25 September, 2008

Twitter-Twittads And Blogging !

Many Western bloggers use twitter to generate traffic and follow up on blogs or on activities of friends of interest.During post election crisis Kenyan Blogger Ory Okolloh of KenyanPundit fame updated her readers via sms using twitter on election violence and this gave birth to the award winning website Ushahidi.Com but the use of Twitter is not so widespread or well known among internet users in Sub -Saharan Africa.

I personally use Twitter ,my twitter account is : http://twitter.com/collinsom92, if you are a blogger and are interested in following me please create a twitter account and click on my link and add me.The benefit of twitter is that you can receive and send tweets through your PDA or Mobile Phone(i-phones) etc.You can update your friends on the go so it is necessary for an enlightened online entrepreneur.So are you one ? its time you started tweeting .

What if you already are on tw
itter and are following me.I want to share tips on 2 delightful services:
  1. Twitterfeed:This service will post your blog feeds to twitter automatically for you .You can customize the service on how often you want your posts updated.
  2. Twittad: First and only website created to allow Advertisers place ads on Twitter.If you sign up you may just have an opportunity to earn money on ads placed on your twitter account!Perfect site for social website promotion,networking and product placement.Online Marketeers watch this website it will grow big in huge leaps and bounds!
Hence you can clearly see that Twitter offers a variety of opportunities and is a fast developing popurlar tool for professional bloggers.Join twitter and follow this blog for updates and tweets on how to maximize and optimize your use of twitter!


  1. Yea... I too joined Twitter a few months back... But i lost track of it soon... Is it really good?!

    Liked ur Blog very much...
    This is Vivek Shanmugam!
    Can we exchange links?!
    I've already added you to my BlogRoll in my site www dot rvivekshanmugam dot com

    Keep Blogging!

  2. Thanks for the info.. Really nice.. Surely i will try it....

  3. Twitter is fun, Nice reading your blog.
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  5. Tweeting ads is a fantastic method for losing lots of followers quickly, except for the handful of other people who are doing this.
