27 May, 2008

To Have or Not To Have A Disclosure Policy

I have just gone across a number of websites with a Disclosure Policy!Being the ardent blogger i am i decided to incorporate one in my About section of the blog only to immediately notice vide my Firefox Custom Google Toolbar -page rank check up badge that my pagerank had declined to zero,I immediately decided to remove the Disclosure Policy badge and after sometime my page rank resumed to 2!

My page rank had recently declined from four to three to zero and now two again due to my being misinformed adding links from banned directories etc.But i have become wise now.I really dont want to lose my page ranking because i am a quality blogger and i want more and more people to avail themselves this rich source of information.At the same time i,ve taken it upon myself to advice ,tip and share information with other notable African Bloggers.As it stands i,ve googled Disclosure Policy and the websites with a Disclosure policy especially from the website www.disclosurepolicy.org are not ranking well!Could it be because of Google's adsense program or just that the google bots tend to dislike that kind of content ,on the other hand what could be the reason?I stand to be corrected and invite you to do a search on Disclosure Policy then check the ranking of the pages, if you have a Google Tool bar just add the page rank badge and each site you open the page rank will be automatically displayed!For now the argument remains should you or should you not have a disclosure policy if you are a blogger?


  1. I am impressed with your blog. I am just starting out in blogland and can learn one or two things. I am in the southern part of Africa, specifically in Zambia.
    Just one observation though, I know English is not your "Mother Tongue" so try to use the spell checker or grammar tool. For instance there is a difference between loose and lose as used in your Disclaimer article. On the net you need to come straight to be understood better.
    Ok all the best!

  2. hey wordsmith appreciate the correction!The spell checker wasn't able to pick that up(grammatical error)!however im aptly qualified and proficient in English!my TOEFL scores are far much better than for so called"native English Speakers"or those to whom English is a mother tongue.Most of their blogs have incomprehensible English ,slang and jargon! This blog comes out much straight and better than a vast majority of them.

  3. Hmmm no idea... But as you said we should be aware of these things.. Thanks for your nice post... Well am not interested in those things. I just wanna do good blogging and make some real friends across the globe like you people. Can you tell me tips to increase the PR friend? At the same time please refer my blog to your friends, if you feel that my blog is informative... Take care friend...

  4. True Collins the English in a lot of blogs is so not English at all.

    By the way my blog has been approved for Pay Per Post. But I ran into problems during registration. I'll start over tomorrow. I'll let you know.

    You're now on my blogroll. Welcome to my world.

  5. Hi, I have a disclosure policy on my blog Renaissance Culinaire, and my page rank has done nothing but go up and also my alexa rank.

    I think your assumption may not be correct in associating the two.

    I see a trend with allot of blogger blogs , with disclosure policies that are putting out content that is paid for, and their site is crammed with huge flashing banner ads and "GET MORE TRAFFIC" links.

    Allot of these sites except sponsored posts and get paid for content insertions. They don't take care to design their template to be reader friendly or to comply with html standards.

    I make it clear that my blog is my own and no-one influences my posts or content.

    Maybe the real question here you should be asking is : Does google punish bloggers for poorly written content ?

    I think it might be a yes.

  6. It's unfortunate about Paypal. I've tried out a number of opportunities and I get real stuck when they ask for Paypal details.

    By the way my blog was approved for Pay Per Post. I tried filling it out but I was led to a funny social network to join first before I could get to the actual PPP site. Didn't know they do that. I'll fill it out during this long holiday coz I have a bit of time.

  7. NO............. my comment just got erased [i don't enjoy signing into Openid, I wish everyone has a name/url option]

    sigh: I said interesting, I'll look into it much later, but I'd probably get something under creative commons and stick it in my footer or something =)

  8. Hey !! I already tried to comment here before Barcamp but same than Ambrosiality, I did not because I do not like the Google/Blogger and OPenID thing.

    Anyway, just follow Matt Cutts recommandation, do not put lenghty content in the footer (such as disclosure policy), just a put a link and create a new page... Otherwise, you get penalised.

    For your information, from May 2008, you are OBLIGED to have a disclosure policy if you are using Adsense/Adwords informing your users about the use of web-beacons and third parties cookies. Read new Adsense terms and services for info.

    Lastly, that PR bar going grey and green again, and grey again... It's just a Google dance. And PR bar are not really pertinent (most of them are outdated - 3 month back). If it happens again, the only way to check is to do a search on Google for a specific keyword - if you are at the same position than before, you are OK; otherwise, indeed, you have been penalized and downgraded.
