indeed social media advertising is taking a new turn with twitter in the market!

To Join SPONSORED TWEETS please go to sponsored tweets.com

Early Signup

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for posting this, I didn't know that they too have started monetizing Tweets.

    Good thing - I will sign up right away :)
