01 February, 2008

UN Security Council on Kenya's Violence !

The UN Security Council deplores the ongoing violence witnessed after a deeply flawed Presidential Elections.The Current security Council President Mr Giadalla Ettalhi of Libya called on both Mr Raila Odinga and Mr Mwai Kibaki to do all in their power to stem the violence being experienced in most parts of the country and slowly edging the country towards civil war.

The fact that this matter has caught the attention of the security council(the most powerful organ of the UN )should shake the hardliners within both camps to relax their stances and adopt what is most suitable for the Country, which is a just and equitable solution to the problem.The U.N secreatry general Mr Ban Ki Moon is expected in the Country this mornng to bolster the efforts of Mr Koffi Annan in the mediation process aimed at breaking the stalemate and addresing the issues that gave rise to the violence!Mr Ban Ki Moon has called upon the leaders to"Look beyond individual interest,look beyond the party lines.Look towards the future,the brighter future of your country"

The Kenyan situation is quite critical for African stability and the African Union is poised to discuss the issue.According to UNICEF there are close to 80,000 to 100,000 children leaving in the internally displaced persons camps which goes to signify the extent of the catastrophe that Kenya is currently in.Indeed we hope that common sense,the desire for posterity should move the two leaders to arrive to a just settlement.

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