21 May, 2009

Interior Decor Tips & Resources!

There are actually a few online resources for home decoration and upgrades in Kenya. That is really sad seeing how the world has embraced online advertisement and marketing of products.I was recently well pleased when i learnt that the Government is considering factoring in money for purchasing computers to be supplied in schools in order for Kenyans to generate more local content.

However lemme not digress from the topic before me. I have just perused today's Eastandard pullout "Home and Away Magazine" and there is an article written by Pocyline Karani entitled "Create a cosy bathroom" .The bathtubs therein are simply mind blowing.Now there's some cosy home decor advice. So i endeavoured to search on local interior designing/home decor resources. I ended up disappointed perhaps its the search engine i used.

Most of the resources i landed upon are simply foreign!But one site proved to catch my interest ,perhaps since I'm consulting for someone on his kitchen improvement.The site is SinksUSA which features wide range of high quality kitchen sinks, under mount stainless steel sinks at wholesale prices to the public.So if you are seeking for plumbing solutions and sink designs that's the site for you.

For a local interior designing website i found funzifurniture.com a more legit site but we sincerely need more online resources. If you know of a local credible home improvement website point it out and i will list it here!


  1. Definitely loving the Fundi site....wooiii I want one of those beds

  2. wow this is pretty interesting! yea i have been to kenya and i totally agree with what author has to say !

    if you ppl like this blog i want you check this link out too for interior design ..awsome tips!!

