20 February, 2008

Queer Activity in Mathare Slums!

Violence has returned to Mathare Area 1 following what residents are claiming to be forceful evictions of tenants belonging to certain ethnic communities allegedly for non-failure to pay rent. It is stated that this was done yesterday under police supervision although this allegation is uncornfirmed!

This latest event has sparked the anger of residents from the communities concerned and is threatening the peace that was prevailing due to the Koffi Annan mediation talks.Certain actions are ill advised and illegal.As the Government insists"the law must be followed".As far as i know of ,there is no provision of law that requires a resident to be forcefully evicted out of a premise save under police supervision following a Court Order which is not the case herein.

This selective application of the law and capriciousness threatens the stability of Kenya and the East African Region.It may as well lead to despondency and scuttle the talks if not closely watched !The Citizenry is charged and nothing should be undertaken that could result in more violence and or tension.Life is just too precious to be handled in a carefree manner.The pain and suffering is just too much but all responsible will be held to account before the universal court that God has been constituted to judge human governments(Dan 7:9&10,11,13&14,2:44,) and the result is fatal.This prophecy is certain and must be fulfilled.In fact in Mathew 6:10 Jesus as the King designate urged his disciples to pray for God's Kingdom(Government) to comewhich is the true solution to human governments since they have failed and are beyond repair.Too bad Christendom masses and their leaders have no faith and keep on turning attention to entities that are bound to fail!


  1. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. Being homeless really bites but on the other hand if they really handn't paid rent what to do, but if cops are only targetting certain ethnic groups for eviction that is just plain wrong to say the least.

  2. i agree with you save for the fact that the police had no jurisdiction in law to carry out their act!in the abscence of a Court order they broke the law they are upposed to protect and undermined the integrity of the Judiciary.Where a tenant defaults in paying rent the Distress for Rent Act applies and should a landlord seek to evict a squater, then eviction proceeding must be commenced under a competent court of law.The capriciousness we are seeing of late from the Police is just formenting hatred and mistrust...if the relationship between state organs and its citizenry is lost,guess what will happen next..?get the gist!

  3. Correct me if i'm wrong, but i was under the assumption that the evictions were as a result of tenants illegally taking up residency in the homes of those displaced during the height of post-election fracas.
