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14 June, 2008
Afraha.Com-Kenya's New Social Community Website
I have just received a sign up request to Join htp:// Kenya's new and fast growing social community website and wasn't that a pleasant surprise!For one this informs me that online ingenuity is increasing in Kenya and that homegrown web utilities are starting to emerge thanks to the work of local techies!
The social community network of choice at the moment for many Kenyans and Africans is or http://www. (i remember reading about some local celebrities such as Mercy Myra, Attitude David Mathenge aka Nameless,Robert "RKAY"Kamanzi"Ogopa Deejays etc launching their profiles on myspace as social community website of choice) but that is bound to change if more emphasis is placed on promoting local websites.The content exchange will especially have a local appeal and thats why i would encourage all Kenyans who venture online to join homegrown social websites and help generate revenue for local startups.One will just be amazed as to the kind of revenue such social websites such as Facebook generate for their shareholders because of our presence there.Whereas people join social community websites for various reasons i personally joined Afraha in order to promote local products and develop a network of friends who will particularly prove to be a loyal readership base for this blog and identify with its content.As noted in my Geovisite widget the combined total of overseas visitors far much surpasses the visit by locals and that has to change!
To move us to shame one just needs to visit a South African social community website such as to see how South Africans are promoting ,enjoying and relishing their domestic websites.At Blue world one is offered the opportunity to create a profile of oneself so that friends can find them online, write blogs, watch,share and upload videos,view the hottest and the latest clubbing photos and learn where to be @ .i.e hottest event.The possibilities of an online social community website are immense, if only our local celebrities,musicians, entertainers etc could harness the power of such tools unbeknown to themselves?We are now in the 21st Century where the internet is the medium of choice to advertise your self.So if you are a Kenyan and you are proud of local startups join meby signing up at!
Correct that link Collins.... I have been commenting in your blog for all posts.. But no replies for it... Fine carry on dude...
ReplyDeletehi selerines, thanks for your frequent visit to my blog and all the comments-you want me to correct which link?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. will check out and most likely sigh up.