25 June, 2008

Blogging 101-Tips and Tricks For Kenyan Bloggers

I am moved by necessity to write this post more or less because ,after Nairobi barcamp 2008 ,it became openly apparent that most of Kenya's over 700 bloggers are "blogging blind".A term i have coined to denote blogging without any technical know how or basic information on what blogging entails.Indeed due to this is suggested that an exclusive Kenyan bloggercon be organized.I bet it would be the first one in Africa.

There are various issues that few bloggers tend to recognize such as:
  1. The importance of Google/Alexa page rank and how to improve it!
  2. What content to capture!
  3. Plagiarism and or duplication of published material
  4. Search Engine Optimization/website optimization(Peperuka has a post and tips on it though there is one myth therein that you loose page rank each time you give out a link thats a fallacy!)
  5. Keyword Density
  6. Link building and Link Baiting
  7. Basic HTML and how to insert metadata
  8. Which blogging platforms to utilize i.e word press or blogger or typepad etc
  9. Blog Aggregation/blogging tools, pagerank checkers!
  10. Syndicating content
  11. Monetization of blogs(Google Adsense or Adwords are not enough, a dollar a month may not be worth it!)
  12. Legal Liability, "fair use" policy and Defamatory content
Its due to these issues that i have put some links above but since the above issues are lengthy once again i will take upon myself the task of regularly updating my readers on this issues especially with respect to the legal bits(there you have it free legal advice) .I'm sure non of the bloggers would like to find themselves facing hefty legal charges and fines for defamatory articles, one can even get arrested or the blog removed from blogger or other platforms!Keep tuned to these blog.Interestingly next month i will have accumulated nine years of experience as a blogger,my first blog being a personal/private one!


  1. hi collins Mbalo
    very good tips and advice :)
    thanks for calling by at laketrees :)

  2. These are definitely excellent issues to explore. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks Collins for this long overdue post. I for one admit I need all the tips and advises I can get.

    Thanks so much for the links. I'm going through some of them as we speak. And legal advise is more than welcome. And who would mind making some money?

    Looking forward to your future posts on these.

  4. thanks Kim, people and wanjiku as usual! theres a lot of info out there,im just sharing it!

  5. thanks for dropping by bonoriau.com, hope we will be frens

  6. Thanks Collins !!!

    I know that link part what a bit too much :)

    In my PDF, I wrote "you are loosing a tiny amount of PR" and finished by "Note that external links are not that bad and they have also some advantages, indeed it will bring you comments or some incoming link in return (often by the owner of the linked website himself)"

    My presentation is available in PDF at http://www.peperuka.com/BARCAMP08_PEPERUKA.pdf

    Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the presentation despite my bad accent and being a bit uncomfortable with the mic.

    CU at next Barcamp !!

  7. Glad that you stopped by today, nice to meet you. Very informative site.

    Have a great day,~~Shelia

  8. hey guys thanks for your comments and thanks Tommy for clarifying it, i think your presentation was great, i listened to another one and had to interject the presenter several times coz he was a novice, but you know what you are talking about!Kudos!

  9. Thanks Collins for the kudos (I learned that word yesterday, lol).

    Anyway, I did my search yesterday, coz your comment really puzzled me - thanks for your remark by the way.

    And you are right, it seems that only backlinks are taken into account in PR calculation. And external links are only reducing the amount of PR you are passing.

    But many pros will tell PR is nothing, don't rely on it !! CONTENT IS KING !! Satisfy your reader first.

  10. i concur, the essence of blogging should not be to beat some mathematical algorithm but to ensure your readers get the best of your literary/artistic prowess!!!
