31 January, 2008

Positive Things Happening in Kenya!

A lot of sad things happening in Kenya have been featured in this blog since December, 27th 2007.In a turn of events seeing that Kenya has featured negtively in the international media(i.e.CNN,SKY News,Al Jazeera,BBC, NBC,Deutsche Welle,China Central Television...etc), i hereby wish to highlight alot of Positive developments:
  1. Both Honourable Raila Odinga and Mwai Kibaki have submitted themselves to the mediation dialogue under the oversight of Koffi Annan former U.N secretary General.
  2. Both wanted the Peresidency not for dictatorship purposes but to enhance Kenya's development and this can only be sustained in a peaceful environment.
  3. There are millions of Kenyans from Kikuyu,Kalnjin,Luo,Lughya,Maasai and other backgrounds who do not seek war but peaceful co-existence and have gone to great lengths to protect and preserve not only the lives of their neighbors from different ethnic groups but also their property as is the case of one village in Kisumu where luos hve been protecting Kikuyu's and in Mathare where a Kikuyu landlord has been protecting luo ,lughya,coasterian and other communities from murderous gangs.
  4. Honourable members of parliament including:Cyrus Jirongo,Sally Kosgey,Joseph Nkaiserry,George Thuo,Uhuru Kenyatta,Franklin Bett, George Khaniri,Peter Kenneth ...etc have basically gone back to their communities,going door to door urging their constituents to embrace Peace.
  5. Nairobi City Centre is peaceful and many people are working normally as they used to before the polls.

Please lemme know of other positive things to highlight here!

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