15 February, 2008

Kenya-Keeping the Hope Despite A Crisis!

Kenyan political crisis chief mediator Mr.Koffi Annan and his team are set to announce a partial agreement after a retreat at the prestigious Tsavo national park!However as the public and the international community eagerly anticipates an end to the current political crisis a segment of the Kenyan media and some politicians seems to be failing in their mandate to keep hope alive !

Todays Eaststandard Newspaper bears the title 48 Hours Later and No Deal Yet!whereas its counterpart and chief competitor The Daily Nation bears a more positive headline" Annans team strikes half -way deal in talks".Itis this kind of responsible journalism that Kenyans are looking foward to and proud off!We should not always paint the picture to be gloomy or grim!I would advise the same thing to Minister Martha Karua whose face potrays obstinancy and pessimism!Kenya is at crossroads on the brink of disaster!We are on a make it or break it state.It therefore stands to reason that the normal uphanded kind of responses must be toned down!We cannot afford to loose this country due to interests that countermand the will of the marjority lest we steer forth into a course of disaster.Failed states were once great !mistakes upon other mistakes are what often leads to failed states and so does arrogance.We need the Peace despite personal interest,ideo-pyschofancy,name calling ,grand standing amongst other things within the political class who will soon realise that like proverbial Humpty Dumpty they are sitting high up on a wall and can fall with fatal consequences if they forget the nature of Humans response to bad leadership!

The issue before Kenya is commanding greater international attention than ever before.The German Minister of State Mr. Gernot Erler is currently in the Country to assist the mediation parties not to have a grim picture of Grand Coalitions especially in times of crisis .Germany as a developed Country has had experience with grand coalition in times past with a measure of success and this seems to be the stand the international community is taking with regards to Kenya.American Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is expected to butress this position in her visit next week .She will be here to lend weight to the position that the mediation must work and must represent the collective will and diversity of the Kenyan People.PNU and ODM-K and KANU the core members of the current government are perceived not to represent the diversity and face of Kenya in fact they represent a minority!That is the stark reality and perception of many Kenyans and more or less a precipitate for the current violence!If only the political protagonists could empathise and feel the pain in their own heart of the many people who have lost loved ones,property and belongings then the grandstanding,obstinancy,pursuit of power would cease!

At the same time certain precerpts and principles of Law such as equality of States,principle of Non-Intervention are a de facto fallacy!Kenya, the African Union and Countries such as China should come to grasp with it.Otherwise Saddam Hussein would be still in power,there would be no elections in Pakistan and Iran would be making use of nuclear power for militaristic purposes but that is not the case.If the Mwai Kibaki Administration stiffens its neck, it may just soon break under the weight of international"concern".

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