28 September, 2007

Coca Cola Vj Search

Congrats ! to the three East African Coca Cola ,Mtv Vj(video jockey) Search finalist and winners;to wit Emukule Ekirapa(Kenya),Carolyne Mugasha(Uganda) &Venessa Mdee(Tanzania).

Emukule Ekirapa

Special congrats especially to Emukule since he represents the male voice amongst these top notch presenters who are bound now to join up with other new african elitist presenters in hosting the MTV -Coca Cola Chart xpress which will be broadcasted in Africa via DSTV &GTV and to the rest of the world through MTV.It wasnt an easy feat but they made it and we hope that they ill give an african face to it and not simply ape their counterparts in Mtv America,U.K,Europe etc.

I especially say so to the Kenyan Vj Emukule a former Michigan State University class (2004)valedictorian and model with Surazuri Modeling and cast agency who has an american tweng,walk,talk character to it.As you can currently see in the world entertainment scene what is genuinely unique is selling as is the case of Akon, 2face Idibia,etc.Be proud of your heritage n stick to it.It helps alot in the long run.As for Sheila Rabala a kenyan runners up,Cheer up-the sky is the limit going through the whole selection process was a refinement and will certainly open opportunities for you if you keep up your efforts.

For now we will be glued to the screens as the African continent show cases its rich musical talent and rich diversity to the world.MTV here they come!
Make Money online with eBay

27 September, 2007

Google Jobs!Nairobi, Kenya

It was only recently that Google appointed a Kenyan to run its first office in Africa.It is nice to see that this step has borne fruit as google seeks to recruit the following positions in its Nairobi office(more opportunities available also for the jo`burg office):
  • Associate Product Marketing
  • Geographic Consultant
  • Geographic Supervisor
  • Strategic Partner Development(SPD) ,Local Markets
  • Technical Support Associate -Google applications

Nairobians if you are interested and are apt to the challenge apply to jobs@google.com or visit the website at :http://www.google.com/support/jobs/bin/static.py?page=intl.html&jobslc=africa All the best!

NB:Googles local office is located at 7th FloorPurshottam Place(an exquisite new building next to Club Afrique at Museum Hill Round about)
15% off perfume

26 September, 2007

Daily Metro:Nation Media Group Latest Addition

The Daily metro has joined the ranks of Nairobi Star as medium sized full colour newspaper.The paper will hit the streets this Wednesday the 26th of September, 2007.

According to nation media groups General Manager for Marketing and Publishing Miss Neema Wamai the newspaper seeks to target the low income earners and youth.It will retail at Kenya Shillings 20 which is affordable for most of the populace as compared to the other newspaper dailies such as Daily Nation, The East African Standard,Nairobi Star etc.

The Daily Metro has been modelled after the daily advertiser but will feature more editorial news.The debut of the Daily Metro will definately eat into the niche that the Nairobi star had started to carve for its self especially since it is cheaper.

We readily welcome more players in the market and more products as this increases the level of objectivity in reporting, improvement in content and definately a more wide array of choice for the consumer!

25 September, 2007

African Weddings in the Wild !

There is an emerging trend in the African tourist circuit of weddings in the wild “bush weddings” at African game parks and game reserves raking in millions of dollars and pounds in foreign exchange. The South African tourist circuit is steadily taking advantage of this trend with agressive international marketing.

At no less than 500 British pounds a couple, the bride and groom can be hosted at prestigious hotels within such epic national parks such as Sabi Sands game reserve within the Lake Kruger national park or Phinda Game Reserve in Zululand.Many wedding couples have decided to have their weddings on the banks of Zambezi River upstream from Victoria falls in Mosi-oa-Tunya Park in Zambia .Definitely, the African tourist circuit is not short of beautiful, epic ,utopian scenery and I sincerely hope the Kenyan tourism board shall take advantage of this emerging market to show case the diversity and beauty of Kenya.

A typical bush wedding package normally includes:

Guided tours and nature trails
§ Outside catering ,Exotic African cuisine, bush meat etc
§ Beauty therapy ,spa treatments
§ Dhow trails and dinners riding the gentle monsoon winds
§ Hikes into beautiful African hills and mountains such as Mt Kenya, Mt Kilimanjaro, Mt Elgon, and the Ruwenzori ranges etc.
§ Traditional African wedding songs or live bands for the total African feel ,Presiding Minister etc

The Kenyan tourist circuit has also caught up with the flare for bush weddings with bookings of weddings this summer at resorts such as Mount Kenya Safari Club, Ngulia lodge, Kilaguni Serena Lodge, Lake Naivasha( with its beautiful flamingoes)Severin Safari camp in Tsavo west national park, The Maasai Mara. Indeed for a crème de la crème romantic safari Kenya offers the most opportune and unforgettable backdrop.

Too sad I came to know of this kind of weddings a year latter from my Garden wedding! But that need not be the same for you. The advantage being after the wedding you simply embark on a wild safari honeymoon with no hustles of booking, flights…et cetera.

So if you intend to wed soon and would like something authentic, tranquil, unique and a memoir for ages to come. Come to Kenya and enjoy a unique one of a kind wedding in the most unique setting: the wild!

Karibu! Welcome!

24 September, 2007

Electoral Violence in Kenya-Year 2007

It is indeed sad to see that Kenyans under instigation of misguided leadership have begun to fight each other in the runner up to election 2007.Of concern is that those who are exploited in these regard and put in harms way are mere peasants,the lowly and the poor for such a small price.

Those funding such acts of atrocities often claim to be religious and whenever they attend their religious meetings are given the most prominent seats.What a fallacy and height of hypocrisy both by the masses of christendom and the political leaders.

For the lowly,please do not be a victim of the selfish, power hungry politicians who are out to fend for their own economic interests.Violence is and should be condemned at all levels of society!Throwing stones,arrows,pangas,knives etc at political opponents will achieve no gain at all but bring to the fore hearts full of wickedness,hate,murder,strife ,violence etc.Any God fearing person should vehemently deplore perpertrators,promoters and planners of such acts!LET US SEEK PEACE AND PURSUE IT!

Remember each one shall soon render an account for all his activities before the Almighty no matter their stature in society in this present system of things!

22 September, 2007

Kenya Traffic Police and Bribery-ouch!!!

I happened to chance upon an email post with the following caption(no pun intended) .While i sympathise with their meagre earnings however something needs to be done to curtail this inappropriate fiasco and chain of bribery!

The payslip of a sample traffic cop was stated as follows:

Basic Salary 15,000
Hse allowance 0
Gross salary 15, 0000
Magereza SACCO 3000.00
NHIF 320.00
NSSF 200.00
PAYE 2740.00
Loan repayment 3260.00
KCB LOAN 2250.00
Total Deductions 11770.00
Net Pay 3230.00

That notwithstanding! the fella can still afford to look as he does!

This is a problem that definately needs a solution.After mulling around the Chief Magistrates Court at Kibera for half a day on thursday waiting for a clients matter to be heard on a minor traffic offense.I propose that the attempt to introduce on spot traffic fines with official receipts be speedily adopted. Many Nairobians do prefer to part with"kitu Kidogo!(read bribe) rather than be taken to Court and waste a whole day and even admit a non existent offence just to save on future attendance to court,waste of time, etc.

The nuisance value is just too much. Fellow Nairobians let us clamor for the change of this archaic mediaval practices that only fends to feed some few stomachs.Our judicial system especially with regards to traffic offences needs an urgent overhaul! Dont you agree?

14 September, 2007

Re-Branding Kenya National Music Festival

Just the other day i happened to muse over a KBC programme airing past kenya national music festival competitions.It suddenly downed on me that little or less has been done to re- brand this event so as to market and showcase the richness and diversity of Kenyan Culture. Whereas the potential of this event is tremendous!

In Nairobi National School i frequently participated in the festivals by virtue of being in the Nairobi School Band and also due to the fact that the festival would bring together a host of girl schools such as Kenya High(Our Sister school),Precious Blood Riruta, Moi Nairobi Girls,Pangani girls,State house girls, Loretto Msongari etc etc. The Music festivals were austere occassions and very entertaining at it.Alot of talent was normally displayed,nurtured and brought to fruition due to the music festivals.

Unfortunately majority in the audience as has been and continues to be primary,secondary ,university and college students together with their teachers and invigilators.Majority of the Kenyan Citizenry have left this affair to be merely an educational discourse. That is a sad factor indeed!While the events to an ordinary Kenyan may just be normal, usual or boring,on the other hand to a tourist it can be fascinating, intriguing and even attractive.

While embracing modernity and taking into consideration that the world has become a global village.It has become necessary that we harness such events,identify their potential, weaknesses, threats and strengths and then enhance and explore this strengths.The Music festial is certainly one such strength we need to exploit to showcase our beautiful culture!

It would be readily welcome if the Kenyan Tourism Board ,the Ministry of Education,stakeholders in the tourism industry and the Ministry of Culture, heritage and home affairs could take ample advantage of the music festivals and market this as a tourism event. The money generated could also be used to enhance the appeal, management and conduct of the Kenya Music Festivals so as to even attract and appeal to the common mwananchi.At the same time this can create an intense love of Kenya and its heritage among the tourists who attend this annual event.

Futhermore the money generated could be used to award scholarships to the winners enabling them pursue their talents and interests in this arena.Create a future and a source of income that can be marketed abroad. We need to see more upcoming groups and talents reminiscent of Muungano Choir, Jabali Africa,Kayamba Africa ...et cetera.The festivals need to embrace the ambit of not only entertaining but also empowering the locals!

The spill over effects of such aggresive marketing to the locals,taxi drivers, hotels and tourism resorts, craft sellers,foreign exchange earnings would definately be immense.I t is increasingly evident that promotion of cultural tourism in africa has taken a dynamic angle with more and more inputs being directed to this area.Some of the events and festivals being massively promoted include the Reed dance in Swaziland(raking in massive foreign exchange)the Ashanti Kente Festival in Ghana,the festival in the desert in Timbuktu Mali and the Sauti Ya Busara festival in stonetown Zanzibar. The Kenya National Music festival should as a matter of extreme urgency join this ranks.

To make a wider appeal the organising secretariat should fast track the attempts to make the music festivals not only a regional festival but an international event!It would also be highly desirable that the management of this event also focus on embracing the benefits of internet advertising and or make live intenet feeds of such events for consumption of the international market particurlaly those Kenyans out there who are proud of their cultural heritage and seek to show this to their friends. Infact the winners gala should be digitized and sold as DVD pack to the already willing and eager market.

We have alot of cultural capital which is under utilised and unexploited as it necessarily should be.The Government and Kenya Tourism Board should take a cue from the Swazi,s who have capitalised on their reed dance and in the consequence attracted international attention and generated a lot of tourism and foreign exchange for their country.The Music festivals are not just a school event they are our highly precious natural heritage. Let us be proud to enhance and cultivate it's international appeal!

12 September, 2007

A Kenyan Blog Carnival !

Blogs are powerful tools for communicating on almost all aspects of life.
More and more Africans are joining up the intenet bandwagon to blog on areas
that concern their daily lives from politics,to social affairs,hobbies, interests etc.
While this is laudable much more must be done to capture the diversity that permeates the
African diaspora.

While more and more africans continue to embrace the use of the internet,emphasis
needs to be placed on encouraging people to blog on their social issues and
topics of utmost concern to the African people.I would sincerely appreciate
more blogs focusing on the demerits and evils being perpetuated by outlandish
cultural practises such as female genital mutilation as practised among various
Kenyan Indigenous communities such as the Ameru, Abagusii, Somali,Rendile etc.
It would also be much appreciated if we can have more and more blogs detailing the
perpetrators of ethnic animosity, political hatred or sharing information and intelligence
on such heinous deeds.

Certainly im yet to read on a blog espousing the benefits of traditional medicine, food etc of the Kenyan people.Perhaps i am naive on this issue but even a perusal of the posts on the Kenyan Webring or using search engines specifically for blogs onsuch issues yields not much results.

Itis estimated that there are 10 million bloggers earthwide with more joining each second as it counts.This is indeed alot of web space that we need to scramble for and partition.Ironically when the colonialists came to Africa, they did not hesitate to grab and partition to themselves our land.We now have an opportunity to maximise on the 'land' that the internet has created so that weare not left behind in this modern phenomena.
Coming closer back home to Nairobi,Kenya one can state with certainty that
we are yet to embrace the potential benefits that blogging can generate to businesses, organisations,political parties,banks et cetera.We have few pundits willing to comment on issues that the mainstream media views against their 'strategic interests'.This in itself curtails many rights and freedoms tht should be embraced.It is with such background that i propose the development not only of a webring but a blog carnival for the Kenyan people.

A blog carnival is basically a post with links narrowed down to a particular topic, such as fashion, traditional food, cars, herbs,politics etc.I would love to post articles on river wood, Gikomba market,Kiondo Basket, Jua Kali Industry, Need for toilets in South Nyanza,Poverty eradication in Kenya, Youth employment .With a blog carnival people basically post blogs on a specific topicthat has been highlighted by the carnival.The net effect is that the different bloggers with a shared interest then get to raed each others items,share ideas, etc.The main purpose for blogging is for ones blogs to be read;to generate aiudience and thus use of blog carnivals should be embraced especially in Kenya.

11 September, 2007

Get it @ !

Im sure many Nairobians would like to know places where they can obtain certain gisty stuff at affordable prices.Perhaps at one point or time you may have visited your neighbor, friends or relatives and noticed an item/s that captured your attention and you desired it so badly!You may have wondered where did they get it from

.Mhhh...that has prompted me to begin this thread where we can share information on where to get certain stuff at a price to kill for!

  1. Looking for cheap wall paper and borders in Nairobi? Try Town Centre (for the widest variety)at Capital Centre(Uchumi) ,Mombasa road, or Tile and Carpet Centre,

10 September, 2007

Kenyan Clergy & Politics:An interdict!

On Saturday the 8th of September, 2007 members of clergy from different denominations met together for the purpose of praying for peace during the forth coming elections.We might say that was indeed noble of them and chasticize those who failed to attend.

But on the strength of Gods word consider the following:
  1. 2 Cor 6:14-18, in light of the difference in faith is it possible for those who share different faiths,pray to different gods in one breathe and vain obtain the Almighty's backing?hardly atleast not in light of this scripture.1 cor 10:18-22 chasticizes such kind of behaviour as not all the faiths are drinking from the same cup.
  2. It is no lie that time and again the pulpit has been used to forment violence, fundamentalism, hatred,apathy for members of other race and denominations, will one act of coming together on the premise of national day of prayer cover up over such issues : Isaiah 1:15 answers that.
  3. Majority of the prayers on that day are repetitious,mechanical,type written thought and insincere, Jesus answers them on that regard in Mathew 6:7 &8.A meaningful prayer emanates from the heart and the venue is not necessarily the issue but an environment where one can have maximum ,undisturbed and undettered communication with the Creator is what counts.Christ even recommends a closed room rather than hypocritical public prayers.

After the prayer sessions the clergy had an opportunity to lunch and dine with the head of state, nothing is really wrong with that except the comment by one clergy man that you cannot separate the Kingdom of God from kingships of this world,what a fallacy against Christs command in John17:6 that his followers are no part of this world including its political empireship and that"his kingdom is no part of this world" in John 18:36, futhermore in Dan2:44 this Kingdom will put an end to worldly rulerships.We pray for Gods kingdom to come and put an end to where human rulerships have failed.It is ironical to place our trust again to them remember "It is when they are saying peace! peace! that sudden destruction is to come upon them(1 thess 5:3)

Nairobians Caveat emptor!Politics and Religion are strange bedfellows.Its like mixing water and wine!

07 September, 2007

Kenyan MP's winding up allowance!

Its Definately immoral and unsustainable for Kenya MP's to award themselves no less than 1.5 million as winding up allowance upon the end of their current tenure!There are so many Kenyans who work hard and toil for years on end who never get to see such kind of money!

Shame! Shame! to the bunch of thieves who have no moral mandate to steer this country to economic recovery!

06 September, 2007

Na Ni Kweli !

There's so much euphoria and uncertainty in the same breath with regards to the Kenyan Political scenario (ODM,ODM-K,NARC NARC-KENYA etc).At best i remain neutral and solemnly advice Kenyans:SAME SCRIPT;DIFFERENT CASTS ! whether there is change of guard or not! what we will get is imperfect humans with their imperfect flaws trying to sort out what is beyond them!Dont get dissapointed or despair, its beyond you too!

Siku Moja Tu! Kutakuwa na mabadiliko kamili!!!!!

05 September, 2007

Bei ya Kupata Stima imepunguka

Kulingana na waziri wa Kawi,bei ya kupata stima itapungua kwa asili mia hamsini.In essence it will now cost half the usual amount to get power connection in Kenya.The minister for Energy Mr Kiraitu Murungi announced yesterday that those desiring power connection will have an option to pay the reduced standing charge in instalments!This is aready and welcoming development though i have a bone to pick with the current leadership at the statutory body charged with power supply.

My folks live at Merisho, Ongata Rongai in a farm they bought in year 2000.Suprisingly the residents of that area had paid for power connection as agroup in the year 1989,yet until date majority have not yet had power connection.For people living less than 26 kilometres from the city centre to be without power is absurd.

Kenya Power the ball is in your court.Prove yourselves worthy!

Life is A blur!

When i first stepped into Law school in late 1999, i had great visions and prospects. As i sit down almost a decade later i certainly do acknowledge- life is a blurr!You may not certainly realise what you desire due to inequities,imbalances and shifting circumstances that are characteristic of this fast changing 21st Century.

Yet,for those of us who are not faint of heart we must soldier on unbridled by anything that may stiffle our self realisation and fulfillment.Our hearts should be full of verve as we strive and NAIROBI here we come!