03 October, 2007

Songstress Valerie's new Album

Valerie Kimani of tusker project has finally launched a 13 track album entitled "Baisikeli" and from the sound of it as evidenced in this weeks Nsync programe on NTV hosted by Tim Njiru.The album is bound to be a rocker for those who love afro fusion,jazzlike/ neo soul kind of love ballads.

All though its too early to call the shots,im certain that there is earnest interest by critics and fans alike of all sorts to examine the album in the critics crucible and see whether it fits her having won the much famed Tusker project fame to the exclusion of her close rival Alvin. For the romantically inclined this is a must have album.

For now thumbs up valerie.cant wait to buy n listen to the cd it will be a recluse from the Genge kind of music that continues to dominate the Kenyan airwaves and which lacks lustre due to lack of content and foul language!


  1. I have bought a copy of this album from Nu Metro. It is by far the bet thing Kenya has ever contributed to the International Music Scene. I saw from a certain site that Valerie has also been included in a Warner Europe release dubbed Ladies Jazz Vol. 3, a 1st for Kenya. Well done Valerie. Keep it up.

  2. just came from listening to her album...am blown away by her songs too good man!

  3. i am happy for her, atleast the songs have sarted receive airplay and recognition in Kenya...funily enough isn't it just too late.Yaani South Africa and the USA first give her prominence then the local scene now zooms in!Thats not good at all for the local music industry
