05 December, 2007

Make Big Money Through Affiliate Marketing !

Each day millions of blogs are churned in the internet and it is becoming increasingly attractive for many publishers to make their blog earn money !The critical challenge is to build up a critical mass of subscribers and make one's blog stand out so as to enable one earn money especially in Africa, Asian and Arabic Countries! The feat is achievable but one needs to take cognizance of the following:

There is no magic wand to enable one immediately get massive traffic save for
    1. Publishing interesting and captivating content

    2. Being specific and consistent on what you write

    3. Time and effort

    4. Minding one's language and dicta

    5. Let your blog be visually appealing

234x60The above are just but suggestions (i wouldn't want to reprint the massive suggestions on 'how to' prevalent on the net but you can try johnchow.com for something sensible) not a panacea to getting more traffic .Another Key to succesful monetizing depends on the marketing affiliate/advertising programs one joins.I have found bidvertiser
weblink here to be one of those affiliate programs that is true to its word and realistic in achieving substantial PPC (pay per click)payments .Google adsense and adwords rarely deliver but are a must for a serious blogger as alternative fund generating sources.For the Kenyan bloggers and African bloggers out there intent on monetizing their websites(be it South African Rands,Kwachas,Shillings,Birr,etc) you certainly ought to give BidVertiser a try!and yer ...write blog content thats captivating and really worth it!

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