26 July, 2008

Africa's First Pro Blogger !!!

Its another Monday and as usual i always dirt around my mail to approve and reject comments.I have been blogging for nine years now, i have built up a reputable blog, but thats not just it! I realize that blogging need not just be a hobby for me- but an avenue for self expression.It could also be an alternative medium for passing across information that is not readily available in mainstream media.Blogging can be used also as a tool for personal branding-creating an image of self out there that can be easily accessed by customers, employers, competitors etc.The benefits of quality blogging are immense but theres something thats on my chest, a conversation that needs to !

Musing on this thoughts and the benefits of blogging, im left to wonder who is going to be the first officially recognized African Pro blogger(we must just have this conversation going,i take the honors to begin it)!Yes who indeed is going to take blogging in Africa to a professional level,change perceptions, influence markets and perhaps in the venture make a living from it?who is going to demonstrate to the world that Africa is not lacking in fresh ideas and innovativeness in this rapidly developing communication world-Africa's first pro blogger!The thought just amuses me and im left wondering...what just is stopping me, or my fellow comrades...i believe nothing.I hope that such exciting themes will feature in the upcoming Technology For Africa Conference set for October 3rd and 4th 2008 in Johannesburg South Africa.Among the Guest speakers to feature in the TechforAfrica conference will include:
  • Joe Stump-Lead developer and Architect for Digg(i remember sometime back i submited a blog post to DIGG and one of my friends therein was stunned that an African Actually DIGGS post....thats just so sad! Comrades please join up inDIGG only fellow Africans can vote on posts that they can identify with and realte with.Problogger John Chow had his big kill and recognition by virtue of DIGG)
  • Andy Budd: internationally reknowned user experience Designer and webstandards expert
  • Stafford Maissie :Google SA country Manager
  • Vinny Lingham of Synthasite website,a web2.0 startup site
  • Andrew Turner :Co-founder of mapufacture
  • Nii Simmonds :Founder of NAFRICOM and blogger of Nubian Cheetah Fame
  • Emeka Okafor:blogger of Africa Unchained
  • Soyapi Mumba:afacebook applications specialist
  • Josiah Mugambi (Kenyan) of stockskenya/skunkworks fame
So as you can see the gust list feature who and who...i believe perhaps among this should come Africa's first pro blogger!

By the way Guys you can read and join this blog at Facebook(my appeal to Kenyan bloggers is plaese put up a profile on Facebook and join blognetworks..dont miss out ) via this link : http://apps.new.facebook.com/blognetworks/blogpage.php?blogid=12668


  1. Hey Collins. I see some love on Stumble Upon. Thanks.

  2. This is great that you see a vision for Africa's first pro blogger! Maybe the person will be you!

  3. i would love the honors!but more than that my satisfaction comes from writing stuff that people like to read and come back for more!

  4. At Afrigator, there are already several blogs, mainly from South Africa that are already making money from there blogs.

    I changed my blog URL from: http://omar-basawad.blogspot.com/ to http://safarinotes.blogspot.com/. And some one has promptly hijacked the previous one and is using it in a very distasteful way. Lesson: be careful when changing or deleting your blog URLs.

  5. hi Omar, im effecting the changes on my link roll immediately , love the new look of your blog!

  6. its my first time here and i like what i have read. i shall add your feed to my reader.
